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The next enterprise computing era will rely on the synergy between both technologies: semantic web and model-driven software development (MDSD). The semantic web organizes system knowledge in conceptual domains according to its meaning. It addresses various enterprise computing needs by identifying, abstracting and rationalizing commonalities, and checking for inconsistencies across system specifications. On the other side, model-driven software development is closing the gap among business requirements, designs and executables by using domain-specific languages with custom-built syntax and semantics. It focuses on using modeling languages as programming languages. Among many areas of application, we highlight the area of configuration management. Consider the example of a telecommunication company, where managing the multiple configurations of network devices (routers, hubs, modems, etc.) is crucial. Enterprise systems identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of network devices, and control changes to those characteristics. Applying the integration of semantic web and model-driven software development allows for (1) explicitly specifying configurations of network devices with tailor-made languages, (2) for checking the consistency of these specifications (3) for defining a vocabulary to share device specifications across enterprise systems. By managing configurations with consistent and explicit concepts, we reduce cost and risk, and enhance agility in response to new requirements in the telecommunication area. This book examines the synergy between semantic web and model-driven software development. It brings together advances from disciplines like ontologies, description logics, domain-specific modeling, model transformation and ontology engineering to take enterprise computing to the next level.
Broad in scope, involving theory, the application of that theory, and programming technology, compiler construction is a moving target, with constant advances in compiler technology taking place. Today, a renewed focus on do-it-yourself programming makes a quality textbook on compilers, that both students and instructors will enjoy using, of even more vital importance. This book covers every topic essential to learning compilers from the ground up and is accompanied by a powerful and flexible software package for evaluating projects, as well as several tutorials, well-defined projects, and test cases.
A unique, hands-on guide to interactive modeling and simulation of engineering systems This book describes advanced, cutting-edge techniques for dynamic system simulation using the DESIRE modeling/simulation software package. It offers detailed guidance on how to implement the software, providing scientists and engineers with powerful tools for creating simulation scenarios and experiments for such dynamic systems as aerospace vehicles, control systems, or biological systems. Along with two new chapters on neural networks, Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition revamps and updates all the material, clarifying explanations and adding many new examples. A bundled CD contains an industrial-strength version of OPEN DESIRE as well as hundreds of program examples that readers can use in their own experiments. The only book on the market to demonstrate model replication and Monte Carlo simulation of real-world engineering systems, this volume: Presents a newly revised systematic procedure for difference-equation modeling Covers runtime vector compilation for fast model replication on a personal computer Discusses parameter-influence studies, introducing very fast vectorized statistics computation Highlights Monte Carlo studies of the effects of noise and manufacturing tolerances for control-system modeling Demonstrates fast, compact vector models of neural networks for control engineering Features vectorized programs for fuzzy-set controllers, partial differential equations, and agro-ecological modeling Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition is a truly useful resource for researchers and design engineers in control and aerospace engineering, ecology, and agricultural planning. It is also an excellent guide for students using DESIRE.
Welcome to HTML5 – the future of the Web HTML5 is packed with great new features, including new content-specific elements, audio and video playback, canvas for drawing, and many others. But where to begin? With Smashing HTML5, you have everything you need to get up and running quickly. Bill Sanders is a professional Web developer, information and interface designer, and instructor. His expertise and knowledge shared throughout Smashing HTML5 will help fast-track you toward building next-generation Web sites. Smashing HTML5 provides comprehensive coverage – from how to get started with HTML5 to optimizing media on the Web. You will learn how to use text, graphics, audio, video, and navigation in HTML5 Web pages running in compatible browsers. You will also learn how to: Work with HTML5 tags Design page structure Make site navigation easy for your audience Integrate media including video into HTML5 pages Harness the power of the HTML5 canvas Use HTML 5 forms Create interactivity, store information, and much more Smashing HTML5 is an essential read for Web designers and developers looking to transition to HTML5. With this book, you'll be able to create Web pages that not only look great, but also take advantage of the new features HTML5 has to offer.
Most of the software measures currently proposed to the industry bring few real benefits to either software managers or developers. This book looks at the classical metrology concepts from science and engineering, using them as criteria to propose an approach to analyze the design of current software measures and then design new software measures (illustrated with the design of a software measure that has been adopted as an ISO measurement standard). The book includes several case studies analyzing strengths and weaknesses of some of the software measures most often quoted. It is meant for software quality specialists and process improvement analysts and managers.
System Design for Telecommunication Gateways provides a thorough review of designing telecommunication network equipment based on the latest hardware designs and software methods available on the market. Focusing on high-end efficient designs that challenge all aspects of the system architecture, this book helps readers to understand a broader view of the system design, analyze all its most critical components, and select the parts that best fit a particular application. In many cases new technology trends, potential future developments, system flexibility and capability extensions are outlined in preparation for the longevity typical for products in the industry. Key features: Combines software and hardware aspects of the system design. Defines components and services supported by open-source and commercial basic and extended software platforms, including operating systems, middleware, security, routing, management layer and more. Focuses on disruptive technologies. Provides guidelines for developing software architectures based on multi-threaded, multi-process, multi-instance, multi-core, multi-chip, multi-blade and multi-chassis designs. Covers a number of advanced high-speed interconnect and fabric interface technologies and their commercial implementations. Presents different system form factors from compact pizza-box styles to medium and large bladed systems, including IBM BladeCenter, ATCA and microTCA-based chassis. Describes different mezzanine cards, such as PMC, PrPMC, XMC, AMC and others.
Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes. Theory and Signal Processing Applications - John Shynk J.
Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes is a comprehensive textbook on probability theory for engineers that provides a more rigorous mathematical framework than is usually encountered in undergraduate courses. It is intended for first-year graduate students who have some familiarity with probability and random variables, though not necessarily of random processes and systems that operate on random signals. It is also appropriate for advanced undergraduate students who have a strong mathematical background. The book has the following features: Several appendices include related material on integration, important inequalities and identities, frequency-domain transforms, and linear algebra. These topics have been included so that the book is relatively self-contained. One appendix contains an extensive summary of 33 random variables and their properties such as moments, characteristic functions, and entropy. Unlike most books on probability, numerous figures have been included to clarify and expand upon important points. Over 600 illustrations and MATLAB plots have been designed to reinforce the material and illustrate the various characterizations and properties of random quantities. Sufficient statistics are covered in detail, as is their connection to parameter estimation techniques. These include classical Bayesian estimation and several optimality criteria: mean-square error, mean-absolute error, maximum likelihood, method of moments, and least squares. The last four chapters provide an introduction to several topics usually studied in subsequent engineering courses: communication systems and information theory; optimal filtering (Wiener and Kalman); adaptive filtering (FIR and IIR); and antenna beamforming, channel equalization, and direction finding. This material is available electronically at the companion website. Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes is the only textbook on probability for engineers that includes relevant background material, provides extensive summaries of key results, and extends various statistical techniques to a range of applications in signal processing.
The existing literature currently available to students and researchers is very general, covering only the formal techniques of static analysis. This book presents real examples of the formal techniques called «abstract interpretation» currently being used in various industrial fields: railway, aeronautics, space, automotive, etc. The purpose of this book is to present students and researchers, in a single book, with the wealth of experience of people who are intrinsically involved in the realization and evaluation of software-based safety critical systems. As the authors are people currently working within the industry, the usual problems of confidentiality, which can occur with other books, is not an issue and so makes it possible to supply new useful information (photos, architectural plans, real examples).
This book assumes familiarity with threads (in a language such as Ada, C#, or Java) and introduces the entity-life modeling (ELM) design approach for certain kinds of multithreaded software. ELM focuses on «reactive systems,» which continuously interact with the problem environment. These «reactive systems» include embedded systems, as well as such interactive systems as cruise controllers and automated teller machines. Part I covers two fundamentals: program-language thread support and state diagramming. These are necessary for understanding ELM and are provided primarily for reference. Part II covers ELM from different angles. Part III positions ELM relative to other design approaches.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of 3D vision systems, from vision models and state-of-the-art algorithms to their hardware architectures for implementation on DSPs, FPGA and ASIC chips, and GPUs. It aims to fill the gaps between computer vision algorithms and real-time digital circuit implementations, especially with Verilog HDL design. The organization of this book is vision and hardware module directed, based on Verilog vision modules, 3D vision modules, parallel vision architectures, and Verilog designs for the stereo matching system with various parallel architectures. Provides Verilog vision simulators, tailored to the design and testing of general vision chips Bridges the differences between C/C++ and HDL to encompass both software realization and chip implementation; includes numerous examples that realize vision algorithms and general vision processing in HDL Unique in providing an organized and complete overview of how a real-time 3D vision system-on-chip can be designed Focuses on the digital VLSI aspects and implementation of digital signal processing tasks on hardware platforms such as ASICs and FPGAs for 3D vision systems, which have not been comprehensively covered in one single book Provides a timely view of the pervasive use of vision systems and the challenges of fusing information from different vision modules Accompanying website includes software and HDL code packages to enhance further learning and develop advanced systems A solution set and lecture slides are provided on the book's companion website The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in computer vision and embedded systems, as well as chip and FPGA designers. Senior undergraduate students specializing in VLSI design or computer vision will also find the book to be helpful in understanding advanced applications.