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Frédéric Beigbeder
Список книг автора Frédéric BeigbederАннотация
One night in a Parisian nightclub and the aftermath of a marriage provide the stories for these two novels by Frederic Beigbeder, award-winning author of ‘Windows on the World’.In ‘Holiday in a Coma’, Marc Marronnier, a shallow, superficial, rich Parisian who works as an advertising executive, is invited by his old friend to the opening of a new nightclub called The Shitter (a satirical take on the famous Paris nightclub Les Bains Douche). Taking place over a single unforgettable night, the novel documents everything from the pit-bull bouncer on the door, to the drugs, cocktails and wannabes who frequent the club, and Marc’s attempts to seduce a catwalk model – any one will do. A catalogue of degeneracy, drugs, sex and decibels, ‘Holiday in a Coma’ is written with a fury and passion that reflect the author's own relationship with a world and he both loves and loathes.In ‘Love Lasts Three Years’, Marc Marronnier has just been divorced and – shallow opportunist that he is – has decided to write a book about it. He has a theory that love lasts no more than three years, and here – recounting the highs and lows of his marriage and taking us through brash nightclubs, vainglorious offices and soulless designer apartments – he brings to bear the theoretical and the empirical to prove his point. Both frightening and funny, the book reads like a diary: sometimes tender and real, sometimes fantastical and cruel, peppered with Beigbeder’s acerbic one-liners and trademark wit.
Already a huge hit in France, the new novel from Independent Foreign Fiction Award-winning author of ‘Windows on the World’.In his most autobiographical text to date, Beigbeder recounts his stay in a French police cell in January 2008, after he was arrested for snorting cocaine off a car bonnet outside a nightclub in the super-chic 8th arrondissement of Paris. As he lies in the cell, he revisits his childhood, from the carefree days when his grandfather taught him to skim pebbles at the beach in Cénitz, to his parents’ divorce, the conflicting influences of his hedonistic father and studious, seemingly conventional brother who ‘has it all’, and his own first, unrequited loves. This patchwork of memories is as much a portrait of the era as it is the story of a fragile, self-critical man who has finally dropped the mask.Sharp, witty – with a particularly pitiless irony directed at himself – and yet tender, ‘A French Novel’ is a gem. Beigbeder’s reminiscences, his search for answers in the lost country of his childhood, will speak to a whole generation searching for its soul.
Teatud ajastul saabub teatud maades hetk, kui inimesed ootavad justkui mingit olulist ja traagilist sündmust, mis võimaldaks lahendada kõik nende probleemid. Tavaliselt nimetatakse sellist perioodi sõjaeelseks. Armumiseks ei tasu seda aega valida. 1940. aastal kohtub 21-aastane algaja kirjanik Jerry Salinger New Yorgis 15-aastase Oona O’Neilliga, kes on Ameerika kuulsaima draamakirjaniku tütar. Nende idüll algab tegelikult alles järgmisel suvel mõni kuu enne Pearl Harborit. 1942. aasta alguses kutsutakse Salinger Euroopasse sõtta ja Oona sõidab Hollywoodi õnne otsima. Nad ei abiellu kunagi ega saa ühtegi last. Kirjanik Frédéric Beigbeder on Prantsusmaal tuntud avaliku elu tegelane, kes oma kirjandussaavutuste kõrval on silma paistnud ka mitmete teiste ettevõtmistega. Ta on ajakirja Figaro följetonist ja ajakirja Lui peatoimetaja. Eesti keeles on varem ilmunud Beigbederi romaanid „Armastus kestab kolm aastat” (Varrak, 2008), millest ta on ise ka filmi teinud, ja „17,90 EUR” (Varrak, 2011).