
Answers to one of the most important decision a family can make This groundbreaking book offers answers to crucial questions that have a large impact on family success and well-being. The author has been researching and treating couples for more than twenty years, addressing such critical issues as: When should you have kids? How many and why? Can you afford a family? What's the best interval between children's birth in a family? How does your work life influence how many kids to have? What's the impact of divorce, remarriage and blended families on the decision to have more kids? How does your family of origin, ethnicity, race, culture, and sexual preference influence the choices you have regarding these questions of number and spacing of childbirths. Filled with common sense advice for the dilemmas most couples grapple with when starting a family Based on solid research from a noted family therapist Alan Singer has appeared on the Fox Morning News and MSNBC as well as being quoted in USA Today and The Huffington Post Invaluable and fascinating, the book includes a wealth of self-tests that helps individuals to customize their own decision making based on their unique background and current situation.


A systematic plan for parents to help their kids acquire and sustain friendships Every parent hopes their child will develop healthy and happy friendships. However, most parents don't know what to do that will encourage their child to be a friend and attract friends. The author offers clear-cut friendship-making guidelines for parents and their children. Some of the book's recommendations include: don't over-schedule a child's time; guide children to participate in «friend-attracting» activities; seek out friends in the neighborhood. The author includes methods for dealing with bullying and inappropriate friendships Offers clear guidance for helping children become a good friend and attract lasting friendships for life Shows how to teach kids the social and emotional intelligence skills they need to form friendships such as listening, empathy, compassion, recreational conversation The book also includes techniques for teaching kids how to use MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter in positive ways that will foster friendships.


A practical analysis and inspiring guide for teaching kids «ethical fitness» Parents are beginning to realize that deficiencies in ethics and character are becoming a big problem among our nation's children. According to the latest data, lying, cheating, and rampant insensitivity to other people are increasingly common. What can parents do? In this book, ethics expert Rushworth Kidder shows how to customize interventions to a child's age and temperament. He encourages parents not to give up, since what they do can always make a difference, regardless of how long or deep the bad habits of dishonesty may be. Encourages parents to intervene early and re-establish children on the right course Explores the keys to ethical behavior: honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness, and compassion All of Kidder's practical advice is based on the latest psychological and neuroscientific research about how kids develop character and learn what's right and wrong.


A resource of fun games for parents or teachers to help young children learn social and motor skills Barbara Sher, an expert occupational therapist and teacher, has written a handy resource filled with games to play with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other sensory processing disorders (SPD). The games are designed to help children feel comfortable in social situations and teach other basic lessons including beginning and end, spatial relationships, hand-eye coordination, and more. Games can also be used in regular classrooms to encourage inclusion. A collection of fun, simple games that can improve the lives of children with ASD or other SPDs. Games can be played by parents or teachers and with individual children or groups. Games are designed to make children more comfortable in social situations and to develop motor and language skills Also included are a variety of interactive games to play in water, whether in a backyard kiddie pool, community swimming pool, or lake All the games are easy-to-do, utilizing common, inexpensive materials, and include several variations and modifications


The latest research shows that children can be taught–at very early ages–the tools they need to become successful and connected to others. This new book offers parents and teachers the information they need to teach children the most effective ways to engage peers and make social interactions easier and more meaningful. Your Successful Preschooler: Shows how facilitated play can become an opportunity to improve your child's emotional connections with peers Teaches parents and educators how to foster growth in vocabulary and language during play, key ingredients to academic success Presents dozens of anecdotes with dialogues parents can use to teach children how to better relate to their peers Using the methods outlined in the book, parents and teachers can support activities that lead to a lifetime of social success and likeability that are crucial for every child's emotional stability.


Having a baby is an incredible experience, and the ultimate responsibility! Parenting is a job that you start with no training at all – and friends and family always seem to be the first to tell you how best to bring up your children. But there's no sure-fire formula for raising kids. Maybe that's because every child, like every parent, is an individual, and no two parent-child relationships are ever the same. So, you can give up any notions of being a perfect parent. But, you can learn to keep the big mistakes to a minimum and make the parenting experience easier and more rewarding for your children and yourself. Which is where this book comes in. Covering information for newborns to pre-teens, Parenting For Dummies gives you the essentials of parenting basics. From dealing with a crying baby and potty training, to building self-esteem and dealing with sibling rivalry, it offers a gold mine of up-to-date advice.


Want to be the best dad ever in the eyes of your kids? It's easier than you think! This inspiring, easy-to-read book from the best-selling author of Who Stole My Mojo? shows you how to set the right tone, example and environment for your kids to give them the very best introduction to life. That's the difference between being a good dad and being an outstanding dad – a dad with mojo. My Dad's Got Mojo is the book for regular guys who want to raise happier, healthier and more creative kids. If you want to be the best dad you can be, start thinking differently, have fun, laugh and get your mojo going!


Created especially for the Australian customer! Your essential guide to being the best dad you can be Have you just found out you're going to be a dad, or perhaps you're already a brand new dad? Being a Great Dad is a comprehensive and practical guide to For Dummies dadhood, with advice on topics ranging from conception to looking after your baby, connecting with your little one and helping your child develop and grow. Know what to expect during pregnancy and birth – be prepared as your baby grows and enters the world Prepare for a baby in the house – find out the essential gear you'll need Keep baby safe and sound – tips on how to baby proof your home and keep junior safe Be a hands-on dad – learn practical solutions to common parenting challenges Manage the work-life balance – find out how to balance your work commitments and life outside work Be a stay-at-home-dad – discover how to combine being primary care-giver for your child with paid work Choose the right school for your child – examine the education choices available and what's best for your little one


Сатья – опытный семейный психолог и философ, автор и ведущий популярных семинаров «Нескучная семейная психология», расскажет вам о том, как на самом деле надо взаимодействовать, общаться и обращаться с детьми, как проявить в них то, что заложено. Ваши дети – замечательные, творческие и гармоничные личности! Нужно просто помочь им развить это начало! Вы узнаете о семи с половиной детских характерах и пяти принципах воспитания, о секретных фразах, которые помогают детям вырасти счастливыми и реализоваться в жизни. А еще вы узнаете много о себе, посмотрите, как некоторые привычные для нас приемы воспитания выглядят со стороны ребенка, какие слова могут серьезно повлиять на его будущее и разрушить ваши отношения, и, возможно, найдете причины собственных комплексов и неудач. Но не думайте, что вас ждут нудные нравоучения. Стиль Сатьи – это просто о сложном, с юмором о наболевшем. Поэтому позитивный настрой вам и, конечно же, вашим детям гарантирован!


Мальчик и его невидимый дракон, идеальный отец, табасаранская семья и женщина, которая не хочет иметь детей… Мест для встречи у этих персонажей, согласитесь, немного, одно из них – коридор городской детской поликлиники, где ведет прием известный петербургский психолог Екатерина Мурашова. А в свободное от бесед с родителями, детьми и бабушками время Мурашова ведет блог о своей работе на портале журнала «Сноб» и вот уже много лет пишет книжки для больших и маленьких. Перед вами – новый сборник случаев из ее практики: особенные кадры из жизни обычных необычных семей, столкнувшихся с совершенно разными проблемами, пути решения которых у каждого – свои. И каждый читатель найдет здесь что-то для себя: того самого дракона, несколько почти детективных историй и даже инструкцию по созданию эмпатической кормушки для птиц – с иллюстрациями.