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Karel Čapek
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"The Absolute at Large" by Karel Čapek. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
Welcome to the Essential Science Fiction Novels book series, where you will find a selection of endless tales about the incredible technologies of the future, time travel and its consequences, adventures in interstellar spaceships, strange post-apocalyptic worlds, dangerous alien invasions and everything else the authors dreamed of or feared for the future of humanity.For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the 5 novels by authors who created memorable stories that shaped the foundations of Science Fiction. Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott.Gloriana by Florence Dixie.A Trip to Mars by Francis Henry AtkinsA Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne.The War with the Newts by Karel Capek.If you appreciate good books, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!
We have Czech writer Karel Čapek to thank for the invention of the word robot and generally for the introduction of the idea of artificial intelligence to the world of literature. His play, «R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)» was first performed in 1921 and was an instant success. While the «robots» of the play could be more accurately described as cyborgs, Čapek's influence on the science fiction genre with this play would be profound. «R.U.R.» describes a future where robots have become universal and all of humanity is now dependent on the labor that they provide. Everything is perfect until the robot's are stirred into revolt. «R.U.R.» is Čapek's prophetic and dark dystopian vision of the future which would solidify his place in literary history.
We have Czech writer Karel Čapek to thank for the invention of the word robot and generally for the introduction of the idea of artificial intelligence to the world of literature. His play, “R. U. R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)” was written in 1920 and was first performed in 1921. The play was an instant success and was translated into over 30 languages within two years of its first performance. The play begins in a factory that makes the “robots”, which could be more accurately described as cyborgs, since they are more living creature than machine. “R. U. R.” envisions a future where robots have become universal and all of humanity is now dependent on the labor that they provide, which remains a timely subject even one hundred years later. At first, everything seems perfect and the robots are happy to serve humans until the robots are later stirred into revolt. Čapek’s vision of a dystopian future where humans may be ruled by machines was immediately and profoundly influential on the science fiction genre and to future authors. “R. U. R.” is Čapek’s prophetic and dark dystopian vision of the future which would solidify his place in dramatic history and leave a lasting legacy on modern literature.
Jeżeli Bóg jest wszędzie, to czy można go stamtąd wyekstrahować? Inżynier Marek jest wynalazcą technologii, która ze spalanej materii wzywa Absolut w stanie czystym.W pobliżu ludzie zaczynają prorokować i uzdrawiać, a kiedy przedsiębiorczy kapitalista, pan Bondy, rozpoczyna masową produkcję Karburatorów, sprzedawcy masowo rozdają towar za darmo, pracownicy banków przekazują potrzebującym pieniądze, i tylko chłopi pozostają odporni na epidemię altruizmu. Kościół początkowo się wzbrania, ale ostatecznie kapituluje, zawiera umowę z Absolutem i uroczyście organizuje jego deifikację. Tymczasem uwolniony Absolut szuka sobie pracy. Można by pomyśleć, że powinno to rozwiązać wszystkie problemy ludzkości…W swojej antyutopii z 1922 r. Karel Čapek ukazuje szeroką panoramę kapitalistycznego społeczeństwa: fabrykantów, dziennikarzy, duchownych, naukowców i zwykłych robotników. Historia oddziaływania przedziwnego wynalazku stanowi kanwę, na tle której wyraziście zarysowuje się krytyka stosunków społecznych, niosąca głęboko humanistyczne przesłanie.