
Hələ dünən Treysi xoşbəxt bir gəlin idi və övladını sevən ana olmağa hazırlaşırdı. Lakin öz yaxınlarının satqınlığı onun həyatını kökündən dəyişdirdi. Bu gün o, ən çətin oğurluqlar üzrə ixtisaslaşmış oğrudur. O, həyatını qıranlardan, hakimiyyət və var-dövləti olanlardan qisas alır. Lakin – yeni təhlükəli oyunda o qurban deyilmi? Məşhur Hollivud filminin əsaslandığı romanı – Sidni Şeldonun “Əgər sabah gələrsə” şedevrini oxuyun!


Дочь итальянского мафиозо, скрывающаяся от врагов убитого отца… Красавица с загадочным прошлым… Озорная девчонка с повадками сорванца… Нервная женщина, балансирующая на грани безумия… Они оказались не в том месте и не в то время. Теперь им угрожает гибель. Они бегут – бегут, спасая свои жизни… Но путь к свободе так тернист!


New York Times Bestselling AuthorTilly Bagshawe continues the Sidney Sheldon legacy with a new novel loaded with suspense, jet-setting glamour and unexpected twists . . .





One of Sidney Sheldon’s most popular and bestselling titles, now available as an ebook.The daughter of a rich and powerful father, Elizabeth Roffe is young, beautiful – and sole heir to a billion dollar fortune.Then tragedy strikes. Her father is killed in a freak accident and Elizabeth must take command of his mighty global empire, the pharmaceutical company Roffe and Sons. It makes Elizabeth the richest girl in the world. But someone, somewhere, is determined that she must die.From the backstreets of Istanbul to the upmarket offices of New York, Bloodline is a hypnotic tale of love and ambition, danger, intrigue and death.


MEMORIES OF MIDNIGHT – The internationally best-selling 'The Other Side of Midnight' was dominated by the man who is Sheldon's most magnificent creation…'Constantin Demiris'Billionaire, art lover, womaniser…and killer. To Noelle, the woman who betrayed him, and Larry, the man who stole her, Demiris brought a chilling retribution. But Demiris’ terrible revenge is far from complete…'Ioannina, Greece'In the seclusion of a remote convent a young woman emerges from the trauma of memory loss…'Catherine Alexander'Larry’s widow, sees Demiris as a benefactor, the man who restores her faith in the future. How can she know the fate he has in store, or that her life is bound up with other victims of his mighty ego? From the exotic shores of the Mediterranean to post-war London, 'Memories of Midnight' is a passionate, unforgettable story of an innocent woman’s fight against a terrifying destinyIn this deadly game, there can only be one winner…If Judd is to survive he must play the game to win.This is Sidney Sheldon's first novel – a gripping, intense thriller that brought him fame as a bestselling novelist.


The international bestseller from the master of suspense. A mafia conspiracy and one women against the world.Tracy Whitey is on top of the world. Young, beautiful, intelligent, she is about to marry into wealth and glamour – until, betrayed by her own innocence, she finds herself in prison, framed by a ruthless mafia gang and abandoned by the man she loves. Beaten and broken, but surviving with her dazzling ingenuity, Tracy emerges from her savage ordeal – determined to avenge those who have destroyed her life. Her thirst for revenge takes her from New Orleans to London, from Paris to Madrid and Amsterdam. Tracy is playing for the highest stakes in a deadly game. Only one man can challenge her – he’s handsome, persuasive and every bit as daring. Only one man can stop her – an evil genius whose only hope of salvation is in Tracy’s destruction…


The Stanford family is one of the most respected in America – but behind the facade of fame and glamour lies a hidden web of blackmail, drugs and murder…When Harry Stanford, one of the wealthiest men in the world, mysteriously drowns while cruising on his yacht off the rugged coast of Corsica, it sets off a chain of events that reverberates around the globe.At the family gathering following the funeral in Boston, a strikingly beautiful young woman appears. She claims to be Stanford's daughter and entitled to a share of the tycoon's estate. Is she genuine, or is she an imposter?