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and distinguish them by that whereby Christ has not distinguished them. When this Spirit of Love and Unity, of forbearing one another in Meekness, once becomes the prevailing Principle amongst Christians; then, and not till then, will the Kingdom of Christ in its highest Perfection and Purity flourish upon the Earth, and all the Powers of Darkness fall before it.


      [print edition page 18]

      [print edition page 19]


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The Occasion of this Work, <1>
That there is a God, <2>
That there is but one God, <6>
All Perfection is in God, <8>
And in an infinite Degree, <8>
That God is Eternal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and compleatly Good, <9>
That God is the Cause of all things, <9>
The Objection, concerning the Cause of Evil, answered, <16>
Against two Principles, <17>
That God governs the Universe, <17>
And the Affairs of this lower World, <18>
This is further proved by the Preservation of Empires, <19>
And by Miracles, <20>
But more especially amongst the Jews, who ought to be credited upon the Account of the long Continuance of their Religion, <21>
[print edition page 20]
From the Truth and Antiquity of Moses, <23>
From foreign Testimonies, <25>
The same proved also from Predictions, <71>
The Objections of Miracles not being seen now, answered, <75>
And of there being so much Wickedness, <76>