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Природа и животные
Различные книги в жанре Природа и животные, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
There's always something happening at Crawdad Creek. That's what Lizzie and Michael call the stream that runs behind their house. Come pan for gold, hunt for fossils, find an arrowhead in the mud or a crayfish under a stone. Watch whirligig beetles and water striders skate across the water, teasing the fish below, and count the turtles sunning themselves on moss-covered logs. Follow tracks along the bank, then sit in quiet amazement as deer, raccoons, and other animals visit the creek. There's a wild and beautiful world here waiting to be discovered. Take the time to look!
'Black Beauty' is the autobiography of a horse. This gentle book follows the life a well bred horse, from his early childhood in a pleasant meadow, through a myriad of owners—some kind and some cruel—until fate returns him to the meadow in which he was born. A wonderful story that will remain with you and your child. This new edition has been lavishly illustrated with 12 original illustrations by Sabrina Kelsey.
Удивительная философия птиц. Как ласточки относятся к смерти, горлицы сохраняют романтику в отношениях, а утки спасаются от стресса - Филипп Дж. Дюбуа
С природой наедине. Наблюдения и открытияАннотация
Птицы – удивительные, ни на кого не похожие существа. Они живут соразмерно своей природе, глубоко чувствуя себя и свой ритм, не обращая внимания на чужие мнения и ожидания. Долгое время Филипп и Элис провели, наблюдая за птицами в их естественной среде обитания. В своем мировом бестселлере они делятся поразительными историями о поведении и психологии птиц, невольно проводя параллели с нами, людьми.
Sprinkle the pig has moved to a new house, with a new family, but he misses his old family. On his first day at school his classmate yells at him, and everything gets too much. He cries and cries, and soon the tears become a river and carry him away! Wise monkey spots Sprinkle, but he is too far away. Can he help Sprinkle to find hidden strengths to survive the river of tears? This therapeutic picture book is written to help children aged 4-10 and adults to talk about being separated from or losing loved ones, and explores how difficult experiences can affect how your body feels and reacts to things. It is followed by easy to read advice for adults on how to help your child.
One sunny day, Bomji the rabbit and his friend Spotty the cat meet something very scary while picking flowers in the woods. The friends manage to escape, but afterwards Bomji just doesn't feel safe anymore. His body feels a bit different and he starts to have bad dreams. His friend Spotty is worried about Bomji – how can her friend be helped? Luckily, wise Teacher Owl is there for them. This therapeutic picture book allows children and adults to talk about a frightening experience. The story is followed by helpful guidance for adults on how to help their child. It explores how your body and how you feel is affected by scary experiences, and explains how you can use your body to help to recover too.