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      Women in Leadership

      in the beginnings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America

      Silvia C. Scholtus

      Translation: Margarita A. Biaggi

      Women in Leadership in the beginnings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America

      Scholtus de Roscher, Silvia

      Título original: Liderazgo femenino en los inicios de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en la División Sudamericana

      Autora: Silvia C. Scholtus

      Traductora: Margarita A. Biaggi

      Dirección editorial: Rafael Paredes, Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata

      Edición editorial: Anabel Caro

      Corrección editorial: Viviana Marsollier, Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata

      Diseño de tapa: Mauro Perasso

      Diseño y diagramación: Pamela Alcover

      Ebook: Mariel Mambretti

      Imagen de tapa: © Shutterstock

      © Es propiedad de Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, (2019)

      MMXIX - 100


      25 de Mayo 99, Libertador San Martín,

      E3103XAC Entre Ríos, ARGENTINA

      Teléfono: 54 343 4918000, Int. 1230

      Fax: 54 343 4918001

      E-mail: [email protected]

      Web site: www.uap.edu.ar/publicaciones

      La Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata es miembro de

       Red de Editorialesde Universidades Privadas

      Scholtus de Roscher, Silvia

      Women in leadership in the beginnings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America / Silvia Scholtus de Roscher. - 1a ed . - Libertador San Martín : Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2019.

      Libro digital, EPUB - (Serie pioneros / Plenc, Daniel Oscar)

      Archivo Digital: descarga y online

      Traducción de: Margarita A. Biaggi.

      ISBN 978-987-765-031-0

      1. Historia. 2. Liderazgo. 3. Iglesia Adventista. I. Biaggi, Margarita A., trad. II. Título.

      CDD 200.9

      Índice analítico

      1 Towards a More Vital Church

       Why tell stories?

       Stories connect people

       Stories define who we are

       Stories provide meaning to our experiences

       Stories are theological autobiographies

       The stories of these people create hope

       Each story is a gift, a treasure in the world

      2 Introduction

      3 Historical Context

      4 Mary Thurston-Westphal: Love is Known in Self-denial and Sacrifice

       Who was Mary?

       Return to the United States

       What was Mary’s legacy?

      5 Lucy post: First Bible Instructor in South America

       A mission

       A brave and selfless woman

       Conversion, and preparation for mission

       Leadership and dedication to God’s service

       Her last years

       Untiring evangelist

      6 Sadie R. Graham-Town: Busy in the Things of the Lord

       Arrival in South America

       Responsibilities and tasks

       Return to the United States

       New activities in South America

       Last years

       Her legacy

      7 Luisa Post-Everist: Administrator, Teacher and Writer

       One of the first converts in Uruguay

       A little bit of her life

       Her legacy

      8 Lydia Green-Oppegard: Writer and Editor of Adventists Papers


       How she met the adventists

       Her first labors as a missionary

       Her later years

       Her legacy

      9 Elvira Deggeller: Colporteur and Evangelist


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