
It was a simple student exchange—but Retief gave them more of an education than they expected! Keith Laumer was a best selling author who was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries


The Fustians looked like turtles—but they could move fast when they chose! Keith Laumer was a best selling author who was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries


Retief had just one job on Northroyal—to save the galaxy from madness and war. So with a frayed cloak and an old horse and a packet in his saddlebags—not to mention blood, guts, and brains he set out.
Keith Laumer was a Hugo and Nebula award nominee! Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries.


In Night of the Trolls Keith Laumer introduces us to one of his most popular inventions The Bolo. These are Super Tanks capable of defending or destroying mankind. Jackson a volunteer in an experiment with suspended animations awakens to discover 80 years have gone by and the world has fallen apart. With a the help of a bolo it is up to him to bring mankind back.
Bolo to the Rescue!


He was a sort of taxi-driver, delivering a commuter to the city. The tank traps and armored cars were the hazards of the trade!
Keith Laumer was a best selling author who was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries


The general was bucking for his other star—and this miserable contraption bucked right back!
Keith Laumer was a best selling author who was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries


Two Billion Years ago, a unit of life had the urge to climb out of the sea. It died. But that didn’t count. The urge to climb out was the thing—greater in its force than a million suns to keep the urge is the measure of man. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries


When Legion signed on as a soldier he did not expect to expect to wind up as the master of a private island. Nor did he expect to cower in ancient Druid pits . . . nor fight for his life in the great hall at Okk-Hamiloth, on a planet galaxies away. A Trace of Memory is a mind blowing non-stop adventure story that you’ll be thinking about long after you finish reading it.
Keith Laumer was a best selling author who was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Before becoming a science fiction writer Laumer was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the Foreign Service, adding a note of realism to many of his stories. One of science fiction’s true luminaries

