
The novella and two short stories here are all based on real-life personages.<br /> <br />Gamine, Ashe, Furry and Quark all graced my household for many long and fruitful years; while Tom was a resident of my home town and I heard rumours of his strange and improbable deliverance. There is also a tiny cameo appearance by Dougal and Shadow, whose biographies have been chronicled here.<br /> <br />I have mentioned in public appearances that I have some issues with feline fiction as it is commonly practised. While I love and adore cats and feel privileged indeed that they have shared their lives with me, I believe that the following rules for feline-fic should be adhered to:<br /> <br />1. Let the cats tell their own stories. We all enthuse to other cat-lovers about my beautiful cats and this is how they make me feel; but in fiction the human author should get out of the way and let cats be the centre of attention. Humans will generally be characters, but they should not hog the stage.<br /> <br />2. Cats are not small, furry humans. They are cats. Fictional cats should therefore think, feel and react like cats do.<br /> <br />3. The cat must not die at the end of the story. Yes, we get it. Eventually all cats become Rainbow Cats. Manipulating your readers' emotions by including The Sad Bit At The End is not respecting your audience, especially for younger readers. Don't do it!<br /> <br />I promise faithfully that the above rules have been followed in all my cat stories. Enjoy!<br /> <br />David Greagg


She's sassy and opinionated – but maybe not the sharpest feeli on four legs.<br /> <br />When Megsy is checked in to the Lap of Luxury Cat Resort, she soon learns there's a lot she doesn't know, like: talent, pedigrees, surfing the Intercat, and where her kisskies went.<br /> <br />But, with the help of her fellow feeli inmates – Raffles, Big Dan, Zsa Zsa, Hamish the Handsome, and The Colonel – she gets a new perspective on life; and new name from cattery owner, Miss Steph.<br /> <br /> <br />A.K.A. Fudgepuddle is not a kids' book but is suitable for children – from 6 to 106.<br /> <br />It's a book for Cat People – or deuxjambs, as the feelis call us – of all ages. Even Dog People (or quiffo-lovers) will enjoy it.<br /> <br />With a grown-up sensibility – of ridiculous proportions – the adventures of Fudgepuddle and her feeli friends is a hilarious tour de fur!


The gentleman cat's account of his wonderful and challenging life follows his bestselling first book, Dougal's Diary.<br /> <br />Dougal and Shadow are still living with Man, Woman and Belladonna – the Senior Cat and boss of the house – but the pair are now, mostly, all grown up.<br /> <br />And life is seldom boring as Dougal tackles new escapades and things to figure out; like how his sister has been taking Assertiveness Training from Belladonna.<br /> <br />The young cats make a truce with the wattle-birds and Crows! in their garden; but find the dogs in the street are noisy and stupid.<br /> <br />As Dougal negotiates his position in the adult world, emotional reassurance, revelations and even help comes from a surprising source. But then – woe! – Man goes away for a Long Time and the poor boy is just sad and lonely.<br /> <br />Will Man come home? Does Shadow still love him, even though she still eats his food? And even if Man does come home again, will they all still go for walks at night?<br /> <br />You can also catch up with Dougal, join his fanclub and get some pressies at his very own website <a href="http://www.dougalsdiary.com.au">http://www.dougalsdiary.com.au</a>


After some traumatic early life experiences, Dougal the black-and-white kitten falls on his paws into a loving home with two kind humans.<br /> <br />Dougal decides to repay his humans' kindness by trying to be a Good Cat at all times.<br /> <br />But when you have a little sister like Shadow, being good isn't as easy as it should be; because Shadow is an alley-cat who eats his food and loves rummaging in bins and stealing from neighbours' barbecues.<br /> <br />And, although they don't know it, the kind humans are not in charge in this house. That role goes to the imperious old cat Belladonna, who does not take kindly to newcomers in her space.<br /> <br />Dougal and Shadow's new home also has a large resident family of wattle-birds, and a supporting cast of neighbouring cats with agendas of their own; so the kittens must learn their place in the pecking order.<br /> <br />Dougal's diplomatic skills will be tested to their limit as he tries to make sense of human and feline psychology.<br /> <br />You can also catch up with Dougal, join his fanclub and get some pressies at his very own website <a href="http://www.dougalsdiary.com.au">http://www.dougalsdiary.com.au</a>


Морские черепахи, лангусты и бабочки находят дорогу при помощи магнитного поля Земли. Жуки-навозники прокладывают курс по свету Млечного Пути. Муравьи и пчелы ориентируются по световым узорам, невидимым для человека. Лосось возвращается к месту своего рождения по запаху. Киты проплывают тысячи миль, ни разу не отклонившись от прямого курса, а птицы находят свои гнезда на крошечных островах, многократно перелетев туда и обратно целые океаны. Многие животные обладают навигационными способностями и зачастую опираются в навигационных целях на чувства и навыки, недоступные человеку. А что же человек?.. Некоторые коренные народы до сих пор применяют древние методы навигации, позволяющие им совершать долгие и трудные путешествия на суше и на море, не используя даже карт и компасов – не говоря уже о GPS. Но мы по большей части целиком полагаемся на электронику. Мы можем определить свое местоположение одним нажатием кнопки, но на самом деле понятия не имеем, где мы находимся. Поворачиваясь спиной к окружающему нас миру, мы рискуем не только своим физическим и духовным благополучием, но, возможно, и своей безопасностью… Эта книга показывает чудеса навигации, на которые способны животные, в совершенно новом свете, и будет интересна не только тем, кто увлекается животным миром, но и питает в себе страсть учиться, исследовать неизведанное и самосовершенствоваться.


An endearing story of two young dinosaurs eagerly anticipating a new baby's arrival Dinosaurs are perennially popular, and this book, filled with charming text and fun illustrations, is sure to be the one that children reach for every day. When two curious dinosaurs find an egg that will soon hatch, they are filled with questions. What will this new baby look like? Will it be big or tiny? Will it have red spots or green spots? Will it be loud or quiet? The possibilities are endless, and the dinosaurs just don't know what to expect. But that's okay… because maybe, just maybe, there's going to be a surprise that they never even counted on&#151;and it will be exactly what they wanted all along!




Рассказ повествует о редкой и не обыкновенной любви человека и животного.


Here is every line of every nonsense book written by Edward Lear. In a single volume you get «A Book of Nonsense,» «Nonsense Songs,» «More Nonsense Songs,» «Laughable Lyrics,» and "Nonsense Songs and Stories. No other low-price edition offers this complete collection.You will meet such old favorites as «The Dong With a Luminous Nose,» «The Jumblies,» «The Owl and the Pussycat,» «The Nutcrackers and the Sugar Tongs,» and «The History of the Seven Young Owls.» Two hundred and fourteen limericks are in here as well, each illustrated with the drawing Lear composed specially for it. In addition, you'll find three different sets of Nonsense Botany, five Nonsense Alphabets, and dozens of other selections in both prose and verse.All 546 of Lear's original illustrations are in this volume. With masterful simplicity and apparent naivet&#233; they tell of the dreamlike never-never land of childhood. Many Lear enthusiasts maintain that in these drawings the Laureate of Nonsense gave rise to an entire new style. Their influence has certainly been widespread, with echoes of Lear to be seen in the work of Thurber, Steinberg, Phil May, Bateman, and other artists and illustrators.It has been a hundred years since Edward Lear, the advocate of illogic, first became known to a wide public. Children who begged to have his verses read to them have grown up to read Lear to their own children &#8212; and to discover that his whimsy, imagination, and originality have their attraction for the adult mind as well.