
A remarkable short novella, a modern fable that is weird, uplifting and romantic all at the same time.A robber charges into a bank with a loaded gun, but instead of taking any money he steals an item of sentimental value from each person. Once he has made his escape, strange things start to happen to the victims.A tattoo comes to life, a husband turns into a snowman, a baby starts to shit money. And Stacey Hinterland discovers that she’s shrinking, a little every day, and there is seemingly nothing that she or her husband can do to reverse the process.The Tiny Wife is a weird and wonderful modern fable. Small, but perfectly formed, it will charm, delight and unnerve in equal measure.


"Russisch für Dummies" bietet einen leichten Einstieg in die russische Sprache. Los geht's mit einer Einführung in die Besonderheiten, in die Betonung und Grammatik. Dann wird es auch schon praktisch: Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation, durch die Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf Russisch vorstellen, etwas beschreiben, telefonieren oder ein Hotelzimmer reservieren. Dabei lernen Sie die wichtigsten Sätze, Umschreibungen und Begriffe, die Sie im Alltag benötigen, und erhalten nebenbei viele Informationen zu Alltag und Kultur in Russland. Am Ende jedes Kapitels gibt es eine kleine Übung, mit der Sie Ihre erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse prüfen können. Im Anhang des Buches finden Sie Verb-Tabellen und ein kleines Russisch-Deutsch-/Deutsch-Russisch-Wörterbuch. Auf der beiliegenden CD und als Download gibt es die Sprachübungen aus dem Buch zum Anhören und Nachsprechen.


"Reise-Sprachführer Russisch für Dummies" bietet einen schnellen Überblick über die wichtigsten Wörter und Redewendungen für den Alltag. Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation: So haben Sie schnell die passenden Sätze parat, wenn Sie sich jemandem vorstellen, im Restaurant bestellen oder nach einer Wegbeschreibung fragen. Dazu bekommen Sie eine kurze Einführung in die Grammatik und Aussprache des Russischen.


All Tom's friends really are superheroes. Tom even married a superhero, the Perfectionist. But at their wedding she was hypnotized to believe Tom is invisible. Six months later, she's sure Tom has abandoned her. With no idea Tom's beside her, she boards an airplane, determined to leave the heartbreak behind. He has till they land to make her see him.




A family drama unlike any other from the internationally acclaimed author of All My Friends are Superheroes.The Weirds have always been a little peculiar, but not one of them suspected that they’d been cursed by their grandmother.At the moment of their birth Annie Weird gave each of her five grandchildren a special power that she thought was a blessing. Richard, the oldest, always keeps safe; Abba always has hope; Lucy is never lost and Kent can beat anyone in a fight. As for Angie, she always forgives, instantly. But over the years these blessings have proved to be curses and ruined their lives.Now Annie is dying and she has one last task for Angie, her favourite grandchild. Angie has to gather her far-flung brothers and sisters and assemble them in her Grandmother’s hospital room so that at the moment of her death, she can lift these blessings turned curses.


The fast and easy way to learn to speak Russian With Russia in line to host the World Cup in 2018, the Winter Olympics in 2014, as well as a Formula 1 Grand Prix, interest in Russia is on the rise. Russian For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, tourists, and businesspeople looking for an introduction to this popular and complex language. This updated edition offers new and improved content, more useful exercises and practice opportunities, all new content devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet, and much more. A revamped, user-friendly organization A fully updated and expanded audio CD with real-life conversations by native speakers Expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations A refreshed and expanded mini-dictionary complete with even more essential vocabulary Russian For Dummies provides basic instruction to those seeking to grasp the basics of conversational Russian. Students, travelers, and businesspeople with little or no language experience will gain a clearer understanding on how to communicate in Russian.