
Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883) was a famous German philosopher, political economist and theorist, historian and revolutionary whose ideas laid the foundation of twentieth century communism and socialism. Most noted for his work «The Communist Manifesto», Marx's materialist analyses of the bourgeois capitalist society initiated a revolution that has had profound effects on the development of human civilization. The basic philosophical assumptions of Marx's approach, despite some of the later ideological and at times quasi-religious adaptations of his thought, are based upon fundamental notions of the European Enlightenment; human reason can successfully alleviate the problems of life. Marx published «The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte» in 1852. The «Eighteenth Brumaire» refers to November 9, 1799 in the French Revolutionary Calendar—the day Napoleon Bonaparte made himself dictator. In this piece, Marx traces how the clash of different public interests manifest themselves in the complex net of political struggles, and in particular the contradictory relationships between the external form of a struggle and its real social content.


"The Communist Manifesto" is the classic work of economics that initiated one of the greatest movements of political change that the world has ever seen. The writings of Karl Marx brilliantly expose the vast divide between the elite ruling class and the working class that has existed throughout history. At the time «The Communist Manifesto» was first published it was intended to serve as a publication to help unite the working class and to form a communist party based on the philosophies of communism. To that aim it was very successful and helped to unleash a wave of sweeping political change.


Perhaps one of the most infamous works of the modern world, «Capital» is the German treatise on political economy by Karl Marx that critically analyzes capitalism. First published in 1867 as the beginning of an ambitious but unfinished six-volume series, this work extensively attempts to expose and explain the capitalist mode of production and the class struggles embedded within it. «Capital» was written while Marx was exiled in England, and many of the examples he uses to illustrate private property and its social relations are derived from his time there. Ultimately, this work argues that capitalism would create a divide between wealth and well-being, and the solution was the replacement of capitalism with a system of common possession for all concerned in the means of production. Marx's work gained wide readership in a very short span of time, proving highly influential in Russia, Germany, and eventually the entire world.


Perhaps one of the most consequential works of all time, “Capital” is the German treatise on political economy by Karl Marx that critically analyzes capitalism. First published in 1867 as the beginning of an ambitious but unfinished six-volume series, Marx would only see the first volume published in his lifetime with two more published posthumously by Friedrich Engels, this work extensively attempts to expose and explain the capitalist mode of production and the class struggles embedded within it. “Capital” was written while Marx was exiled in England, and many of the examples he uses to illustrate private property and its social relations are derived from his time there. Ultimately, this work argues that capitalism would create a divide between wealth and general welfare, and the solution was the replacement of capitalism with a system of common possession in regards to the means of production. Marx’s work gained wide readership in a very short span of time, proving highly influential in Russia, Europe, and eventually the rest of the world. Presented here in this edition is the first volume of “Capital”.


When Karl Marx declared religion the opium of the people, he voiced a central tenet of the philosophy that bears his name. In this collection of essays and letters by Marx and his colleague, Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism discuss their perspectives on the origins and essence of religion. These writings constitute the theoretical basis of proletarian Marxist atheism.The authors trace the rise of religious belief from primitive humans' struggles to explain natural phenomena to the modern-day exploitation of the working classes. They explore the role of religion in social structure, defining it as a method of oppressing the masses, who surrender their hopes for earthly fulfillment in exchange for dreams of paradise. The philosophers further examine the conflict between science and religion, illustrating the church's long-standing opposition to the development of scientific thought. Written between the 1840s and the 1890s, the essays and letters appear in chronological order and include editorial notes. Students of history and political science will find this volume a thought-provoking introduction to Marxist theory.


Shortly before he was assassinated in 1940, Leon Trotsky — one of Marx's most devoted converts and a key figure in the Russian Revolution — made this selection from Capital, to which he appended his own lengthy and insightful introduction. Compact and fascinating, this invaluable work not only presents Marx's thoughts in his own words but also places them in the swirling context of the 20th century. A critical analysis of ideas that have influenced millions of lives for well over a century, this book will be an important addition to the libraries of students and instructors of economics, history, government, and Communist thought.


Written in 1844 as a series of notes, Marx's posthumously published critiques on the conditions of modern industrialist societies forms the foundation of the author's denunciation of capitalism. Combining elements of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, it is a profound examination of the human condition rooted in a philosophy of economics.In this concise treatise, Marx presents an indictment of capitalism and its threat to the working man, his sense of self, and his ultimate potential. With a focus on «Marxist Humanism,» he describes the alienation of laborers in a capitalist system: since the results of their work belong to someone else, they are estranged from their own labor and can never function as freely productive beings. Through a powerful mixture of history and economics, Marx explores the degenerative effect of capitalism on the proletariat and his true human nature.Regarded as one of his most important books, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 is a first glimpse at Marx's fascinating transition from philosophy to economics. Accessible and influential, it is an important predecessor to the Communist Manifesto and essential to an understanding of Marxist theory.


Karl Marx’s second volume in his monumental criticism of capitalism was prepared by Friedrich Engels from notes left for him and published in 1885 two years after Marx’s death. The work is organized into the following three sections: 1. The Metamorphoses of Capital and Their Circuits, 2. The Turnover of Capital, and 3. The Reproduction and Circulation of the Aggregate Social Capital. Where the first volume of Capital focuses mainly on the worker and the industrialist, volume two turns its attention more to the owners of capital, merchants, traders, and entrepreneurs. While this work has been largely overshadowed by its predecessor as well as many of Marx’s other works, its contributions to the economic analysis of commodities are undoubtedly worthy additions to the corpus of political economic theory. Though history will most likely continue to charge that Marx’s recommendations for solving the inadequacies of the capitalistic system as a failure, his analysis regarding those inadequacies will most assuredly continue be considered as a highly thoughtful analysis of the impact of capitalism upon society and may yet one day help to reform the persistent injustices that seem to be inherent within such a system.


First published in 1848, “The Communist Manifesto” is a political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which initiated in one of the greatest movements of political change that the world has ever seen. At the heart of the economic writings of Marx and Engels is the materialist conception of history, or that productive capacity is the primary organizing factor of society. This conception gives rise to the fundamental inequality that exists between the socioeconomic classes. By controlling the means of production, the wealthy, or “bourgeoisie,” gain a power over the working class, or “proletariat.” The writings of Marx and Engels would brilliantly expose the causes of the vast division between socioeconomic classes that had existed throughout history. From its initial publication “The Communist Manifesto” was intended to help unite the working class in a common goal of forming a political party based on the philosophies of communism. To that aim, it was very successful and helped to unleash a wave of sweeping political change across the globe. This edition includes an introduction by Algernon Lee.


A new beautiful edition of the Communist Manifesto, combined with Lenin’s key revolutionary tract “A spectre is haunting Europe…” The Communist Manifesto is the most influential political book ever written – few others have fundamentally changed the world. After the Russian Revolution it became the key text for radicals the world over. Now, in the wake of a punishing financial crisis and on the centenary of the Revolution that it helped to spark, the book remains both an essential guide to the transformations wrought by capitalism and presents the solution to its inequalities and exploitation. There have been many editions of the Manifesto before, but this is a beautifully presented hardback edition and with one key addition – as this book was instrumental in the Russian Revolution it has been coupled with Lenin’s April Theses as an attractive ‘flip’ book (i.e. turn the book upside down and you have another). Lenin presented his ten directives after his return from exile in 1917, and they are the key program for the revolution that was carried out that year. This landmark edition includes a new introduction by Tariq Ali, showing how the Russian Revolution changed the world and the horizon of political change, and why its ambition is still relevant today.