
The trilogy of John Stack’s brilliant MASTERS OF THE SEA about the clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires and the battle for sovereignty that rips up the high seas, here in a complete ebook for the first time.John Stack’s MASTERS OF THE SEA trilogy brings to life the high politics and naval action endured on the high seas.SHIP OF ROME brings to life the tremendous clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires through the battle for sovereignty that takes place on the high seas. At the helm is Atticus, captain of Rome’s coastal fleet. And with his fledgling Roman navy, staffed with inexperience sailors and unwilling legionaries, they are about to face an enemy who is far superior.CAPTAIN OF ROME sees Atticus iup against his commander, a young upstart whose position has been purchased rather than earned. Bound to obey his inexperienced commander's rash orders, Atticus sails straight into a carefully-laid trap. In the battle that follows, it is only by defying his commander that he can pull his men back from the brink of defeat.MASTER OF ROME finds Atticus as commander of the growing Roman navy, blockading a port near Tunis, when the Roman legions suffer terrible defeat by the triumphant Carthaginian army. He and his ships escape together with the main body of the Roman fleet out manoeuvred by the more skilful Carthaginians and then caught and almost completely annihilated by a terrible storm. Atticus and his crew are among the handful of survivors and being the messenger of this news to the Senate in Rome brings Atticus into political troubles, almost as stormy as the sea.


‘Delightful banter and delicious passion…simply divine’, New York Times bestselling author Tessa DareEva Leigh launches her seductive new Scandalous Ladies of London series…‘It’s not my habit to seduce impoverished widows…’The Duke of Greyland lost his heart – and a princely sum – to a charming, beautiful and destitute widow who, after one passionate night, vanished without a trace. Cassandra Blair grew up on the city streets, picking pockets to survive. Greyland was a rich mark – to be fleeced and forgotten – only she’d never forgotten him.Years later, chance brings them together again, in a London gaming hell. Grayland is desperate to have her… never suspecting everything about his lover was a lie. But finding herself in dire financial straits, at risk of losing everything, Cassandra has no choice but to beg the man she betrayed for help.The proud Duke will assist her under one condition: she doesn’t leave his sight until her debts are paid! But can the real Cassandra – the smart, streetwise survivor – steal his heart all over again?


The complete SANCTUS trilogy including an EXCLUSIVE FOREWORD from bestselling author Simon Toyne, whose apocalyptic conspiracy thrillers have set the world alight…SANCTUS: The certainties of the modern world are about to be blown apart…A man throws himself to his death from the oldest inhabited place on the face of the earth, a mountainous citadel in the historic Turkish city of Ruin. This is no ordinary suicide but a symbolic act. And thanks to the media, it is witnessed by the entire world.But few understand it. For charity worker Kathryn Mann and a handful of others in the know, it is what they have been waiting for. The cowled and secretive fanatics that live in the Citadel suspect it could mean the end of everything they have built – and they will kill, torture and break every law to stop that. For Liv Adamsen, New York crime reporter, it begins the next stage of a journey into the heart of her own identity.And at that journey's end lies a discovery that will change EVERYTHING …THE KEY: Liv Adamsen lies in an isolation ward staring at walls as blank as her memory. She knows she entered the monumental Citadel at the heart of Ruin but can remember only darkness. Something strange is stirring within her, whispering that she is ‘the key’. But the key to what?Hunted across continents and caught up in events that defy explanation, Liv turns to the only person she trusts – a charity worker named Gabriel Mann. Together their paths lead to a shocking discovery – one that will tear them apart and change the world forever…THE TOWER: The forbidden Citadel at the heart of the ancient Turkish city of Ruin opens its gates for the first time in history.A deadly disease has erupted within, and threatens to spread beyond its walls. Infected charity worker Gabriel Mann may hold the cure – but can one dying man stop an epidemic?Without him, former journalist Liv Adamsen is vulnerable, surrounded by strangers in the desert oasis that is her new home. Liv, however, has far bigger concerns than just her own life…Something big is coming. Something that will change everything. But will it be a new beginning or the End of Days?


Beasts Royal is the second book written by Patrick O’Brian – made available, at last, for the first time since the 1930s and elegantly repackaged.On the indigo waters of the South Sea, the crew of a schooner are attacked by a man-eating tiger-shark. In the humid depths of the African jungle, a thirty-foot python plots to rid himself of his rival, a wily old crocodile. Amid the heat and dust of the Punjab, the snake-charmer Hussein escapes into the forest on the elephant that he trained when a mahout in his youth.With the dry wit and unsentimental precision O’Brian would come to be loved for, we see the drama and tragedies of the natural world unfold for these, as well as other birds and beasts, in these twelve tales of animal adventure that would appear together in 1934 as the author’s second book.O’Brian’s debut, Caesar, had been published in 1930 and became an instant success, seeing him hailed as the ‘boy-Thoreau’. His second novel, Hussein, would expand upon one of the stories included in this collection and has been praised by Martin Booth of The Daily Telegraph as being ‘…as fresh today as when it was written.…so rich in detail, it is breathtaking.’ As with Caesar and Hussein, Beasts Royal sheds fascinating light on the formation of the literary genius behind the Aubrey-Maturin series of historical adventure tales, for which he is deservedly famous.


New York Times Bestselling AuthorTracy Whitney – Sidney Sheldon’s most popular and enduring heroine – is back again in the sensational and gripping follow-up to Chasing Tomorrow.Once upon a time, Tracy Whitney was one of the best thieves in the business. Then she settled down, had a baby, and planned to spend the rest of her days quietly, living anonymously, devoted to her son. But tragic news has forced Tracy to face her greatest nightmare. Now, with nothing left to protect, she returns to the hunt—and she’s more dangerous than ever.Tracy is not the only woman with a dark and dangerous past. The world faces a new terror threat from a group of global hackers intent on the collapse of capitalism and private wealth and the creation of a new world order. When this group turn to violence, with deadly effect, the mysterious woman pulling their strings becomes the CIA’s public enemy number one.Only one clever and ruthless woman is capable of tracking down the terrorist: Tracy. But as Tracy discovers, the truth proves as elusive as her target. Hampered by corruption and enemies masked as allies, Tracy will be pushed to the brink, where she must face her darkest demons. But just how reckless will a person become when she have nothing left to lose?


Never published in paperback, and back in print for the first time since 1950, Back Room Girl was the first original novel by Francis Durbridge.Retiring to No Man’s Cove in Cornwall to write his memoirs, crime reporter Roy Benton discovers that a disused tin mine has become a research station for a secret weapons project. Karen Silvers, in charge of operations, reluctantly accepts that Benton’s experience could help her fight a sinister organisation intent on stealing their plans.Having adapted five of his Paul Temple radio serials into successful novelisations, in 1950 Francis Durbridge decided to try his hand at writing his first original novel. Back Room Girl bore all the hallmarks of the famous Paul Temple stories, an outlandish mixture of mystery, glamour and suspense, in a book that was never reprinted and so became an enigma to his many fans – until now.Includes an introduction by bibliographer Melvyn Barnesplus two rare short stories written for Christmas annuals:LIGHT-FINGERS and A PRESENT FROM PAUL TEMPLE.


A terrifying trio of Psychological Thrillers from the bestselling authors, Mark Edwards and Louise Voss.‘I was gripped all the way.’ Peter JamesCatch Your DeathTwenty years ago, Kate Maddox was a volunteer at research centre where scientists hunted for a cure for the common cold virus – then something terrible happened. Now Kate is back in England and a chance encounter sets her on a terrifying path. What really happened at the Cold Research Unit two decades ago?All Fall DownA devastating new strain of the virus that killed Virologist Kate Maddox’s parents is loose in LA and when a bomb rips through a hotel killing many top scientists, it becomes clear that someone will do anything to stop a cure being found.Killing CupidAlex Parkinson has never loved anyone like his writing tutor, Siobhan, even though she doesn’t yet know it. But when a love rival appears on the scene, Alex has to take drastic action, and soon a young woman lies dead. Alex is about to discover that there is a thin line between love – and hate…


A brutal serial killer stalks the Seattle nights. Regina Greenleaf was one of the victims. Her beautiful twin sister, Renata, is deeply traumatized.Renata barely knows she’s alive. She talks only rarely, and then always in twin-speak, the special language she and Regina made up long before they’d learned to speak English.When there had been two of them, they used to swap names. At school, they’d swapped the ribbons in their hair that were the only way of telling them apart. They were so close to each other, they might as well have been one person.Mark, a college lecturer in English, is Renata's friend and her post-trauma protector. He’s the only person Renata recognizes and will talk to. She agrees to attend his classes, and with the help of Mark’s room-mates Renata seems to be coming to terms with her loss.But the number of murders in Seattle rises, and Mark has some dreadful suspicions. If he says anything, it’s guaranteed to send Renata back to the hospital. But if he doesn’t, there may be blood on his conscience…In Regina's Song, David and Leigh Eddings have written a tense, chilling story of a nightmare coming true.



LET THE HUNT BEGIN.HECTOR CROSS, ex-SAS officer, private security expert, widower. His wife was taken much too soon, by a cruel man with evil intentions.JOHNNY CONGO, psychopath, extortionist, terrorist, the man who murdered Hector’s wife. Cross wants him dead. So does the US government.Congo is locked up on Death Row in the most secure prison in the free world, counting down the days until his execution. He’s got two weeks. He wants out. He’s escaped before and knows he can again.Cross, still licking his wounds from his last bruising encounter with Congo, is back and ready for work. In the middle of the rough Atlantic stands oil supertanker Bannock A. Terrorist activity in the area has triggered panic and there’s only one person they can trust to protect her.What is promised as a cakewalk turns out to be much more, a mission that will test Cross to his emotional and physical limits. But a life spent in the SAS and private security has left Cross hard-wired for pain and as he is thrown into the fire once more, he will not stop until he has snared his prey.Hector Cross is Predator.