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possessions were stripped.

      «Ah, yes,» Amaranta remembered the walls in the forest.:And in what part of the former Tuatu de Danan do you live?»

      «In any way! I now live here in your castle.»

      «That’s how!» Amaranta was sure that Cannes was just a messenger.

      «I moved here after the union was concluded. All who did not find a place at home slowly poured here to mortals. I decided not to lag behind the fashion. You really have a chic castle. Only flowers are not enough. Usually I will live inside the flowers. I prefer Cannes. Hence my name, as you understood. Or did not understand? Well, you are stupid.»

      «And you are not too polite.»

      «I am a fairy, I can do something that you mortal can not.»

      «But the king of elves does not think so.»

      «Do you know him personally?» Cannes alerted. It can be seen, she hid too long in boudoir and did not hear the last gossip. Amarantite did not want to retell them, but she had to. Cannes noticeably nailed. Let her not respected the mortal girls, but hardly it turned out that Dagda himself was carried away by Amaranta, she was somehow forgot about her morality.

      Cannes long told about Tuatu de Danan and all its traditions, and by evening she flew after Amana. Spark returned from the hills. Her presence near the Countess did not please him. He even called the fairy a curious insect, but she did not pay attention to him.

      Iskra cost to be swollen. He was hiding behind the tapestries in the most cheekly and lived holes in them. But Amarante did not want to join the debate with him.

      «After some girl picked my last house for a joy, I mean Cannes’s flower, I decided to fly here,» Cannes said, flying ahead of the Countess as a colorful firefly. She herself with the butterfly’s wings, more resembling petals, was also very similar to the flower, and not on a curious insect, Spark responded about her.

      «These earrings are so heavy, which is surprising how you didn’t break the ears,» Cannes noticed unceremoniously.

      «Learn to keep your opinion with yourself.»

      «And what are they hot!» Cannes flew to one earring and burned down. Spark giggled, hiding behind the tapestries.

      There are so many tapestries in this castle! Amaranta wonder how many elves are hidden behind them? Spark, as well as other fiery elves, was immediately noticeable, since they burned the holes in everything, for what they were hiding. They are better not to play hide and seek, they will immediately get out. And other beings that fucked in the Count Castle after the conclusion of the Union… How many of them here and in what corners do they hide? Guests from the Magic world loved to appear suddenly and hide a long time, but did not leave anywhere. Why, because the union with Dagda contributes to their stay here. Amaranta saw the gnomes in the empty boilers in the kitchen, the fiery elves in the oven, goblins in alcoves, where they were before the statues, even strange spine-shaped fairies, wearing a gold cobweb on the ceiling.

      «Want, I weave something for you,» offered one such a fairy, having flown on the golden thread from the ceiling, like a spider.

      And wove! A golden handkerchief. It almost instantly arose in her hands and lit up in the darkness. Even Cannes became interested.

      «Thank you!» Amaranta accepted a handkerchief from the fingers of the fairy. That immediately disappeared on the ceiling, tightening back, like a spider.

      «Arahni,» Cannes squeaked, but Amaranta was more interested in her earrings. Is Spark did something, and they became fiery again? At first glance in the mirror it seemed. The earrings broke out orange, and this is again just flowers. Optical illusion! How then can Canna feel the heat?

      Fairies-spiders turned out to be many. It was worth only to throw off her head and look at the ceilings, so there they were crawled by whole flocks. Subsecured bodies, although they were golden, and suspiciously resembled gigantic spiders.

      Fairies-spiders worked and made a golden network. Amaranta hid behind the column and secretly watched their work. Although is it possible to spy behind the fairy? Can they see all? Are they not from the kingdom of Medea Shai? It seems that all the monsters nest in her kingdom, and such creatures, though beautiful, but remind monsters. One spider fairy said:

      «Say hello, Dagde, when you will be with him…»

      «But I… almost don’t know him.» Taking the fairy for the agent of Medea Shai, Amaranta attached a sharp. Did not work!

      «Is it really?» a fairy spider grinned. What a poisonous and wide smile, full of sharp needles-teeth.

      «Did the Queen of fairies send you here?» Amaranta surrendered. Pretend to be stupid is senseless.

      «We have a queen no longer. The king of the elves allowed us to live on his borders. But we are not his subordinates. But in the castle, you can all live since Dagda and Angus entered into an alliance. Doors are open here to all wandering fairies. Э

      The people of fairies seem to be called all the magical creatures. The fairies crawled up the column, which was immediately covered with a golden pattern of cobwebs.

      «Arahni,» again repeated Cannes.

      «Arahni,» Amaranta already heard about them when she drove into the castle from the coast past the forests.

      «Golden!» explained Cannes, so that it was clearer. «They weave the web with golden threads.»

      At the top gathered a whole flock of Arahni.

      «We weave and sew dresses, and you, ladies, carry them,» they quietly sang. «And every dress has special qualities. But not everyone solve them before the outfit will take possession of them.» A circle of wonderful weavers began to seem sinister.

      «And can we not drive they away from the castle?» asked Amaranta. Arahni seemed dangerous.

      «While the Union is not terminated in any way.»

      So she was pleased! Sometimes even an alliance with magic creatures can become burdensome.

      «Even if they dissolve it, promise that I can stay here!» asked Cannes. «I can be useful, care for flowers in the garden, bring you news, that is, spying. I am a little and similar to the flower, no one will not even notice me, but I can be sprinkled into any keyhole.»

      «Well, stay!» said Amaranta. The tiny fairy did not the same as a whole company of spiders.

      «Just don’t put on the dresses that they fall, and advise everyone dear people to you not to wear and not even measure the woven with them, then there are no troubles,» Cannes said.

      Probably, the handkerchief was better to throw out, but it is already adherence to the sleeve like a burdock. Do not take away!

      «This is nothing!» Cannes cautiously touched it. «The main thing is that it does not touch the skin. Through the sleeve it does not work! But in the dress, woven of them, many lose the mind. They remain forever young, but brainless. A couple of such brainless ladies in gold already wanders in the mountains.

      «There are such girls as they need to withdraw with poisonous solutions, «Amaranta said as quiet as possible, so that the arahni did not hear her.

      «The poison does not work on them. The first lady at the court of the elves Ivein also dislikes them, but uses with the benefit of themselves. After all, she is in the dresses donated by them, the mind does not lose. They only actually act on mortal. I think if you are a favorite of Dagda, then he sent them here so that they decorate the castle. For example, they can make tapestries.

      It would not be superfluous! After all, Spark and his friends walked holes in all existing tapestries. But the ability to enchant the castle a little frightened, because under it you can understand any cunning magic trap.

      The golden cobweb above is slightly covered with ice. Arahni was excited about cold.


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