
The truth is any relationship that is truly special is worth trying to salvage. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. <br><br>It doesn&#39;t matter if you&#39;ve already broken up and things seem like a lost cause. When it hurts as bad as I&#39;m guessing it&#39;s hurting you right now, know that the pain you&#39;re feeling is your <br><br>heart telling you that what you had was special and you don&#39;t want to lose it. But guess what: if you give up now or make all the wrong choices while trying to save it, you will lose your ex forever.<br><br>This book has been written to help make sure that doesn&#39;t happen to you.


When we see Superman on TV and in the movies, he has it all together. The fact is, we&#39;re raised to be like Superman. We think we&#39;ve got it under control, we can handle it, and we&#39;re in charge. The secret is, there&#39;s a lot of bleeding going on inside. There&#39;s a lot of us that are hurting and there&#39;s a lot of stuff for which we don&#39;t have answers. <br><br>What is it that really makes you a man? Our culture has a lot of ideas. Now, all of a sudden, relationships are more confusing and the expectations of men are more confusing than they&#39;ve ever been.<br><br>Being a powerful man is not about conquering the world; it&#39;s about conquering you and the monsters inside you. You must conquer six key areas of your life: your mouth, your passions, coldness towards others, hardness, neglect, and selfishness. We all have areas of our lives that need to be conquered. Conquer yours and discover extreme manhood today!


A child, who is called The Mime Child, is born to a hearing-impaired Mother and learns how much the silence of her deafness impacted his life. While they both initially think of each other as impaired, their journey through life helps them realize that they were both really enhanced beings and not impaired. The story is told through the eyes of the Mime Child who suffers with embarrassment at his Mother&#39;s hearing-impairment and becomes a mime not realizing that this was a gift his Mother bestowed upon him. His Mother&#39;s death causes him to have an epiphany in which he sees the true meaning of his Mother&#39;s impact on him: to make him a greater communicator.


Raising Healthy Children and Teenagers is one of the most important things that we will ever do in life. How they turn out, how life goes for them, whether they experience joy and happiness because of their inner strength and resources, or struggle with life because of inadequate coping skills is largely in our hands. In this book we discuss three main areas that are crucial to raising healthy children: how you treat your children, what you expose your children to, and what you model for them. These three areas directly affect the overall well-being, behavior, and mental health of your children as well as pave the way for their future relationships. Learn how to build a healthy relationship with your children and how to limit their exposure to negative influences. Learn how your everyday actions impact your children and how to create change that will help you raise happy and healthy children and teens.


In this book Dr. Robert Puff and Elizabeth Cappelletti LMFT will share with you the secrets to a happy and successful relationship, the steps it takes to find one, and what you need to now about maintaining such a relationship. Learn how your past effects your present and how important self-care is in any relationship. In our society we often have our priorities mixed up by placing our jobs above all else. Dr. Puff and Cappelletti discuss just how damaging this can be both to an individual and his/her relationship and family. You have the ability with-in you to have the life and love you&#39;ve always wanted, now you can learn how to make that happen!


12 Chapters Providing Tips For Empowered Parenting: <br><br>Planting The Seeds For A Secure Future<br><br>What does Family mean to You?<br>What do you want for you and your Family?<br>Are you clear on your Family Values?<br><br>For these answers and more, I encourage you to read on.


Journey through Faith is a collection of poetry written during the period of the author&#39;s adolescence through young adulthood. It is based on non-fiction, which depicts real life circumstances of the struggles that many people experience during the course of life. The collection of poetry includes poems which reflect expressions of love, peace and hope and the author&#39;s spiritual connection with God.


An award-winning collection of ideas for the thoughtful parent that inspires creativity, deepens connections, and sets the stage for more family fun &ndash; a great gift for any parent.


Weddings are wonderful. Every little girl dreams about the day she will become a bride. When that day finally comes, it can be magical! Marriages rarely reflect the idealism of the big wedding day. After the honeymoon, reality shows us that a marriage can be hard work.<br><br>Many of us are ready for a breath of hope in our marriage relationship. How can we make the rest of our years, the best of our years? How can we truly be &quot;happy&quot; in this unique, lifetime relationship? For many wives, the dream of being married to a &quot;happy husband&quot; seems unreachable. But what if? What if a wife had the ability to help her husband truly be happy?<br><br>There is a unique role that wives play in the process of building a happy marriage.<br><br>You can begin today to help your husband feel respected, appreciated, and happy. In the e-book, &quot;How to be the Wife of a Happy Husband,&quot; you&#39;ll discover the five priceless qualities of the wife of a happy husband and practical insights for any woman wanting a thriving marriage.


Whether you&#39;re dealing with the &#39;Terrible Two&#39;s&#39; or a &#39;Troubled Teenager&#39;, this easy-to-read book will help transform your relationship with your kids . . . and everyone else in the family for that matter!<br><br>Written for parents who want to be even better than they already are, this book will enable you to recognise unconscious patterns of advice&acirc;?&lsquo;giving and telling that may not be the best response for your kids; helping you to learn when and how to use questions that lead to positive change in your child&#39;s behaviour, resulting in them thinking and acting in a completely different way.<br><br>Comments from Parents who have used the Better Questions technique:<br><br>&quot;I no longer had to tell a tearful child what to do all of the time!&quot; &ndash; Age: 5 yrs<br><br>&quot;My relationship with my teenage daughter was transformed by using Better Questions.&quot; &ndash; Age: 18 yrs<br><br>&quot;I was calm and happy and my daughter was excited that her friend was coming over to stay &ndash; a sleepover success story that was driven by Mum staying calm and asking a Better Question!&quot; &ndash; Age: 10 yrs<br><br>&quot;The conversation finished up with my daughter thanking me for my help and stating that she felt really clear and confident about what she now needed to do. I am delighted!&quot; &ndash; Age: 16 yrs<br><br>&quot;Now I always think twice about what is the best approach to take and I have realised that asking can also be a very powerful way for my son to learn&quot; &ndash; Age: 6 yrs<br><br>Start reading today and learn how to ask Better Questions, become a Better Parent and be amazed at the results (and bring<br>harmony to your household!).<br><br>Join the Parenting Revolution, become a Potentialiser and bring out the Amazingness in your kids!<br><br>POTENTIALISER &ndash; po&Acirc;&#183;ten&Acirc;&#183;ti&Acirc;&#183;a&Acirc;&#183;li&Acirc;&#183;ser<br>Meaning: Releaser of amazingness in others