
A Lady's DeceptionWhen the Earl of Carlyle suddenly decides to leave London to become better acquainted with the young daughter he barely knows, Miss Antonia Hadley's plans go awry. Believing the man abandoned his daughter, Antonia has no compunction about persuading the earl's servants to help her deceive him. Determined to help little Clara overcome her fear of horses, Antonia teaches her to ride, under the guise of a Mr. Anthony Davlin. Soon the earl notices something just a bit odd about his daughter's riding instructor. Can Antonia keep her secret, or will Carlyle expose her innocent deceit?


FROM RESERVED GENTLEMAN TO SOCIETY’S DARLINGLaurence Bretton has been the talk of the Ton since the shock announcement that he is the celebrated playwright Valentine Lawe. Keeping up the charade for his sisters’ sake isn’t a problem – that is until he lays eyes on Lady Joanna Northrup…Since her father inherited his title Joanna is no longer free to marry for love. Now she must choose a wealthy, titled husband – and soon! Regretfully, this doesn’t include the dashing Laurence – and certainly not his flamboyant alter ego. But the twinkle in his eyes tells her there’s so much more to this man. If only he can pen a happy ending for them both…


SHE MIGHT GRACE HIS BED, BUT SHE WILL NEVER WEAR HIS RING They whisper her name in the ballroom’s shadows – the Marquis’s mistress! It will take all of Alice Sweetly’s renowned acting skills to play this part: smile until it no longer hurts, until they believe your lie, until you believe. Pretend he means nothing.If the Marquis of Razeby thinks he can let his mistress go easily, he is so very wrong. Each night she appears before a rapturous Covent Garden audience, taunting him with her beauty. But Razeby must marry, and while Alice could grace his bed she can never grace his arm.Gentlemen of Disrepute Rebellious rule-breakers, ready to wed!


CAUGHT IN A MIDNIGHT TRYST! Can a reclusive and distrustful lord, scarred by betrayal and raised without love, learn to trust a pampered society beauty who seems to have the whole world at her elegantly shod feet? When Alexander Forthin, Earl of Calvercombe, clashes with Persephone Seaborne it seems not…But a series of mysterious disappearances links their two families, forcing the embittered soldier and the toast of St James into an unlikely alliance – one that starts the gossips’ tongues wagging… Especially after they are caught in a secret midnight tryst!


Forbidden TerritoryThat was where Maddie Garret was leading him–not just through the wilds of Texas, but deep into the secret reaches of his heart. But could Texas Ranger Jonah Danhill, half Comanche and all lawman, accept the tragedy of his people's past and still embrace a joyful future spent in her arms?Maddie knew that her last hope of rescuing her kidnapped sister lay with Jonah. Possessed by a passion for justice, though haunted by sorrows of his own, he was exactly what she needed–a man of strength, a man of courage, a man who could awaken the woman she was meant to be!


Drawn to her avowed enemyBaron Mathieu Fitz Autier expected some resistance when he staked his claim to the Saxon land he'd won in battle. But he never imagined that the former lady of the manor would have the courage to fight back–with an arrow aimed at his head!Lady Aelia saw her world slipping away as the Normans took control of her beloved home. Worse, she was drawn to Fitz Autier–her avowed enemy. She would not give in to the passion she sensed in this fierce warrior: not when he was honor-bound to deliver her to a Norman king. The journey ahead was sure to test them both beyond reckoning.


THE DARKEST HOURS OF THE NIGHT BRING THE DEEPEST PASSIONS…Haunted by rumours following her husband’s suspicious death, Aurelia St Harlow has withdrawn from society. To secure her family’s future there’s only one man who can help. And that man demands payment – with a kiss!Lord Stephen Hawkhurst finds the troubled beauty impossible to resist. But Aurelia is suspected of treason and, as England’s greatest spy, Hawkhurst must uncover her every secret. As the truth unfolds so does their desire.Drawn together in the dark of the night, they unleash passions neither has ever experienced before…


"You gotta face the ghosts."More poignant advice the Reverend John Leaf had yet to hear for dealing with his haunted past. A man of God now, he'd done things that would shame the devil himself, not the least of which was loving–and leaving–Abbie Windsor, a woman of true grit and uncommon courage, a woman who could make him whole…!Abbie Windsor had weathered dark days with only the steel of her will for cold comfort. Yet today John Leaf–who'd awakened her womanhood, who'd given her a daughter–offered her his protection. But could she accept a marriage in name only to the man who shared her soul?


HE'D NEARLY BLED TO DEATH ON HER DOORSTEPCatherine Donnelly had come to Whirlwind to care for her rebellious brother. Not to rescue the very man who doubted her sibling's innocence! But as the Texas Ranger recovered in her bed, she was forced to admit that Jericho Blue might be the one man who could save her. And make her the woman she yearned to be!HAD THIS ANGEL OF MERCY DANCED WITH THE DEVIL?Jericho prayed that Catherine had nothing to do with the murderous ambush. For once he'd apprehended the culprits, Jericho knew the only way to satisfy the fierce passion Catherine aroused in him–would be to make the innocent temptress his wife!


Quiet gentleman or rakish adventurer?Lady Angelica Lennard wanted her brother brought out of France, and Benoît Faulkener was just the man to do it. Fully expecting a piratical smuggler, Angelica was mortified to discover a respectable shipowner.Some things about him still didn't add up, but Benoît didn't seem a stranger. He couldn't, when the warmth and intimacy that they shared made her feel so safe. But when danger threatened, and his steely will showed through, she couldn't help but wonder who was the real Benoît–the quiet gentleman or the rakish adventurer?