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The Oxford Book of Latin Verse. Various Authors
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Название The Oxford Book of Latin Verse
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4066338123831
Автор произведения Various Authors
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Bookwire
The Oxford Book of Latin Verse is chronological collection of Latin poems and verses edited by British classical scholar H. W. Garrod, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. Contents: NVMA POMPILIVS Fragments of the Saliar Hymns THE ARVAL BROTHERHOOD Against Plague upon the Harvest ANONYMOUS Charms An Ancient Lullaby Epitaphs of the Scipios L. LIVIVS ANDRONICVS Fragments of the Odyssey Dramatic Fragments CN. NAEVIVS Fragments of the Bellum Poenicum Dramatic Fragments His Own Epitaph T. MACCIVS PLAVTVS His Own Epitaph MARCIVS VATES Precepts Vaticinium Q. ENNIVS The Vision of Ilia Romulus and Remus The Speech of Pyrrhus Character of a Friend of Servilius M. Cornelius Cethegus Caelius resists the Onset of the Istri Toga Cedit Armis Lesser Fragments of the Annals Alcmaeon Andromache Cassandra Telamon Telamon Molestum Otium Medeae Nutrix From the Iphigenia Epitaph for Scipio Africanus The Same Scipio to Ennius His own Epitaph M. PACVVIVS Fortune The Greeks set sail from Troy Genitabile Caelum Speech Womanish Tears His Own Epitaph L. ACCIVS Tarquin's Dream The Argo seen by a Shepherd who has never seen a Ship Shorter Fragments ANONYMOUS Epitaph of Claudia POMPILIVS His Poetical Lineage VALERIVS AEDITVVS The Lamp of Love Q. LVTATIVS CATVLVS Lost: A Heart The Rising Sun of Roscius PORCIVS LICINVS Ignis Homo Est Terence corrupted by his Patrons LAEVIVS From the Erotopaegnia M. FVRIVS BIBACVLVS The Garden of Valerius Cato The Reward of the Scholar ORACVLVM M. TVLLIVS CICERO De Consulatu Suo Marius From the Odyssey From Sophocles From Euripides C. HELVIVS CINNA An Astronomical Poem written upon Mallow Leaves M. TVLLIVS LAVREA Magic Waters in the Garden of Cicero's Villa Q. TVLLIVS CICERO Astronomical Fragment C. IVLIVS CAESAR Terence C. LICINIVS MACER CALVVS Fragments of Epithalamia The Death of Quintilia T. LVCRETIVS CARVS Exordium The Rule of Reason Magna Mater Epicurus and the Fear of Death The Powers of Hell The World's Conquerors Primitive Man Origin of Belief in God C. VALERIVS CATVLLVS A Hymn to Diana Hymen, O Hymenaee Attis Iunia weds with Manlius…