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       Dale Carnegie



       Published by



      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting

       [email protected] 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-272-2265-0

       Twelve Things This Book Will Do For You

       Preface: How This Book Was Written And Why

       Part 1 - Fundamental Techniques In Handling People

       Chapter 1 - "If You Want To Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over The Beehive"

       Chapter 2 - The Big Secret Of Dealing With People

       Chapter 3 - "He Who Can Do This Has The Whole World With Him. He Who Cannot Walks A Lonely Way"

       Part 1 In A Nutshell

       Part 2 - Six Ways To Make People Like You

       Chapter 1 - Do This And You'll Be Welcome Anywhere

       Chapter 2 - A Simple Way To Make A Good First Impression

       Chapter 3 - If You Don't Do This, You Are Headed For Trouble

       Chapter 4 - An Easy Way To Become A Good Conversationalist

       Chapter 5 - How To Interest People

       Chapter 6 - How To Make People Like You Instantly

       Part 2 In A Nutshell

       Part 3 - Twelve Ways To Win People To Your Way Of Thinking

       Chapter 1 - You Can't Win An Argument

       Chapter 2 - A Sure Way Of Making Enemies – And How To Avoid

       Chapter 3 - If You're Wrong, Admit It

       Chapter 4 - A Drop Of Honey

       Chapter 5 - The Secret Of Socrates

       Chapter 6 - The Safety Valve In Handling Complaints

       Chapter 7 - How To Get Cooperation

       Chapter 8 - A Formula That Will Work Wonders For You

       Chapter 9 - What Everybody Wants

       Chapter 10 - An Appeal That Everybody Likes

       Chapter 11 - The Movies Do It. TV Does It. Why Don't You Do It?

       Chapter 12 - When Nothing Else Works, Try This

       Part 3 In A Nutshell

       Part 4 - Nine Ways To Change People Without Giving Offence Or Arousing Resentment

       Chapter 1 - If You Must Find Fault, This Is The Way To Begin

       Chapter 2 - How To Criticize-And Not Be Hated For It

       Chapter 3 - Talk About Your Own Mistakes First

       Chapter 4 - No One Likes To Take Orders

       Chapter 5 - Let The Other Person Save Face

       Chapter 6 - How To Spur People On To Success

       Chapter 7 - Give A Dog A Good Name

       Chapter 8 - Make The Fault Seem Easy To Correct

       Chapter 9 - Making People Glad To Do What You Want

       Part 4 In A Nutshell

       Part 5 - Letters That Produced Miraculous Results

       Part 6 - Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier

       Chapter 1 - How To Dig Your Marital Grave In The Quickest Possible Way

       Chapter 2 - Love And Let Live

       Chapter 3 - Do This And You'll Be Looking Up The Time-Tables To Reno


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