
In Mai 2016 Monika Petry published the English Trilogy of the HRA Bulletins of Max Freedom Long from 1948 to 1970.
In September 1959 Max F. Long started the Huna Vistas Bulletins taking much care of the Kabala and Tarot. In Dec. 1962 he started his predictions for each year. He wrote: «My experience with the Tarot, for what it may be worth, is that it is an outer expression of veiled „magical“ truth and that, in the hands of psychic and expert users, it forms a valuable tool with which to probe past, present, and to a degree, the future.» In this context this subject merges with Huna and is worth being presented to the readers.
Monika Petry has collected all writings and correspondence concerning the Kabala and Tarot Cards in the Huna Vistas Bulletins so that readers who share Max Long's interest in Kabala & Tarot may find these subjects in a condensed form.
Important notice: This is NOT one of thousands of Tarot books but the first Book of HUNA IN TAROT.
The excerpts are presented in chronological order.


Monika Petry ist die Übersetzerin u. Herausgeberin der HUNA-Bulletins von Max F. Long von 1948 bis 1970. Max F. Long schrieb eine liebenswerte Geschichte im Februar 1967 in dem Huna Vistas Bulletin Nr. 76 – 'HUNA für Kinder, Wie alles erschaffen wurde.' In dieser Geschichte erklärt er die Grundlagen von HUNA in der Schöpfung des Universums und aller Kreaturen. Er beginnt diese Geschichte wie folgt: "Die besten Geschichten von allen sind jene, die davon erzählen, wie wir entstanden sind, und auch die Tiere, Vögel, Insekten und sogar die Blumen. Es ist ebenso lustig zu hören, wie so etwas wie die Wolken und der Regenbogen erschaffen wurden. Zu Beginn vor sehr langer Zeit gab es keine Welt. Es gab weder Tiere noch Menschen und noch nicht einmal die Sterne im Himmel. Aber überall da, wo die Sterne, die Welt, die Sonne und der Mond hinkommen sollten, da war Gott. Nun, Gott ist so groß, dass sich Seine tatsächliche Größe niemand vorstellen kann, und wenn ich die Geschichte der Schöpfung erzähle (die davon spricht, wie alles entstanden ist), dachten die Menschen früher an Gott als einen sehr weisen und strengen Mann, und sie nannten Ihn «Vater» und behaupteten, Er lebe im Himmel. Das Seltsame bei Gott ist, dass Er unsichtbar ist, das bedeutet, niemand kann Ihn sehen. Er hat keinen Körper wie wir, sondern besteht aus der Substanz, woraus unsere Gedanken gemacht sind. Wir nennen sie «Gedanken-Substanz» oder «Selbst-Substanz», weil sogar die Menschen wussten, dass sie 'sie selbst' sind, ohne ihren Körper ablehnen zu müssen. (Dir und mir sowie den ganzen Geschöpfen wurde ein Stück der Gedanken-Substanz gegeben, so dass wir sicher sein können, dass wir lebendig und Gottes Kinder sind).


In Mai 2016 Monika Petry published the English Trilogy of the HRA Bulletins of Max Freedom Long from 1948 to 1970. Max F. Long wrote a lovely story in Febr. 1967 in Huna Vistas Bulletin No 76 – Teaching Huna to the Children, How Everything was made. In this story he explains the basics of Huna in the Creation of the Universe and all Species. He introduces his story: "The best stories of all are those which tell all about how WE were made, and also the animals, birds, insects and even flowers. It is also fun to hear how such things as clouds and rainbows came to be. In the Beginning, ever so many years ago, there was no world. There were no animals or people, not even stars in the sky. But all through the places where the stars and world and sun and moon were to be put, there was God. Now God is so large that no one can imagine anyone or anything that big, and so, in telling the story of CREATION (which is how things were made), the men of old had to think of God as a very wise and strong MAN, and they called Him, «The Father», and said that he lived in the heavens. The odd thing about God is that he is invisible. That means that no one can see Him. He has no body like ours, but is made of the STUFF that is used to make THOUGHTS. We can call it "thought stuff or «self stuff» because even people know that they are themSELVES, without having to stop to think that they have bodies. (You and I and all the creatures were given a bit of think stuff so we can know that we are alive and are God's Children.) If you have trouble thinking of things which can't be seen, you might like to play a little game like Jack and Jill did long ago. (You may know their story, but there was a part of it that was secret and did not get into the books. Now you can know the secret part.)…"