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Различные книги в жанре Программирование, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics approaches the topic of projective geometry as it applies to radiation physics and attempts to negate its negative reputation. With an original outlook and transversal approach, the book emphasizes common geometric properties and their potential transposition between domains. After defining both radiation and geometric properties, authors Benoit and Pierre Beckers explain the necessity of reconciling geometry and perception in fields like architectural and urban physics, which are notable for the regularity of their forms and the complexity of their interactions.
This comprehensive and self-contained, one-stop source discusses phase-field methodology in a fundamental way, explaining advanced numerical techniques for solving phase-field and related continuum-field models. It also presents numerical techniques used to simulate various phenomena in a detailed, step-by-step way, such that readers can carry out their own code developments. Features many examples of how the methods explained can be used in materials science and engineering applications.
Many approaches to creating Software Product Lines have emerged that are based on Model-Driven Engineering. This book introduces both Software Product Lines and Model-Driven Engineering, which have separate success stories in industry, and focuses on the practical combination of them. It describes the challenges and benefits of merging these two software development trends and provides the reader with a novel approach and practical mechanisms to improve software development productivity. The book is aimed at engineers and students who wish to understand and apply software product lines and model-driven engineering in their activities today. The concepts and methods are illustrated with two product line examples: the classic smart-home systems and a collection manager information system.
Groundbreaking, long-ranging research in this emergent field that enables solutions to complex biological problems Computational systems biology is an emerging discipline that is evolving quickly due to recent advances in biology such as genome sequencing, high-throughput technologies, and the recent development of sophisticated computational methodologies. Elements of Computational Systems Biology is a comprehensive reference covering the computational frameworks and techniques needed to help research scientists and professionals in computer science, biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical science, and physics solve complex biological problems. Written by leading experts in the field, this practical resource gives detailed descriptions of core subjects, including biological network modeling, analysis, and inference; presents a measured introduction to foundational topics like genomics; and describes state-of-the-art software tools for systems biology. Offers a coordinated integrated systems view of defining and applying computational and mathematical tools and methods to solving problems in systems biology Chapters provide a multidisciplinary approach and range from analysis, modeling, prediction, reasoning, inference, and exploration of biological systems to the implications of computational systems biology on drug design and medicine Helps reduce the gap between mathematics and biology by presenting chapters on mathematical models of biological systems Establishes solutions in computer science, biology, chemistry, and physics by presenting an in-depth description of computational methodologies for systems biology Elements of Computational Systems Biology is intended for academic/industry researchers and scientists in computer science, biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical science. It is also accessible to undergraduate and graduate students in machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics, computational biology, and systems biology courses.
Реактивное программирование – совершенно новая и многообещающая парадигма, позволяющая эффективно решать задачи, связанные с созданием распределенных систем и программированием для JVM. Эта книга расскажет, как организовать поток задач, наладить обмен сообщениями между элементами программы, обеспечить параллельную и конкурентную обработку и создать надежные, отказоустойчивые и гибкие приложения. Перед вами – основополагающая работа по шаблонам проектирования (design patterns) этой парадигмы. Книга проиллюстрирована многочисленными примерами и ориентирована на опытных Java- и Scala-разработчиков.
Создание микросервисов – удобная и надежная парадигма для программирования легких отказоустойчивых приложений. В этой книге подробно и интересно рассмотрены тонкости построения микросервисов на платформе .NET с применением таких популярных технологий, как Nancy и OWIN. Книга учитывает тонкости работы на платформе .NET Core и будет интересна всем, кому требуется эффективно и быстро решать нетривиальные задачи при работе с растущими системами.
Java. Объектно-ориентированное программирование - Алексей Васильев
Учебное пособие. Стандарт третьего поколения (Питер)Аннотация
Учебное пособие предназначено для изучающих объектно-ориентированное программирование в вузе, а также для всех желающих самостоятельно изучить язык программирования Java. Книга охватывает все базовые темы, необходимые для эффективного составления программ на Java, в том числе базовые типы данных, управляющие инструкции, особенности описания классов и объектов в Java, создание пакетов и интерфейсов, перегрузку методов и наследование. Особое внимание уделяется созданию приложений с графическим интерфейсом. В первой части книги излагаются основы синтаксиса языка Java. Материала первой части книги достаточно для написания простых программ. Во второй части описываются темы, которые будут интересны тем, кто хочет освоить язык на профессиональном уровне. Каждая глава книги содержит теоретический материал, иллюстрируемый простыми примерами, позволяющими подчеркнуть особенности языка программирования Java. В конце каждой главы первой части имеется раздел с примерами решения задач. Учебное пособие соответствует Государственному образовательному стандарту 3-го поколения для специальностей «Информатика и вычислительная техника», «Информационные системы и технологии», «Прикладная информатика» и «Фундаментальная информатика и информационные технологии».
Quantum networks build on entanglement and quantum measurement to achieve tasks that are beyond the reach of classical systems. Using quantum effects, we can detect the presence of eavesdroppers, raise the sensitivity of scientific instruments such as telescopes, or teleport quantum data from one location to another. Long-distance entanglement can be used to execute important tasks such as Byzantine agreement and leader election in fewer rounds of communication than classical systems, improving the efficiency of operations that are critical in distributed systems.
Master innovative and eye-catching website design with the exciting new Treehouse Series of books Turn plain words and images into stunning websites with CSS3 and this beautiful, full-color guide. Taking web designers beyond the constraints of prebuilt themes and simple site-building tools, this new Treehouse book combines practicality with inspiration to show you how to create fully customized, modern websites that make viewers stop and stay. The exciting new Treehouse Series of books is authored by Treehouse experts and packed with innovative design ideas and practical skill-building. If you're a web developer, web designer, hobbyist, or career-changer, every book in this practical new series should be on your bookshelf. Part of the new Treehouse Series of books, teaching you effective and compelling website development and design, helping you build practical skills Provides career-worthy information from Treehouse industry pros and trainers Explains the basics of cascading style sheets (CSS), such as how to structure with CSS, use CSS syntax, how to manipulate text, and visual formatting Also covers the box model, how to animate page elements, cross-browser compatibility, and more Leverage pages of dazzling website design ideas and expert instruction with a new Treehouse Series book.
Over the past 20 years, software architectures have significantly contributed to the development of complex and distributed systems. Nowadays, it is recognized that one of the critical problems in the design and development of any complex software system is its architecture, i.e. the organization of its architectural elements. Software Architecture presents the software architecture paradigms based on objects, components, services and models, as well as the various architectural techniques and methods, the analysis of architectural qualities, models of representation of architectural templates and styles, their formalization, validation and testing and finally the engineering approach in which these consistent and autonomous elements can be tackled.