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First published in 1395, Julian of Norwich’s “Revelations of Divine Love” is a classic and important work of Christian mysticism, and the first book in English written by a woman. It is an account of her sixteen divine and mystical visions and her meditations on them, which she experienced after being struck by a serious illness at age 30 in 1373. Notable also for being written in plain Middle English, rather than the more common Latin for religious texts of the time, Julian of Norwich puts forth her ideas for divine love and beauty. Reflecting upon her illness and the visions she experienced, she believes she received three gifts from God: an understanding of the passion and love of Christ, an understanding of the importance of her own suffering, and the gift of greater piety and reverence as a result of her illness. Julian of Norwich found indescribable beauty even in the smallest of objects and insisted that God loved and cared for each of His creations. Written at a time of immeasurable loss and upheaval as a result of the Black Plague, “Revelations of Divine Love” is an important and beautiful historical work of Christian theology.
J. C. Ryle was an acclaimed 19th century English Anglican bishop, prolific author, and first bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was beloved by many all over the world for his kind manner of preaching and his many works are full of his welcoming and affectionate tone. Ryle’s message of faithfulness and love was meant for everyone, both those who have been practicing their faith for decades and those new to religion, regardless of their age or social class. His straightforward and caring style was widely credited with bringing a renewed sense of spirituality to the working classes of England. First published in 1888, “The Duties of Parents” is Ryle’s enduringly popular and useful guide for parents to help them introduce their children to Christ. Organized around seventeen simple and profound responsibilities that Christian parents have to their children, Ryle shows parents how to guide their children’s faith through actions, words, and examples and how to use love, the most important part of the parent-child relationship, to shape the future of the next generation. Over a century after it was first published, “The Duties of Parents” remains an encouraging and practical guide for every loving parent hoping to raise devout and responsible children.
“The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena”, sometime referred to as “The Dialogue of Divine Providence”, is a series of spiritual treatises by 14th century mystic and political activist Saint Catherine de Siena. Born in 1347 in the city of Siena in Tuscany, Italy, Catherine was well-known for her mystical visions and developed a close and influential relationship with Pope Gregory XI, an unusual accomplishment for a woman of her time. Her most lasting legacies are her “Dialogue” and her surviving letters, which are considered some of the most important works of early Tuscan and Italian literature. It is widely believed the treatises that compose the “Dialogue” were dictated by Catherine while she was experiencing ecstatic mystical visions and contain the wisdom and revelations given to her by God. Catherine instructs the faithful in how to have a more personal and rewarding relationship to God, how to give oneself fully over to prayer and devotion, and how difficulties and suffering in life can be transformed into something positive and beautiful through faith and God’s love. Saint Catherine of Siena’s insights remain pertinent and instructive centuries after they were first published and endure as a timeless classic of Christian spiritual literature.
An in-depth exploration of how secular aspects of religious belief can interact with philosophy, psychotherapy, art, and architecture to enrich our modern lifestyle. Acknowledges the growth of atheism juxtaposed with people’s need for a spiritual dimension to their lives. Offers suggestions and guidance on incorporating simple religious rituals into our everyday lives to offer comfort and solace. Part of a series of giftable essays from The School of Life. Titles include: What is Psychotherapy?; How to Find Love; Self-Knowledge. Beautifully produced, premium gift format.
This is the tenth anniversary edition of a Pilgrim Press favorite. Jesus and Those Bodacious Women is well known for its new spins on the stories of biblical women such as Mary Magdalene, the Bent-over Woman, Queen Esther, and Mary, among others. The tenth anniversary edition contains spins on the stories of five additional biblical women: Vashti, Jezebel, Cozbi (the prostitute in the Book of Numbers), Dorcas, and Lydia.
this book provides a meditation method which is well known and practiced by muslims: the recitation of «Asma Ul Husna». Asma Ul Husna describes Allahs 99 names and its effects to human. When reciting regularly the body and soul will be in a balance, physical and mental diseases, e.g. anxiety or stress and negative thoughts will disappear. the meditation of Asma Ul Husna has curative effects to our lives to the body and soul.
Dieses Buch ist für alle, die spüren, dass das Leben noch mehr zu bieten haben muss. Es ist für jene, die sich nach Lebendigkeit sehnen, nach Abenteuern, Liebe und Leidenschaft. Es ermutigt, dich aus der Gefangenschaft deiner Ängste zu befreien und aus dem Herzen heraus zu leben, denn nur so wirst du wahre Erfüllung finden.
Das Buch enthält 58 inspirierende Texte, die direkt aus meinem Herzen kommen – damit sie deines berühren und dich daran erinnern, zu leben, zu lieben und zu sein. Denn darum bist du hier.
Oder nicht?
Das Buch enthält 58 inspirierende Texte, die direkt aus meinem Herzen kommen – damit sie deines berühren und dich daran erinnern, zu leben, zu lieben und zu sein. Denn darum bist du hier.
Oder nicht?
Эта книга является проводником между знанием и обществом, чье никогда, если бы не это неслучайное обстоятельство – не сыскало более высокий и расширенный взгляд на жизнь. Рекомендуемая к чтению на правах как есть от наличия особых элементов, крадущих ваше внимание – ввиду его отсутствия.
The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition contains The Urantia Book , a comprehensive index, a glossary of terminology, and a pronunciation guide. These tools help students not merely read the book, but actually study the book. If you are new to The Urantia Book , you have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life. If you are a seeker who requires answers, read The Urantia Book! This book portrays our relationship with God the Father. All human beings are the sons and daughters of a loving God and therefore brothers and sisters in the family of God. The book provides access to spiritual truths and a pathway to a personal relationship with God. People worldwide proclaim that reading The Urantia Book has profoundly inspired them to reach deeper levels of spiritual growth, given new meaning to their lives, and motivated them to be of service to humanity.
Poems of a Christian Cowgirl is a collection of poems written for people who enjoy the cowboy way of life and want to feel a closer connection with God. Containing stories and experiences, as well as beliefs and views on life, Poems of a Christian Cowgirl taps into your emotions and speaks to your soul in a rustic Western elegance of someone who knows this life and the hardships Christians and cowboys face in the modern era.