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Секс и семейная психология
Различные книги в жанре Секс и семейная психология, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Stijn en Carmen het alles – hulle is jonk, ryk, mooi, vervuld in loopbaan en liefde en het ‘n pragtige jong dogtertjie. As yuppies in kosmopolitiese Amsterdam is die wêreld hul speelplek. Dan kry Carmen kanker. Terwyl sy optimisties die chemoterapie en bestraling ondergaan, ontvlug Stijn deur affairs en partytjies. Maar net om ook te staan te kom voor die finale eise van die lewe en die liefde.
Отношения с ценными людьми. 11 книг для практики в одной - Smart Reading
Smart Reading. Ценные идеи из лучших книгАннотация
Почему больше половины браков распадается, а общение с детьми так часто превращается в тяжелый труд? Гери Чепмен сказал, что отношения часто портятся из-за того, что люди говорят на разных языках. На разных языках любви.
Этот сборник – кладезь практической информации из самых лучших книг о любви и взаимопонимании в близком круге. В него вошли 11 саммари ценнейших (известных и свежих) книг о человеческих отношениях – от Керри Паттерсона и его «Трудных диалогов» до «Пяти языков любви» Гери Чепмена и «Тайной опоры» Людмилы Петрановской.
Что делать, если вам, вашим близким, подругам или коллегам прямо или косвенно пришлось столкнуться с домашним насилием? В ваших руках – мощный инструмент противодействия абьюзу, жизненно необходимое практическое руководство. Автор книги, журналистка Диана Садреева, в течение полутора лет общалась с жертвами домашнего насилия, правозащитниками, активистами движения за права женщин и сотрудниками фондов помощи, изучила огромный массив юридических документов, чтобы помочь людям осознать, что такое домашнее насилие, в чем его опасность и как найти в себе силы прервать разрушительные отношения, даже если это кажется невозможным. В основу книги легли 50 интервью автора с жертвами домашнего насилия. Вы узнаете, какие есть пути выхода из сложившейся ситуации, как правильно подготовиться к решению проблемы, какие шаги предпринять. Вы получите информацию о фондах поддержки, о взаимодействии с официальными органами власти и о том, как изменить существующее положение раз и навсегда. Диана Садреева лично озвучила свою книгу.
The Wife Led Marriage is written for the married man who desires a female led relationship in their marriage. This a departure from the writings of a dominatrix type of author and dives into the world of supporting the husband wanting this relationship. The author provides the mental framework and some practical «how to» considerations to begin the transition into a female led relationship. Chances are your wife will not become a dominatrix, however, she may enjoy being empowered in the relationship and you may enjoying serving her willingly. This book leaves all the BDSM and fantasies to the side and dives into creating a loving wife led marriage. If you are a married man, this book will support you on your journey and specifically how to break the ice and start the conversation with your wife on her taking more leadership in the marriage.
Pregnancy is designed to strip away the old you (hence, why it can be so uncomfortable, painful, and even miserable). It is the stripping away of all that you once were. Bringing forth life is the moment that ignites all that you are capable of becoming. And motherhood is the one thing that fills you up with all that you are, all that you were created to be, and all that you were destined to accomplish.
It is a real life story of a family break up after 37 years and now 39 years of their marriage. Their daughter will be 39 years old and a musician son 35 years old married to a Mexican Flautist. Family disintegrated under its own weight after many years of staying together. Husband had no residence of his own except his job as a consultant at 65 years of age and now will turn 67 years. Life is uncertain and anything can happen to us at any time either good or bad. Accepting what it's Howsoever bad is a difficult task. Husband still loves his wife and his children who have totally cut off from him. Grief turns to sadness and anger and later on you try to salvage whatever remains and gain a new found freedom by understanding your own self and the surroundings around you.
Drawing on his background as a competitive Indiana basketball player and an irrepressible love of the game, the author describes experiences in coaching his three daughters’ grade-school basketball teams in Los Gatos, California. Coach Charlie unabashedly recounts how he overcomes his Overly Competitive Coaching Disorder (OCCD) to become a better coach and mentor—and parent.Charlie illustrates his learning process with often-hilarious anecdotes of practices, timeouts and motivational speeches. Prospective grade-school coaches will benefit from his insight, solid coaching theory and practical drills. Recounted with humility and humor, Reflections is a memoir, cautionary tale and coaching manual, clearly focused on the appreciation and benefit of young girl hoops players. A good read for coaches, sports league officials, teachers, sports fans and parents."In the movie Hoosiers, Coach Norman Dale says, 'there's more to the game than shooting.' Charlie Duncheon's passion for basketball is evident from the first page. This Native Hoosier captures the valuable life lessons and simple elegance found in the game we cherish in Indiana." – The Honorable Mike Pence, US Congressman 6th district of Indiana"Having been a college coach and coach of my own children's teams, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Reflections. Charlie's book is both touching and hilarious! I can't wait for the movie!" – Liz Jarnigan, Associate Athletics Director/SWA San Jose State UniversityFor more reviews go to: www.charlieduncheon.posterous.com
The author is a recently divorced mother of two college-aged young adults, a product of New York City's public school experimental educational programs, a double Ivy graduate (Dartmouth College and Brown University), an aspiring author, a «green» artist and a lover of anything pertaining to the late great Octavia Butler. Additionally, she is a practicing obstetrician & gynecologist who has been at it for over 20 years! That being said, she is no stranger to stress. Dr. Bagley adopted the following leitmotif: Make lemonade from lemons! She has become quite proficient in the production process and invites others to follow along. This philosophy is so relevant in these more than lean times when trained professional's couches have shrunken rendering them both uncomfortable and expensive because of what's deemed «allowable» and deductible by insurance companies. Dr Bagley offers this WORD and at times, crafts on etsy.com under CaLorBa & Company Designs as exhibits "A" and "B" as indisputable proof that she's been a busy bee squeezing those yellow sun-ripened fruit, adding honey… you know the rest… During life's dark moments even getting a glimpse at dawn's light seems impossible, she challenge people to create their own light. God has gifted everyone unique talents. The test/challenge is to delve within for discovery. Afterwards, the courage to bring what is found to the surface is paramount regardless of naysayers. These creative therapies are considered «bucket list» projects for Dr Bagley. She didn't even have a name for it until renting a same titled movie. The revelation came: don't wait for senescence, another world war; alien planetary invasion or a terrible medical malady with an impending ominous prognosis to get started. We hope you will enjoy one or two tall drinks of Dr Bagley's home brewed one-of-a-kind lemonade.
Sara Borczuk Applebaum was born in Kyrgyzstan in 1942. She was one of countless children displaced by war, who eventually found her way to America with her family.After a long career in education and retiring from her position as a school principal, she became intensely interested in genealogical research. Her first published work, in 2010, was «LOST AND FOUND, A Family Memoir».This story is a novel of suspense and adventure and family love, a search through the cobwebs of memory to uncover dark and deadly secrets that have haunted a «Survivor» her whole life long.