
Leedi Elvina, krahv Winwoodi tütar on rikas, kaunis ja armunud. Iga hetk palub kapten Broadmoor tema kätt.Aga siis kuuleb Elvina pealt, kuidas mees räägib, et ei armasta teda ning abielluks temaga vaid raha pärast.Elvina jookseb ära, sõites Cumberlandi, kus kuulduste järgi otsib Castleforde’i hertsog oma tõrksale õele Violetile guvernanti…



Wellingtoni armeest naastes avastab Melverley markii oma pahameeleks, et tema armuke on abikaasa juurde tagasi läinud ja tema lemmiktantsijanna petab teda teise mehega.Markii otsustab naasta koju, Melverley mõisa. Ent kui tema tõld kodule läheneb, peatub see liiklusõnnetuse tõttu, millesse on segatud ponikaarik. Kaarikujuht on kaunis Christina-nimeline neiu, kes on šokis. Markii viib ta koju ja avastab, et neiu on orb. Markii võtab Christina oma tiiva alla ning neiu asub elama mõisa, saatjadaamiks pensionil guvernant. Kuid juhtub tragöödia – neiu röövitakse ja markii avastab, et tema nõbu Terence sepitseb tema vastu vandenõu…


Having lost her parents in a tragic carriage accident, beautiful but innocent young Cornelia Bedlington, living in Ireland, has inherited an enormous fortune and her Uncle George decides that she needs a chaperone for the coming Social Season in London. Who better than her glamorous Aunt Lily who knows everyone smart! Unbeknown to George or Cornelia, though, Lily is in the throes of a love affair with the startlingly handsome Drogo, the Duke of Roehampton, who is struggling financially and she comes up with a Machiavellian deceit designed to make Drogo rich and save Lily the trouble of chaperoning Cornelia. Her suggestion is that Drogo marries Cornelia while secretly continuing his liaison with Lily! When this fascinating stranger, the Duke, suddenly proposes marriage, Cornelia is swept off her feet. And they are married in the most glamorous Wedding of the Season attended by the King and Queen. But just as love for the Duke blossoms in her heart, she is heartbroken to overhear her fiancé plotting their future together with Lily and then realises the horrible truth. Soon, though, amid the heady glamour of gay and exotic Paris, she enlists the help of a sophisticated Socialite, Renée de Valmé, in a desperate and cunning plan of her own to ensnare the dashing Duke's heart for herself alone!


For beautiful young Ivana her stepfather Keith Waring is no replacement for her much-missed father, the Honourable Hugo Sherard, who was killed in Spain fighting against Napoleon Bonaparte. Her stepfather is a spendthrift and he has gambled away virtually everything the family owns. Ivana's hatred for her stepfather is doubled when, to her utter horror, she overhears him offering her as a 'kept woman' to the equally despised Lord Hanford for over five thousand pounds! Ivana runs away with her old Nanny acting as her chaperone and companion and applies for work through a Domestic Agency, where she is invited to apply for a post using her flawless Parisian French for the Earl of Lorimer, who is working in the War Office. Expecting a man to apply for the post, the imperious but handsome Earl is at first sceptical, but on realising that he knew her father, he soon warms to her, saying that he has a 'difficult and dangerous mission for her!' Ivana is to become a spy, working undercover against Napoleon's secret agents. And so her perilous adventures begin. Very soon she loses her heart – and at every turn she risks losing her life. But the worst danger of all comes not from the wartime enemy but from the evil Lord Hanford who is still determined to possess her as he has already paid for her.