
As a cousin of Queen Victoria, the beautiful Princess Marigold is obliged to yield to the Queen's wishes when it comes to marriage – and the Monarch is most reluctant to allow her to marry the man she loves, Prince Holden of Allenberg, because she views his tiny European Principality as insignificant and uninfluential. So, although the Queen assents to their engagement, she puts obstacles in the way of their marriage in the hope that Princess Marigold will fall out of love with Prince Holden if she can keep them apart for any length of time. One such obstacle is the Royal order that Marigold travels to Greece to represent the Queen at the State funeral of Prince Eumenus. Determined to stay with her beloved Holden, the Princess comes up with a cunning plan. She will send another young woman in her place – and Prince Holden knows the ideal candidate, the beautiful young Vicar's daughter called Avila Grandell, who looks uncannily like the Princess and, being half-Greek, speaks the language fluently. And so, with her mother's concerned consent, this awestruck young innocent's adventure begins, voyaging to Athens and on to the island of Malia. Little do any of them expect Avila to be touched by the Light of the God Apollo and would then fall in love with a handsome charming Prince of her own!


Pretty young Kelda Lawrence arrived at Mrs. Gladwin's Seminary for Young Ladies when she was fifteen, coming from the orphanage where she was sent for three years after her father and mother were tragically killed in an earthquake travelling in Turkey. At the Seminary she makes a firm friend in the beautiful Yvette de Villon who, although also an orphan, is from a wealthy French extended family. One day Yvette comes to Kelda feeling tearful and distraught because she has been summoned to go and live with her English uncle. This, Kelda thinks, does not sound so bad until Yvette explains that her uncle is 'horrible' and worse still lives in Dakar in the French West African Colony of Senegal as a recluse in a huge mansion.. When none of the school's Mistresses agree to accompany Yvette, to Kelda's amazement the Headmistress instructs her to go with her to Senegal and look after her until she can be handed over safely to her uncle in Dakar. And so begins Kelda's great adventure – and, when Yvette falls head over heels in love to a good-looking young man on the voyage, she and her new beau enlist Kelda in their plan to gain the acceptance of Yvette's uncle to their marriage. There are severe problems when they arrive in Dakar as Yvette's uncle has already promised Yvette's hand in marriage to the Governor-General. Little do any of them know that Kelda too is soon to lose her heart!


Golden-haired young beauty Anona adores her father, the East India Company seafarer Captain Guy Ranson. So she is shocked to the core when he comes home to confess that far from being the successful shipowner she thought he was, he is a pirate, boarding cargo ships and threatening the crew and cargo unless they paid him a ransom. He describes himself as a 'highwayman on a ship'. Fearing that he has been identified and may face the gallows, the Captain is determined that his beloved daughter's name should not be ruined by his actions and comes up with a plan to ensure that she will be safe and anonymous. And so Anona appears washed up in a small boat on a Malayan beach owned by the Captain's good Chinese friend, Lin Kuan Teng, whom he knows will take care of her at his palatial Penang house. Feigning amnesia, she finds herself under the wing not only of her father's friend but also of the handsome Lord Selwyn who has just arrived in Penang to take possession of a huge mansion and a plantation that he has fortunately inherited from his great-uncle. In this exotic Paradise, Anona may not have truly lost her memory, but soon she has lost her heart. But surely her love is doomed once his Lordship discovers her true identity and finds out about her father's pirating?


Rich, powerful and handsome, the Duke of Melyncourt is journeying to Paris on a secret mission for the British Prime Minister when he discovers that a bewitchingly beautiful flame-haired girl has stowed away in his carriage. Amé, as she is a called, has run away from the Convent where she is a novice and to which her unknown mother had entrusted her as a baby in arms. It transpires that she fled to enjoy a last taste of freedom after for some reason the sinister Cardinal de Rohan insisted that she take her nun's Orders without delay, far sooner than other novices would. The Duke knows that this French Cardinal is not to be trusted and agrees after much pleading to take Amé with him to Paris disguised as his pageboy. It is not long before the Cardinal's men are in pursuit, enquiring whether the Duke has seen the missing novice. And the Duke realises that there is something ominous afoot. So begins an adventure in which Amé and the Duke find themselves amid the turmoil between the Court of Marie Antoinette and subversive factions against the Queen led by the depraved Duc de Chartres. With everything at stake, including her life, how can Amé return to devote her heart to God when she has already given it to the Duke?


Running away from the school that she hates, headstrong and rebellious, beautiful young Petrina Lyndon clambers over a wall into a country road, flinging her bag over before her and narrowly missing a dashingly handsome young Earl, to whom she complains about the 'horrible, beastly' Guardian who placed her at the school and how he never listens to her. She is even more shocked when the Earl reveals that he himself is actually her Guardian, the Earl of Staverton. And although he is not the elderly 'stuffed shirt' she expected, he is cold and unfriendly and unimpressed by her stated desire to go to London and become one of the 'Lady-Birds' that she has heard so much about. She tells the Earl that she wants to enjoy herself and not get married to some boring and stuffy aristocrat. The Earl is horrified at this unseemly and ignorant revelation and tells her so in no uncertain terms. Determined to dissuade her from a path that would lead her into depravity and danger the Earl insists that she allows him to launch her into Society as a debutante in an effort to marry her off. But Petrina has very different ideas. And she resolves to somehow steal his Lordship's heart!


Als ihr schwerkranker Vater den Aufruf erhält, unverzüglich nach Konstantinopel für einen streng geheimen Auftrag an der Seite Lord Merwyns zu kommen, beschließt Rozella, die Reise an seiner Stelle anzutreten. Schließlich spricht sie all die Sprachen, die ihr Vater ihr beigebracht hat, fließend und ebenso gut wie er. Außerdem brauchen sie und ihre Mutter das Geld, um ihren Vater aufzupäppeln. Also verkleidet sich Rozella, um sich älter zu machen und begibt sich auf ein Abenteuer der Spionage – und der Liebe.


Odella Waynes Schönheit ist unberührt von der Welt, aber sie erkennt das Böse wenn sie in seiner Nähe ist. Bei einem Zirkusbesuch erkennt sie, dass die Wahrsagerin eine Spionin der Franzosen im Kampf Napoleons gegen die Engländer ist! Der Marquis von Midhurst erhält diese Neuigkeiten von Odella mit Dankbarkeit – und hat eine gefährliche Bitte für sie: ein geplantes Attentat auf den Prinzregenten zu vereiteln, so wie nur sie es kann. Odella ist verzaubert von dem attraktiven Marquis, ein wahrer Prinz Charming…und der Marquis erkennt ihr reines Herz. Mitten im Napoleonischen Krieg vereint die wahre Liebe diese tapferen patriotischen Seelen!


Armand, Viscount Sherringham, Sohn des englischen Premiers, reist unter falschem Namen nach Frankreich, um die Pläne Napoleons für eine Invasion in England auszuspionieren. Auf dem Weg nach Paris lernt er die schöne Comtesse Rêve de Valmont kennen. Für beide ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Rêve aber ist bereits dem Comte Gilles de Durieux versprochen; Napoleon selbst drängt auf eine baldige Hochzeit. Im Garten des Châteaus Valmont wird Armand bei einem Duell am Kopf schwer verwundet. Rêve, die durch einen Zufall die wahre Identität Armands und seine Mission erfahren hat, versucht trotzdem, sein Leben zu retten. Sie gibt ihn als ihren Stiefbruder Armand aus, der seit seiner Kindheit in Polen lebt und in diesen Tagen zur Vorbereitung der Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten in Valmont erwartet wird. Als Armand aus langer Bewußtlosigkeit erwacht, hat er das Gedächtnis verloren. Seine Erinnerung ist ausgelöscht – und damit auch seine Liebe zu Rêve. Er sieht in ihr nur die fürsorgliche Schwester… Ein historischer Liebesroman, glänzend erzählt, der nicht zuletzt durch die treffsichere Milieuschilderung besticht.


Es ist schwer zu glauben, aber es scheint also ob der gutaussehende italienische Prinz Antonio di Sogino ein teures Florentinisches Halsband von Jennie, der Marchioness von Kirkham, gestohlen hat, mit der er ein paar schöne Stunden verbracht und ihrem deutlich älteren Mann Hörner aufgesetzt hat. Sie bittet ihren Bruder, den Lord Mere, um Hilfe, das Halsband wiederzufinden, da es ein Geschenk ihres Mannes war. Er reist nach Florenz, wo er ein Netz von Intrigen um den hässlichen Prinz Vincente Gorizia vorfindet – und seiner Verlobten, der schönen Florenzia begegnet, die einem Gemälde Raffaels entsprungen sein könnte.


Arriving alone and unannounced at her Aunt Lily's Paris home, the innocent young beauty Gardenia is overwhelmed by a whirl of glamourous parties, exotic food and endless champagne. Her aunt, the imposing Duchesse de Mabillon, is it seems a well-known and popular Society hostess ¬who counts Lords and Comtes among her many friends. Indeed, already at her wits' end after the death of her mother, Gardenia is so shocked by the immediate and over-insistent attentions of a drunken Nobleman called Comte André de Grenelle that she faints. And her mind is hardly set at rest when, after coming to her rescue, a haughty and disdainful Lord Hartcourt warns her to leave her aunt's house and stay elsewhere. Her aunt plies her with fabulous clothes and introduces her to her sophisticated world and slowly Gardenia's eyes are opened to the decadence and deceit behind the glamorous façade. The innocent and trusting Gardenia has suddenly become embroiled in a world of women of low virtue, international espionage, intrigue and terrible danger. Luckily for Gardenia, the handsome Lord Vane Hartcourt is a gentleman of honour who would steal nothing – except perhaps her heart.