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of July 2019 From the newsletter of August 2019

      32  Closing words: Just do it! About the author Overview of the seminars “Consciousness creates peace” Notes

      Preliminary remark

      by the publisher

      The first two books of the “Christina” series – Book 1: “Twins Born as Light” (published in July 2017; English in January 2019), and Book 2: “The Vision of the Good” (published in March 2018; English in October 2019) – tell the beginning of Christina’s story from the perspective of her mother, Bernadette von Dreien. Bernadette relates the extraordinary circumstances of Christina’s birth, her childhood and youth up until the age of 17, and the beginning of her work in public. In both books, there are also several longer or shorter passages with Christina’s statements on subjects relating to philosophy, parapsychology, holistic science, spirituality and the future of humanity on Earth.

      Book 2 takes the story as far as spring 2018, and since then a lot has happened that would also be worth writing about. Throughout 2018 and up until April 2019, Christina held a large number of one-day seminars in all three German-speaking countries, some with over 1000 visitors. Between April 2018 and April 2019, a Swiss private television station broadcast 27 one-hour interviews with Christina, which after their publication on YouTube have so far attracted more than four million viewers. Working groups have been set up to look into issues such as education and the possibilities of a new school system. The “We Are Peace” project launched an international impulse for peace and understanding among people. And last but not least, in the course of 2018, the first two “Christina” books went from being insider tips to becoming veritable top sellers and have now been published – or are in preparation – in twelve languages.

      All this could be told in detail. But Christina has decided not to do so. Together with her, the decision was made to focus more on the content she imparts than on her outer life and work. In her heart, Christina carries a profound wish, and she has something specific to communicate to humanity. She would like to tell us who we human beings really are, why conditions on Earth today are as they are, and which positive direction global development can take. She wants to show us how we can use the power of our consciousness and the power of unconditional love to transform our individual and collective lives in a healing and constructive manner. She wants to give us confidence and hope for a future of inner and outer peace, and she wants to nourish our feeling that, despite all the gloomy predictions, all will be well in the end.

      Because of this, we decided that the present third book in the “Christina” series should consist exclusively of Christina’s own words. Shortly before her 18th birthday in April 2019, she asked me to sort through all the recordings of her 2018/19 one-day seminars as well as all the TV interviews she’s given so far, in depth, and to compile the chapters of this book from them. I gladly accepted this task, and it is a great pleasure and honour for me to present Christina’s own first book. Since all her seminars so far have been entitled “Consciousness Creates Peace”, it seemed sensible to give this book the same title.

      So, dear reader, from the depths of our hearts, we wish you much inspiration and edification while reading “Consciousness Creates Peace”.

      – Ronald Zürrer,

      November 2019


      by the author

      Right now, I’m in South America. Yesterday, I was shown the cover picture of this book and when I saw it, I was happy for two reasons.

      Firstly, I was delighted with the picture because it’s so light and playful with its many butterflies. It symbolises something that today’s world needs more of: lightness. The world needs people who live their inner child again – no matter how old they are. Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to be dead serious about everything. This lightness brings about change within us. It’s the beginning.

      And secondly, I was pleased that South America is also changing and going through a development which is sometimes more spiritual than we think – when we sit in Europe and think nothing much is going on here yet. Because each area of the Earth develops spiritually in its own way, each area will be able to take up its own true position. This is an essential basis for the step by step regeneration of the Earth.

      I wish all who read this book a great deal of lightness and playfulness in their personal development.

      – Christina von Dreien,

      November 2019


      Love pioneers

      Because I am human …

      … love is my religion,

      … truth is my life,

      … freedom is my birthright.

      And yours too.

      Love knows no national borders. Love doesn’t care where someone comes from, what they used to be and what they are now. Love exists within us, and is independent of external circumstances. Love is the essence of life. Just as a mother loves and supports her child wherever it goes, so we support ourselves, our fellow human beings and our world with love. Love is not bound to people, groups and places. If we open ourselves to the world in love, love can flow into our surroundings, and everything can be transformed in love.

      In the past – decades and centuries ago – there were spiritual pioneers. They made their knowledge available to everyone, although the world at that time was still looking in a completely different direction. We should let our gratitude flow to these pioneers – for what they have done and still do, and for what they were, are and always will be. Humanity has received higher knowledge through them, and now it’s time for us to begin to live this knowledge, to embody it.

      Our next step will be the one that brings us to love. It starts within us and then grows around us. Pioneers of a new kind are now appearing: love pioneers. Love pioneers are beacons for other people, and one of the most important things they do is to spread hope.

      We human beings can change the world simply by being what we all are eternally, in our divine core: love, unconditional love. There’s nothing we have to do. We just have to be – to be a beacon from which the fire of love radiates, within reach of everyone who comes with the heartfelt wish to radiate as well, to be what in truth we all are anyway at all times.

      We learn to simply be what we have long been. This is awakening in its entirety. It means realising that love is the power that transforms the world.

      It’s the love of a mother for her child that ensures that she is always there to protect her child. It’s the love of people for other people that enables them to persevere in seemingly hopeless situations and build their lives on a new foundation. As it is on a small scale, so it is on a large scale. The love that love pioneers have for the world will ensure that we as humankind persevere and put the world on a new footing. And it will ensure that we hold a protecting hand over the Earth in the future.

      Truth also means that we are clear about our personal reality. Truth is not to be found around us, but within us. Awakening is to discover, and discovering is to understand. We only understand our truth when we realise that our own personal truth can only be found in our hearts.


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