

«Петр Михайлыч Ивашин был сильно не в духе: его сестра, девушка, ушла к Власичу, женатому человеку. Чтобы как-нибудь отделаться от тяжелого, унылого настроения, какое не оставляло его ни дома, ни в поле, он призывал к себе на помощь чувство справедливости, свои честные, хорошие убеждения – ведь он всегда стоял за свободную любовь! – но это не помогало, и он всякий раз помимо воли приходил к такому же заключению, как глупая няня, то есть, что сестра поступила дурно, а Власич украл сестру. И это было мучительно…»


«Седьмой час вечера. Соборная церковь. Горят все паникадила и ставники. Царские врата открыты. Поют два хора: архиерейский и соборный. Церковь полна народа. Тесно и душно. Идет венчание. Венчаются Сабинин и Оленина. У первого шаферами Котельников и офицер Волгин, у второй – ее брат студент и товарищ прокурора. Вся местная интеллигенция. Роскошные наряды. Венчают: о. Иван в полинявшей камилавке, о. Николай в скуфейке и лохматый, очень молодой еще о. Алексей в темных очках; позади и несколько вправо от о. Ивана – высокий, тощий дьякон с книгой. В толпе местная труппа с Матвеевым во главе…»


В этой книге собраны такие известные рассказы А. П. Чехова, как «Дом с мезонином», «Человек в футляре», «Дама с собачкой», «Хамелеон», «Ионыч» и т. д., повесть «Палата № 6», а также пьеса «Вишневый сад». В произведениях Чехова всегда ощутим внутренний сюжет, связанный с угасанием или, наоборот, пробуждением человека. Проявляется он не во внешней интриге, не в эффектных поворотах действия, в этих рассказах и повестях мы не найдем призыва к революции, но всем своим повествованием они зовут читателя к новой жизни, утверждают: жить по-старому невозможно.


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (29 January 1860 – 15 July 1904) was a Russian playwright and short-story writer, who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His career as a playwright produced four classics, and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. Along with Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg, Chekhov is often referred to as one of the three seminal figures in the birth of early modernism in the theatre.Chekhov practiced as a medical doctor throughout most of his literary career: «Medicine is my lawful wife», he once said, «and literature is my mistress.» Chekhov renounced the theatre after the reception of The Seagull in 1896, but the play was revived to acclaim in 1898 by Konstantin Stanislavski's Moscow Art Theatre, which subsequently also produced Chekhov's Uncle Vanya and premiered his last two plays, Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard. These four works present a challenge to the acting ensemble as well as to audiences, because in place of conventional action Chekhov offers a «theatre of mood» and a «submerged life in the text». Chekhov had at first written stories to earn money, but as his artistic ambition grew, he made formal innovations which have influenced the evolution of the modern short story. He made no apologies for the difficulties this posed to readers, insisting that the role of an artist was to ask questions, not to answer them. “The Wife” is one of the famous works of A.P. Chekhov. The plot focuses on a conflict between spouses, where the ambitions and pride of one destroy family life and relationships with others. The work captivates with laconic content, deep meaning and brilliant Chekhov's syllable. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich – author of the famous stories, the novel “Ward No. 6”, the play “Anniversary”, as well as the following works: “Exam for rank”, “Happiness”, “Tutor”, “At the mill”, “Wife”, “Groom” and daddy ”, “Who is to blame? ”,“ Ambulance ”,“ Work of art ”and others. For more than a century, the works of A.P. Chekhov have conquered world theater scenes: in terms of the number of plays played, he is second only to the English playwright William Shakespeare.


"The Lady with the Dog" is a short story by Anton Chekhov. First published in 1899, it describes an adulterous affair between Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, an unhappily married Moscow banker, and Anna Sergeyevna Von Diderits, a young married woman, an affair which begins while both are vacationing alone in the Crimean sea resort of Yalta. The story comprises four parts: part I describes the initial meeting in Yalta, part II the consummation of the affair and the remaining time in Yalta, part III Gurov's return to Moscow and his visit to Anna's town, and part IV Anna's visits to Moscow. This is one of Chekhov's most famous pieces of short fiction. Vladimir Nabokov, for instance, considers it as one of the greatest short stories ever written. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich – author of the famous collection of “Stories”, the novel “Chamber No. 6”, the plays “The Cherry Orchard” and “The Seagull”, the stories: “Three Sisters”, “A Lady with a Dog”, “Fat and Slim”, “A Man in case "," Longing "," Death of an official "," Chameleon "and others. For more than a century, the works of A.P. Chekhov have conquered world theater scenes: in terms of the number of plays played, he is second only to the English playwright William Shakespeare.


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (29 January 1860 – 15 July 1904) was a Russian playwright and short-story writer, who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His career as a playwright produced four classics, and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. Along with Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg, Chekhov is often referred to as one of the three seminal figures in the birth of early modernism in the theatre.Chekhov practiced as a medical doctor throughout most of his literary career: «Medicine is my lawful wife», he once said, «and literature is my mistress.» Chekhov had at first written stories to earn money, but as his artistic ambition grew, he made formal innovations which have influenced the evolution of the modern short story. He made no apologies for the difficulties this posed to readers, insisting that the role of an artist was to ask questions, not to answer them. The following works were included in the collection of stories Chekhov Anton Pavlovich: The Lady with the Dog, The Wife, The Slander, The Horse-Stealers, The Petchenyeg, A Dead Body, A Happy Ending, The Looking-Glass, Old Age, Darkness, The Beggar, In Trouble, Frost, Minds in Ferment, Gone Astray, The Avenger, The Jeune Premier, A Defenceless Creature, An Enigmatic Nature, A Happy Man, A Troublesome Visitor, An Actor's End.


«Петр Михайлыч Ивашин был сильно не в духе: его сестра, девушка, ушла к Власичу, женатому человеку. Чтобы как-нибудь отделаться от тяжелого, унылого настроения, какое не оставляло его ни дома, ни в поле, он призывал к себе на помощь чувство справедливости, свои честные, хорошие убеждения – ведь он всегда стоял за свободную любовь! – но это не помогало, и он всякий раз помимо воли приходил к такому же заключению, как глупая няня, то есть, что сестра поступила дурно, а Власич украл сестру. И это было мучительно…»
