
101 SIMPLE WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY A SPECIAL DAY! Children who move their bodies as part of the learning process are more stimulated and alert-and they retain more of what they are taught. By sharing the upbeat, joyful activities in Smart Play, you can enhance your child's intelligence, boost his or her confidence, teach academic and motor skills, and provide a lasting foundation for learning. Developed by Barbara Sher over the course of thirty years as a parent, teacher, and play-therapy specialist, this collection of 101 delightful, easy-to-follow games helps children use their bodies to master essential mental skills and concepts. You and your family can play virtually anywhere, with any number of participants, and without special preparation or equipment. So gather the children in your life and get ready to have fun as you open their minds and hearts to new experiences and knowledge. SPECIAL SECTIONS HIGHLIGHT: * Encouraging movement and thinking * Improving motor and social skills * Enhancing language and math skills * Fostering parent-child interaction * Building on children's love of fantasy, action, and rhythm


Fun easy games for parents and teachers to play with kids of all ages Play is increasingly recognized by neuroscientists and educators as a vital component in brain development, academic success and learning social skills. In this inspiring and useful resource, Barbara Sher provides step-by-step directions for how to use children's natural interests at different stages of their development to help them develop a wealth of sensory motor and social skills. All the games have also been designed to provide plenty of joyful opportunities for encouraging inclusion. Offers strategies for helping all kids, but especially those with special needs, to develop social, motor and sensory skills Filled with simple games using common materials that can be used by teachers, parents, and caregivers with both individual kids and groups Provides explanations and examples of how the games can aid in a child's development This resource offers parents and teachers a fun and easy way to include all children in activities that will engage all of their senses and promote important skills.


A resource of fun games for parents or teachers to help young children learn social and motor skills Barbara Sher, an expert occupational therapist and teacher, has written a handy resource filled with games to play with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other sensory processing disorders (SPD). The games are designed to help children feel comfortable in social situations and teach other basic lessons including beginning and end, spatial relationships, hand-eye coordination, and more. Games can also be used in regular classrooms to encourage inclusion. A collection of fun, simple games that can improve the lives of children with ASD or other SPDs. Games can be played by parents or teachers and with individual children or groups. Games are designed to make children more comfortable in social situations and to develop motor and language skills Also included are a variety of interactive games to play in water, whether in a backyard kiddie pool, community swimming pool, or lake All the games are easy-to-do, utilizing common, inexpensive materials, and include several variations and modifications