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in the eye. "I've only been here four weeks, Agent, but I've already learned a heap — that is, a considerable amount. I've learned better grammar, diction, and vocabulary, and I've also improved my table manners and my posture." She paused, letting her long lashes screen her eyes as she gazed modestly downwards. "I've never been spanked once since I've been here. But I'd be happy to let you all spank me here and now, if Madame Madeline thinks it's appropriate."

      "I think that's a splendid idea!" Madame's laughter was like icy silver wind chimes, but her hand was warm and reassuring on Crystal May's shoulder. "Since you're still new, my child, we needn't drag you in front of the entire school. Let's go back up to my office, Agent Gold. You may do whatever you like with Crystal May, within the limits of safety and propriety."

      "Of course." The tough, seasoned FBI agent had played this game plenty of times. But the sexy blonde projected an air of innocence and mystery that intrigued him. Where did she come from? Why was she here? She was different from the big city runaways Madeline Charles usually served up. Matt Gold wanted to help the soft-spoken country girl. But he also wanted to teach her a lesson. He wanted to hear Crystal May whimper for mercy with her bare ass quivering under his hand.

      The three of them walked up the stairs to Madame's private study, and along the way they passed several other girls. A couple of them winked at Crystal May. They knew she was in for it and didn't want her to be scared. But some of them looked at Matt Gold in a real interested way too. Crystal May didn't like that. She was the one who had earned a spanking from the gorgeous FBI man. She felt proud and nervous and excited like she was going to her first dance. Madame was holding her by one arm, and Agent Matt Gold had her real tight by the other. In no time at all they reached the book-lined study, which was both elegantly furnished and very luxurious.

      "Would you like something to drink, Special Agent?" Madame settled in behind her desk like a queen sitting down on her throne. She reached for a fancy jar of liquor, what they called a decanter, a lovely and expensive item made out of frosted, shimmering glass.

      "No, thank you," Matt Gold said, in a scratchy voice. He did sound like he needed a drink. But instead he looked at Crystal May, a hot, smoky sort of look. "I'd like to see her undress first."

      "Very well. Crystal May, you may remove your kitchen overalls. Over there, by the fire."

      "Yes, ma'am." Crystal May felt like Madame was counting on her. And she felt the heat of the fire on her bare skin as she slipped off the rough, heavy garment, bending over to fold it up neatly and set it in the corner. But most of all she felt the hot and heavy way Matt Gold was looking at her. When she bent over she knew that he was looking at her behind and thinking how it would feel.

      "Beautiful," the lawman said. He was sitting on a leather sofa that faced the fire, with a real nice view. And he sort of groaned like it hurt him even to see such a fine behind. "Oh, baby, you should be modeling in New York City, not scrubbing floors in a Nevada whorehouse."

      "This isn't a whorehouse, dang it!" Crystal May's voice was usually soft and whispery, but this time it cracked like a whip. She spun around with hands on her hips, not even caring that all she had on were a little old push-up bra and some frilly little white lace panties. "You think you're such hot stuff, don't you? Well you ain't! All you are is a policeman who likes to make trouble for decent folks instead of catching criminals. I bet you like watching me take off my clothes, don't you? And I bet you like pretending you can make me do any low-down thing you want. 'Cause you know a girl like me wouldn't even look at you if I wasn't true and loyal to Madame."

      "Crystal May Snow! You will close your mouth and cease this vulgar behavior at once!" Madeline Charles smacked her hand down on the desk, her diamond rings flashing in the firelight.

      "Yes, ma'am." Crystal May lowered her eyes, like a girl in trouble. But deep down she knew she had said the right thing. Madame's dark brown eyes were bright and shiny with pride. So instead of waiting for orders on what to do next, the country girl decided to push right on ahead. "Agent Gold, I'm sorry for my rude behavior. This is my first spanking, so I'm just a little scared."

      "Like hell you are." The big city agent grinned, and patted a spot next to him on the sofa. "You've got guts, honey. I like it when a girl talks back. Of course I know it's all just part of the act. Come on over here, Daisy Mae. Let's get to the climax of our little drama."

      Crystal May felt like sticking her tongue out, and saying no. She wasn't putting on any act. She honest to God meant every single word, and she hated Special Agent Matt Gold! But the only way to keep Madame out of trouble was to do exactly what he said. So without being a bit sassy, she sort of slinked her way over to the couch, and let the dark-haired lawman get her laid out just right. Her long legs were dangling over the arm of the sofa with her behind sticking way up in the air.

      "Now when I start, you can make me stop at any time," Matt Gold told her. He had taken off his fancy jackets and rolled up his sleeves. "All you have to do is say the following words. 'I'm not a naughty girl. Please take me away from here!'"

      "But I don't want to — ow!" Crystal May was totally taken by surprise. The first smack came out of nowhere and it hurt worse than she expected. It was like something hot stinging her behind!

      "What did you say, dear?" This was Madame, talking from behind the desk. But it sounded as though she were a million miles away.

      "I didn't say anything — owww!" This time the hot sting nearly brought tears to her eyes.

      "You are a brave, sweet girl, Crystal May," said Agent Matt Gold. His hand was already in the air for another smack. "All you have to do is beg me to take you away from here."

      "No! I don't want to go! Ow! I like it here and — ow! You know it's not — ow! Ow! Oh!"

      Crystal May couldn't stop howling. Pretty soon she was crying her eyes out too. She couldn't believe how fast her resistance crumbled. It wasn't just the way Matt Gold's heavy hand kept coming down harder and harder on her burning ass cheeks. Each new slap hurt worse than the one before!

      But it wasn't just the pain, sizzling and scorching like a forest fire burning out of control. It was the way his voice got right inside her head. Matt Gold had a lovely voice, low and deep and sort of soothing to listen to. He kept saying she was good and kind and sweet, that she didn't deserve to be locked away in a low-down place like Madame's. And it seemed like the pain made her want to believe him, even though she knew it was all just lies. Before long she heard herself giving in, saying things that weren't even true, but crying her eyes out as though they really were.

      "Stop! Please stop! I'm not a naughty girl! I'm not! Please, please take me away!"

      "Ah," Matt Gold said. And he let his hand fall down on her butt, but softly now. "Ah."

      "Will we see you again soon, Agent Gold?" Madame asked, as if the two of them were old friends who had just run into each other at the market and been chatting away about the weather.

      "I think so, if I'm not called back to D.C." The handsome agent was already standing up. First he was rolling down his sleeves, and then he was putting on his jacket and buttoning it up. "You take care now, Madame Charles. I'm glad to see everything is still running so smoothly around here."

      "Drive safely, Agent Gold."

      Crystal May Snow heard the door close softly behind him. But she didn't look up to see Matt leave. She felt like a fool, a frightened child who had gotten sucked into the play-acting of others. She knew it was just a show. But when the show was over, all she could do was lie there and cry.

      Chapter 2

      "Come on, dear. Pull yourself together."

      Madame's hand clamped down on Crystal May's shoulder. It wasn't a mean grip, but it was firm and strong. Madeline Charles was saying as plain as day that she cared, but that everyone had to do their part. The country girl crying on the couch quickly choked off her tears.

      "Do you reckon we did all right?" Crystal May sniffled, wiping her eyes as she sat up.

      "You did very well indeed, darling. Now

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