
The compelling and thrilling climax to Alexandra Blake’s sensual journey, from the author of Destined to Play and Destined to Feel.Alexandra has returned to the world after her captivity and is left feeling a heady mix of emotions. Strangely empowered, her euphoria becomes tainted by fear, forcing her to acknowledge how the decisions of her past will now determine her future.Alexandra understands it is she alone who holds the key to the answers so desperately sought by both her lover, Jeremy Quinn, and her captors. In order to unlock the secrets within her, she embarks upon a quest to explore the long-forgotten sexual and spiritual nature of her ancestry and despite believing that she has experienced everything possible in her erotic adventures, she discovers that there is still so much more to learn.At last she will discover what freedom truly means and finally understand the real purpose of the role she was always destined to play.


Joe DeMarco is back and the corridors of power have never felt so deadly…First a bomb attack on the Baltimore Harbour tunnel is averted. Then a young American Muslim is shot down in a Cessna plane whilst trying to drive it into The Whitehouse.What follows is chaos as a ruthless senator tries to pass a xenophobic law that will see non-citizen Muslims deported and extensive background checks on all Muslims living in the US carried out immediately.Speaker of the house John Mahoney wants nothing to do with the bill being pushed through. He knows all to well what trouble a law like that could stir up, and what's worse he knows the kid who tried to crash the plane into the White House.Enter Joe DeMarco, a man with a shady past, a lawyer who has never practised law. He's charged with investigating the attacks but there's a twist to the attempted mass destruction, something the FBI didn't even see, and suddenly at every turn DeMarco faces a new and terrifying danger…


A classic thriller from Jack Higgins, the undisputed master of adrenalin packed adventure and the bestselling author of ‘The Eagle has Landed’It’s 1963 and the eve of John F.Kennedy’s historic visit to Berlin.Locked away inside the impregnable fortress of Schloss Neustadt, Father Sean Conlin, survivor of Dachau and lifelong champion of human freedom is fighting to deny his jailers their ultimate goal. On this momentus day, when the whole world is watching they must make him admit to being a CIA hireling.But the West is determined to save him, and gambling with their lives a small band of men begin a daring rescue mission that could change the course of history.


A terrifying disease, or the next step in human evolution? Three scientists must battle to find the truth in this heart-stopping technothriller.Mitch Rafelson makes a major discovery high in the Alps – the preserved bodies of a Neanderthal family with a human child.Kaye Lang investigates a mass grave in the Caucasus – the bodies are mutated.Christopher Dicken tracks a mysterious flu-like disease that causes pregnant women to miscarry.Together, these three scientists discover that so-called junk genes, dormant in our DNA for millions of years, are waking up. A signal from Darwin’s radio has triggered the next step in human evolution.The women who miscarry become inexplicably pregnant again. However, this time they are carriers of Homo sapiens novus. But there is mass panic, official denial, draconian measures against the terrible ‘disease’. Only Mitch, Kaye and Dicken can solve the evolutionary puzzle that will determine the future of the human race, if a future exists at all.


Evolution is no longer just a theory – and nature is more of a bitch goddess than a kindly mother – in this tense science thriller from the author of the Nebula Award-winning Darwin’s RadioStella Nova is one of the ‘virus children’, a generation of genetically enhanced babies born a dozen years before to mothers infected with the SHEVA virus.In fact, the children represent the next great evolutionary leap and a new species of human, Homo sapiens novus, but this is officially denied. They’re gentle, charming and persuasive, possessed of remarkable traits. Nevertheless, they are locked up in special schools, quarantined from society, feared and reviled.‘Survival of the fittest’ takes on a new dimension as the children reach puberty. Stella is one of the first to find herself attracted to another ‘virus child’, but the authorities are watching and waiting for the opportunity to strike the next blow in their escalating war to preserve ‘humankind’ at any cost.


Home is where the heart isBarry Bleecker wanted to trade in his dreary life for one of adventure and art. Until he finds himself washed up on a deserted beach with only four pairs of contact lenses to his name…Sophie Ducel was meant to be having the honeymoon of a lifetime. Then the plane goes down and her world becomes a speck of sand in an endless ocean.They have one task: to survive. These two very different people must find a way to reconcile their differences and make their home a castle, on an island, surrounded by water…


A ringing phone in the middle of the night begins a horrific journey for newlywed Sarah Fontaine when she is given the news that her husband, Geoffrey, has been killed in a hotel fire in Berlin.Convinced that Geoffrey is still alive, she challenges special agent Nick O'Hara of the U.S. State department to prove her wrong as they crisscross Europe in a desperate search, trying to stay one heartbeat ahead of a dangerous killer and risking everything for answers that may prove fatal.


The second of two classic police thrillers featuring detective Nick Miller, set in London’s seedy underworld.After a long night on the job, Detective Sergeant Nick Miller is on his way home – only to become the first policeman at the scene of a young woman’s mysterious suicide. What’s odd is that it appears she tried to conceal her identity before doing herself in.Miller follows a hazardous trail to find the powerful man responsible for the girl’s fate, only to watch him walk out of court a free man. But the dead girl’s father swears to exact justice with or without the law on his side…


Charismatic hero Jack Steel returns, in a new and perilous adventure.England 1708 and Jack Steel returns to Flanders from England a married man. But his wife Lady Henrietta Vaughan is proving expensive and Jack must look for a promotion. At the battle of Oudenarde Steel is sent in to stem off the French attack and wins a glorious victory for Marlborough.The allies eyes’ turn from Paris to Lille, where the Dutch have recommenced a siege. Unbeknownst to them, Marlborough sends Steel, his trusted envoy to Paris to broker a deal with a man who has the ear of the French King.Disguised, in danger of exposure and in fear of his life, Steel accomplishes his mission and makes it back to the bloody, mud-logged siege of Lille – a victory for the British in the end, but at huge cost of human life. As Steel desperately tries to open supply lines to his troops, he discovers that his wife has been unfaithful to him, though he has risked all to rescue her from the besiged town of Leffinghe.Jack returns to England covered in glory from Lille, and with the promotion that he desired. Although he has lost his reason for desiring money and honour he is now even more determined to win further military accolades in order outshine his wife’s new lover.


When she searched out prey for her Clan, Brighid scented more than the air. She breathed in the spiritual essence, the dark trail left by evil and lies… When she leaves her ultra-strict family, Brighid also strays from her pre-ordained life. Born to be the Chief Shaman and ruler of a herd of centaurs would be tough for any girl – and Brighid wants out. Joining Clan MacCallan as a Huntress and helping broken-hearted Cuchulainn on his mission seems much simpler – if befriending bat-winged creatures and helping them gain acceptance in society can ever be described as simple.As Brighid uncovers more about her heritage (and her true feelings for a certain someone), she realises her powers cannot lie dormant forever. And that she can not escape her destiny.