
Did you know that the Arthurian Folk Tales are some of the most well-known stories in the history of literature? And there’s good reason for that! You see, these stories consist of romance, adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. In this book, we’re going to read about Lancelot. Are you ready?


Did you know that not all fish are cold-blooded? There are warm-blooded animals, or mammals, living beneath the waves too! Let’s meet some of the most popular ones! This educational book will serve as an excellent reference material to the identification of the key characteristics of mammals. Get ready to hear more questions from your curious child as the pages of this book are turned.


Did you know that learning a language is most effective when a child is placed in the right environment? So to encourage learning, introduce the right books and be there to support your child’s study time. You can start with a copy of this baby book. Start with simple words and then slowly build up your child’s vocabulary until communication can be done eloquently. Start today!


Did you know that desserts, though barren, are abuzz with life? Learn all about the beautiful creatures that thrive in the harsh conditions of the desert. This educational resource is complete with pictures for a full learning experience. Learn about the desserts today, and the rest of the world tomorrow. Secure a copy of this book now!


Aside from learning the alphabet, a preschooler must also be exposed to phonics. The first step would be to know the sounds of each letter. In this workbook, we are going to explore the letter sounds and test your child’s understanding of them. We're going to use sight words during the exercises as an introduction to reading as well. Grab a copy today!


Arthur’s stories are filled with power, magic and a lot of love and responsibilities. You would love to read these stories to your children because of the lessons they provide. But since these books have been designed to be child-friendly, self-paced reading is also encouraged. Grab a copy today!


Aren’t mermaids fascinating? They are beautiful nymphs with tails of fish. Meanwhile, witches are scary especially how they’re depicted in Norse folktales. But these mythical creatures are reflective of the belief systems proliferating in early times. Would you like to know more about them and what they mean? Then open this book today!


Phonics is a proven stepping stone to reading. It is defined as the branch of linguistics that focuses on sounds and human speech. Phonics helps children learn to spell words by listening well to how they are pronounced. The goal of this book is to make it easy for children to recognize and associate the sounds of the letters to their corresponding alphabet.


Songs are reflections of the writers' emotions, culture and ideas too. You would notice that each genre evolved from a specific period of time. Lyrics and melodies also change through the years. This book details some of the best songs the world has ever heard. If you look closely, you will see patterns that will make you understand and appreciate music more. Reserve your copy today!


The North Pole is a mysterious place that's mostly covered with snow. There are only a few animals that dare live in this very cold place. Turn the pages of this book to learn about the North Pole. Coloring books is a valuable learning resource that carefully selects information to ensure optimum information absorption. Grab a copy of this coloring book today!