
Feared warrior Brand Bjornson has finally got what he’s strived for – lands of his own, granted to him by his king. But his new estate, Breckon, holds more than a few surprises, not least the intriguingly beautiful Edith, former Lady of Breckon.Proud Edith refuses to abandon her lands to the mercy of Viking invaders and, impressed by her courage, Brand agrees she can stay.He has one condition – that she becomes his concubine!


A Scandalous Secretwas part of the dowry Katherine Sutcliff would bring to her bridal bed. And any prospective suitor on the Marriage Mart would have to live with it–or live without her! But her pressing need for a suitable match was diverted by her most unsuitable attraction to the disreputable Lord Benjamin Sinclair.A Rakish Lifehad been Benjamin's choice, but now the adventurous gentleman was tempted to stay closer to home. How else could he keep a watchful eye on Kate Sutcliff, when the gangly girl he'd teased in childhood had grown into a most unconventional beauty?


A Young Woman Disappears. A Husband Is Suspected Of Murder. Stirring Times For All The Neighborhood.Since the murder of the Marquis of Sywell shook the quiet neighborhood of Steepwood Abbey, Madam Felice has been careful to conceal her true identity. Now she senses danger and exposure ahead because, for the first time in her life, she feels the lure of a man's attraction. But which is she more terrified of losing–her mask or her heart?Driven by desire to make this elegant modiste his mistress, Marcus, Lord Angmering, sets out to discover the truth. As he gradually peels away the layers of her disguise, Marcus unveils the terrible secret that she has been so desperate to hide….


Someone Was Matching Up Men And Women All Over Town–And, Tarnation! It Had To Stop!Marcus Copeland had been elected to «investigate» the most likely suspect. But he didn't have time to romance any secrets out of the unconventional Molly Crabtree. He had a lumber mill to run. And besides, this buxom, beautiful baker was proving to be one tough cookie!Coming from a family of freethinkers, Molly Crabtree knew she'd be a success if only someone would take her seriously. But who'd ever have thought it would be the arrogant Marcus Copeland? And was his proposition strictly business–or secret pleasure?Only the matchmaker knew for sure…!


FEUDING FAMILIESThe Medwins and the La Vallons were longtime enemies. After Silas La Vallon's sister was taken by the Medwins, the wealthy merchant had no choice but to retaliate and abduct Medwin's daughter Isolde. Held captive in his house, then taken abroad to Belgium, the beautiful hellion softened to Silas's sweet words and gentle kisses during the long days and longer nights. But Isolde could not forget he was a La Vallon and she was a Medwin. Theirs was a love that could never be….


Found out!Heloise Edwina Marchant longs for the beauty and comfort of her former life, before she was forced to flee her family home. Coming to London in the guise of a boy, she has learned the hard way how to survive among the hovels and alleyways of St. Giles. There is shame in having to pick the pockets of unsuspecting passersby, and the inevitable happens–she is caught!The gentleman who seizes hold of her is not angry for long. In fact, his firm kindness is almost her undoing. For he has come to St. Giles with a purpose–and she will help him if she doesn't want to be reported to the authorities. But how can she agree, when at any moment this good-looking man could find out that he is a she?


THE HOMELESS MISS LUCAS Destitute and desperate, Jane Lucas knows there is one place she can find refuge – her childhood home. Landing on the doorstep, Jane is confronted with a new Lord of the Manor! Devilish Colonel Francis Russell is known for his fierce reputation in battle.The Civil War might have ended, but by stepping over the threshold Jane fears she’s crossing enemy lines… She will use every weapon in her arsenal to claim back the home that’s rightfully hers, starting with her bewitching charm…and then she goes and falls under the Colonel’s spell!


Notorious Knight, Defiant Damsel The “black sheep” of the de Burgh family is a title Reynold wears well. Outcast and injured, this knight is journeying alone. But his bitter pilgrimage is interrupted by a very determined damsel who holds him to his knight’s vow – to protect and serve!Sabina Sexton knows her reluctant rescuer is sceptical about her quest. But the danger is very real, and wary Sabina must place her life – and her heart – in this dark and dangerously attractive knight’s keeping…


BACK IN HER HUSBAND’S BED Alex MacKinloch is chief of his clan and, in these dark times of unrest, he has united his people. The void between him and his wife is proving a much harder challenge. When Alex discovers Laren has been keeping secrets from him, his thinly veiled frustration can no longer be contained…The pleasures of the marital bed seem long forgotten to Laren. Yet her warrior husband is looking at her with increasingly hungry eyes… This powerful Highlander has seduction on his mind and his wife in his sights! The MacKinloch Clan Highland warriors prepared to fight fiercely for their country…and for love


A LADY NEVER REVEALS HER SECRETS… None of the women at an ‘anything goes’ house party catches Garth Evernden’s jaded eye. The only one worth noting is a covered-up lady’s companion with an intriguing hint of exotic beauty the eighth Baron Stanford would like to uncover… …DOES SHE?Rose is in fact posing as a widow to find her inheritance – without it, she and her sisters will surely perish! The Baron is known for his generosity, and he is so very handsome.A new solution springs to Rose’s mind…surely becoming mistress to this rake would bring definite advantages?