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Природа и животные
Различные книги в жанре Природа и животные, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
William and Alex are on their third mission together: they must investigate the poaching of rhinos on Aunt Ada’s farm in the Bushveld. Very topical plot, and full of humour, as readers have come to expect from this duo!
Alex’s mum wins a luxury cruise holiday and takes her son along. Willem plays stowaway in Alex’s backpack and later in a linen closet on board. When modern day pirates take the ship hostage William’s sleuth skills save the day. Alex and William work together to foil the pirates’ plans, which include locating and stealing a treasure on the tiny island of Trommelin.
This is the second book in the series. The third, Dogtective William and the Poachers, will be released in February 2014.
This is the second book in the series. The third, Dogtective William and the Poachers, will be released in February 2014.
Alex is twelve years old and an only child. He spends a lot of time with his dog, William, which the family got from the SPCA a few years ago. But only Alex knows William’s secret: he can talk! William reveals this to Alex in the car on their trip home from the SPCA. But Alex learns even more secrets about his dog in this book, the first of a series featuring Alex and William’s adventures all over the world.
William, who is a dogtective, makes arrangements to travel to Istanbul, where, in true espionage-style action, his contact awaits. From there the hunt for the villain Scurvy Scabscratch take them to Venice, Paris, Amsterdam and finally to London, where master criminal Brumbum’s mansion holds the key to the disapperance of the Silver Tulip. With black and white line drawings by Chris Venter.
William, who is a dogtective, makes arrangements to travel to Istanbul, where, in true espionage-style action, his contact awaits. From there the hunt for the villain Scurvy Scabscratch take them to Venice, Paris, Amsterdam and finally to London, where master criminal Brumbum’s mansion holds the key to the disapperance of the Silver Tulip. With black and white line drawings by Chris Venter.
Nell woon op die plaas Solitaire in die Sederberg saam met haar hele uitgebreide familie van perdemense wat ’n topperdestoet bedryf. Sy het ’n paar maande vantevore ’n aaklige ongeluk met haar perd, Chocolate Charlie, gehad en dié moes uitgesit word. Sy kan weens ’n harde val niks daarvan onthou nie, maar kry nagmerries en ervaar nou ’n vrees vir perde. Vir die Aprilskoolvakansie kom haar niggie Colette en twee vriendinne, Charni en Ateeya, plaas toe saam met hulle perde om te oefen vir ’n groot kompetisie. Colette se jonger broer, Hein, en Andrew, die seun van Solitaire se veearts, voltooi die jong groep. Nell se oupa het pas ’n palomino-ponie op ’n veiling gekoop, en dié sorg vir ’n hele intrige. Ten slotte is die groep jong mense deel van ’n verfilming wat plaasvind in die aanliggende natuurreservaat; dis vir ’n TV-program oor navorsing oor Kaapse luiperds. Daar is ’n dramatiese luiperdaanval, en Nell kan uiteindelik die legkaartstukke pas van wat met Charlie se dood gebeur het.
Huberta the hippopotamus is one of the most famous animals in South African history. In November 1928 Huberta left her waterhole in the St. Lucia Estuary in Kwa-Zulu Natal province and set off on the 1600 km journey to the Eastern Cape, a journey which would take her three years. In that time Huberta became a minor celebrity and attracted crowds wherever she went. She was initially thought to be a male and was nicknamed Hubert by the press. She stopped for a while at the mouth of the Mhlanga River in KZN where a failed attempt was made to capture her and put her in the Johannesburg Zoo. After this she headed south to Durban where she visited a beach and a country club. Moving on to the Umgeni River she became revered by Zulus and Xhosas alike. Finally she arrived in East London in March 1931. Despite her having been declared Royal Game (and thus protected) by the Natal Provincial Council, she was shot by hunters a month later. After a public outcry the hunters were arrested and fined. Huberta's body was recovered and sent to a taxidermist in London. Upon her return to South Africa in 1932 she was greeted by 20,000 people and can now be seen in the Amathole Museum in King William’s Town.
Внимательные наблюдения за жизнью птиц, зверей и домашних питомцев рождают интересные образы и размышления – так появляются увлекательные рассказы и сказочные истории. Текст книги стал призёром всероссийского конкурса «Короткое детское произведение» в 2016 году.
Lesen Sie die urkomischen und atemberaubenden Geschichten von Inca und ihrer Familie pelziger Freunde aus der Sicht von Inca, einer Sibirischen Katze. Inca beschließt, ein Tagebuch zu beginnen! Eine herzzerreißende Saga entfaltet sich, während sie dem Leser mit Begeisterung ihre detektivischen Heldentaten erzählt. Lesen Sie die urkomischen und atemberaubenden Geschichten von Inca und ihrer Familie pelziger Freunde aus der Sicht von Inca, einer Sibirischen Katze. Inca beschließt, ein Tagebuch zu beginnen! Eine herzzerreißende Saga entfaltet sich, während sie dem Leser mit Begeisterung ihre detektivischen Heldentaten erzählt. Als Inca und ihre Familie von Paris nach London ziehen, finden sie eine ganze Reihe neuer Freunde, darunter Monk, eine Russisch-Blau-Katze, und Terrence, ein Golden Retriever, der seinem weltberühmten Besitzer, dem Detektiv Solo, geschickt und mutig hilft. Inspiriert von den Abenteuern ihrer neuen Freunde stellt sich Inca der Aufgabe, die beste Detektivkatze der Welt zu werden und beginnt, ein Tagebuch über ihre Heldentaten zu führen. Als Monk eines Abends mit der Nachricht von einem Treffen eintrifft, das später in der Nacht stattfinden soll, ist Inca aufgeregt und kann es kaum erwarten, daran teilzunehmen. Sie erfährt von einer gefährlichen Reise, die von Solo und Terrence unternommen werden muss, bei de sie zum Himalaja reisen sollen, um den vermissten Raoul zu suchen, einen Freund, der von einer Expedition nicht zurückgekehrt war. Die Abreise von Terrence bedeutet, dass Inca ihre erste richtige Aufgabe übernehmen kann; der rätselhafte Vorfall von Mr. Finchleys fehlendem Testament. Aber hat die junge Katze das Zeug dazu, den Fall zu lösen und den gepeinigten und grimmigen Rottweiler Boss zu retten? Und kann sie es ohne die Hilfe des schlauen alten Retrievers schaffen?
Uma relíquia desaparecida. Uma floresta repleta de pistas. Será que uma gata detetive conseguirá salvar um tesouro nacional? Se você e seus filhos gostam de experiências culturais, animais detetives e histórias de trabalho em equipe, vocês vão adorar as aventuras internacionais da autora R.F. Kristi. Clique no link para comprar o livro agora! Uma relíquia desaparecida. Uma floresta repleta de pistas. Será que uma gata detetive conseguirá salvar um tesouro nacional? Inca, a gata siberiana, não vê a hora de acrescentar o Sri Lanka à lista de países que ela já explorou. Mas antes mesmo de colocar suas patinhas na praia, ela fica sabendo que um museu local precisa de suas habilidades de detetive para localizar uma espada antiga que foi roubada. Sempre com seu fiel diário, Inca mergulha de bigode numa trilha de pistas que a leva às profundezas da floresta selvagem. Com a ajuda de um filhote de elefante e de seus primos não tão distantes, os leopardos, ela descobre a rica história do país e quão importante é devolver a espada ao seu lugar original. Ao lado de sua família peluda e de seus novos amigos, Inca sente que está perto de conseguir colocar suas garras na espada… mas será preciso muito trabalho em equipe para salvar essa inestimável peça da história. Inca e o mistério da espada roubada é o sétimo livro infantil independente da série Diário de uma gata curiosa, que é perfeito para crianças de 7 a 12 anos. Se você e seus filhos gostam de experiências culturais, animais detetives e histórias de trabalho em equipe, vocês vão adorar as aventuras internacionais da autora R.F. Kristi.
Cinchfoot and Blaze Face, under different names, are based on real characters. The remarkable friendship between them was a reality. Horsemen of the West, including Lloyd Hardin and John Campbell, have more than once told me of the two horses and their unusual friendship for each other. Nor was this the only incident in the West when a gelding befriended a small colt and a friendship sprang up between the two that lasted throughout life. When Cinchfoot was last heard of he was twenty-three years old, living on a ranch in Montana. It was said by those who saw him that he was in excellent health and as beautiful as ever. Old Blaze Face lived to be twenty-six years of age before he crossed the Great Divide. – T.C.H.
When Sputnik, mascot of the Annex Gang, was lost in downtown Toronto, the gang blamed their rivals, the Spadina Gang. It turned out, though, that the Spadinas had lost their dog, too. In fact dozens of dogs were missing all over the city.<P> When the kids learned that Sputnik and the other dogs might have been stolen for sale to a research institution that used animals in experiments, they decided that something had to be done.<P> The Professor, leader of the Annex Gang, organized a city-wide dragnet to track down the thieves. Before the adventure was over there was an exciting chase and a wild ride in store for Red, the Gang's War Leader.