
Making fun & imaginative wooden toys on the scroll saw is child’s play with this book! Author Erin Freuchtel-Dearing, a stay-at-home mom who taught herself to make toys without any prior woodworking experience, shows how to make 75 simple and charming wooden toys using just a scroll saw and a few simple tools. Her toys are so easy to make that your children can help to create and decorate them too.


The all time favorite animal projects from the archives of Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts. 28 Favorite Projects and Patterns.


Unique, heirloom quality chess set designs that will inspire collectors, players, scrollers and woodworkers to craft and display these beautiful works of art.


The first step into a new craft can be overwhelming: Where to start? What tools to buy? What projects to begin with? Thanks to author and internationally acclaimed woodcarver Chris Pye, this guide is filled with everything a beginning woodcarver needs to know.
Chris Pye's Woodcarving Course & Reference Manual is akin to having a one-on-one course with a master carver. You'll learn what to look for in a workbench, the importance of commissioning your carving tools-there's more to it than just sharpening!-and how to make exacting cuts and execute a variety of techniques. Like any good instructor, Pye includes practice exercises to make you comfortable with the tools and techniques so you can build your skills and carve with confidence.
Pye's conversational teaching style will encourage you as you follow the step-by-step instructions and work on a number of motifs, as well as projects for low, high, and pierced relief, and in-the-round.
With the help of Chris Pye, you'll learn to carve: – Four types of molding – A beautiful koi project in three levels of relief carving – A realistic baseball cap in-the-round – A charming wren in-the-round



Gambling has been a practice central to many cultures throughout history. In Dice, Cards, Wheels , Thomas M. Kavanagh scrutinizes the changing face of the gambler in France over a period of eight centuries, using gambling and its representations in literature as a lens through which to observe French culture. Kavanagh argues that the way people gamble tells us something otherwise unrecognized about the values, conflicts, and cultures that define a period or class. To gamble is to enter a world traced out by the rules and protocols of the game the gambler plays. That world may be an alternative to the established order, but the shape and structure of the game reveal indirectly hidden tensions, fears, and prohibitions. Drawing on literature from the Middle Ages to the present, Kavanagh reconstructs the figure of the gambler and his evolving personae. He examines, among other examples, Bodel's dicing in a twelfth-century tavern for the conversion of the Muslim world; Pascal's post-Reformation redefinition of salvation as the gambler's prize; the aristocratic libertine's celebration of the bluff; and Balzac's, Barbey d'Aurevilly's, and Bourget's nineteenth-century revisions of the gambler. Dice, Cards, Wheels embraces the tremendous breadth of French history and emerges as a broad-ranging study of the different forms of gambling, from the dice games of the Middle Ages to the digital slot machines of the twenty-first century, and what those games tell us about French culture and history.


In a fast-paced and noisy world that makes your head spin, the classic craft of whittling is the perfect antidote. It makes you slow down, take a breath, and live in the moment. Your hands are crafting instead of typing or texting. Best of all, whittling is simple to learn, lasts a lifetime, and requires only a simple knife. It’s no wonder it’s become more popular over recent years. No longer something only old men do, whittling has reached parents spending time with kids, techies taking a break from computer screens, and anyone who enjoys being outdoors. In Classic Whittling, author Rick Wiebe – a whittler for more than 60 years – provides the fundamentals for anyone looking to slow down and learn this classic craft. Classic Whittling begins with the basics of a good knife and how to keep it sharp. Wiebe then covers the best woods to use, ranging from sticks to blocks of wood, along with the basic techniques that will get you started. After that, there’s no limit to what you can do. Projects start out with toys, a whistle, and “treens” – simple forks, spoons, and other utensils used while camping. From there, it’s on to the more challenging projects: the chain, the interlinking hearts, the ball-in-a-cage, the sphere-within-a-sphere and several other classics. This handy and fun guide covers them all step-by-step. By the end of Classic Whittling, your knife will become a magic wand that turns firewood into fun, fascinates your family and friends, and lowers your blood pressure.


The centuries-old craft of marquetry will add richness and beauty to all of your creative woodworking projects—and mastering marquetry is easier than you think! Veneer is easy to work with, doesn’t require a lot of equipment or space, and allows a woodworker or crafter to create or embellish a project with rare woods at an inexpensive price. Basic Marquetry and Beyond is for today’s active hands and creative minds ready to discover just how easy this classic technique can be, no matter what your skill level.
With 40 projects, from a simple set of bookmarks to a challenging cone-shaped bowl, Basic Marquetry and Beyond will help any beginner quickly feel like a pro, while experts will learn valuable new marquetry tricks. Every step is clearly explained, while more than 250 images, easy-to-follow patterns, and veneer recommendations take the guesswork out of marquetry technique. Basic Marquetry and Beyond is a must-have guide for everyone who wants to create beautiful original projects or embellish their woodworking with stunning handcrafted style.


One of the signature projects whittlers enjoy working on is the whistle, and this book addresses each and every detail of successful whistle making. With a pocket knife and some readily available materials, most of which can be gathered from nature, beginning carvers will produce fun and attractive whistles that they can show off to their friends. Designed to be understandable to both younger readers and adult beginners, the book features numerous full-color instructional photos for each project and provides a strong emphasis on safety and tool care. Featured projects include the classic slip bark whistle, tube whistles, a kazoo, a vuvuzuela, and reed whistles.


Everything a woodturner needs to know about using and implementing the exciting new technology of replaceable carbide cutting tips is included in this guide. Woodturning tools have taken a quantum leap since the recent introduction of these tips that have greatly simplified the task of turning in dry stock. Carbide-tipped woodturning tools are safer, faster, easier, and more efficient than traditional tools that require grinding the end of a piece of fluted steel to one of dozens of subjective profiles. The technology of the carbide cutters is fully explained, as are the various shafts and the function of the handle designs, providing insight into how and why these cutters act as they do, and why they are shaped as they are. Removing the intimidating aspects of turning, the guide explains the elimination of sharpening, addresses the issues of chatter and fatigue, and advises on maintenance, techniques, and usage. A number of projects are included–such as a candlestick, spinning tops, and a basic bowl–that can be completed right away by novice turners, rather than waiting for years to gain enough experience to do the same job with traditional tools.