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to be crazy…

      «What business do you mean? I said, it’s up to me to decide if I’m all right or not!»

      He chuckled.

      «Of course, it is. And may I know your name?»

      I answered nothing. I didn’t want him to know my name. He’d tell Mum I was here.

      «I won’t tell you.»

      «Why? You’re so beautiful! And I definitely must know your name.»

      I blushed. Never in my life did anyone tell me I was beautiful.

      He took my hand. I was about to melt with joy. Or with happiness.

      «Hey! What’re you doing?» I pulled my hand out of his.

      «Sorry. I didn’t want to. I’ve just… I’ve just fallen in love.»

      «With whom?»

      «With you.»

      I didn’t expect him to say that. So, I blushed even more.

      «Why are you saying this? We don’t even know each other!»

      «And what? I fell in love just when I saw you!»

      «You mustn’t have to. I’m a usual girl. And I guess nobody’s perfect. Me neither. I have lots of issues. So there’s no reason to fall in love with me.»


      He looked at me as if I’d been drunk. Though I wasn’t.

      «Because I’m English. And you’re Arabic. We live in different worlds. We have different religions. And your parents wouldn’t accept me.»

      «We’ll see that! I bet they would!»

      Indeed, would they?

      «I’ll introduce you to them, and they’ll love you when they first see you!»

      «Really? I don’t believe that!

      «Let’s come with me!»

      Strangely enough, he stepped back and stood like this for a minute or two. I didn’t know what he was thinking about. But I didn’t want to go to his home. First, Mum would be worried about me. And second, his family would be worried about him! Because if he had met a girl like me, he would have been considered a complete idiot! And, well, third, I want to stay alive for some more time!

      «I’m afraid I won’t. Mum’s waiting for me.»

      «Okay. And what if I’ll tell her how I was saving you from death?» he chuckled.

      I startled. He had no right to tell this to my Mum! Or I’d choke him with my own hands!

      «No, you won’t. You’d better tell it to me.»

      He squinted.

      «Well, then, maybe you will tell me your name? My name’s Mohammed, little girl.»

      «I’m not little! I’m already nineteen!»

      Who did he think he was? Not a Prime-Minister for sure. To talk to me like that!

      «And you have no right to talk to me like that! I won’t tell you my name! No way!»

      «But that’ll be unfair, don’t you think?»

      He smiled.

      And I got confused. Indeed, would that be fair?

      «Okay. You win. My name’s Janet.»

      «Oh, nice! What a beautiful name! Like you yourself.»

      I blushed again.

      «Why do you think I’m beautiful?»

      «Because I fell in love with you when I first saw you. You’re my queen! So, do you agree to be my queen?»

      I laughed.

      «I’ll think about that. But I also think it’s high time for me to go home. Mum must’ve been waiting for me for a long time.»

      «I think she isn’t worried. Our beach can be seen from the hotel windows.»

      «Your English is so perfect! Have you studied it somewhere?»

      Indeed, had he..?

      «I studied only at college, here in Morocco. Not in Agadir. I went to the capital, Rabat. But I think it’s all right for me. English is good.»

      «Yeah, I agree. But maybe I’ll go.»

      «Okay. See you.»

      My God! I didn’t know what to think. Everything happened so quickly! And he’d fallen in love with me so quickly! I couldn’t believe that! Turns out men can fall in love as soon as they see you for the first time!!! I was shocked!

      I also wondered how a BOY (or already a MAN) could have spoken to me! Never in my life had boys even talked to me!

      And never in my life had boys fallen in love with me!

      I was so overwhelmed!

      But… what should I tell Mum? She would be angry with me for sure.


      «Where were you, Janet?» Mum asked angrily when I just crossed the threshold of our room. «Though I know everything! So, don’t even try to hide anything from me!»

      I was taken aback.

      «But… Mummy, I didn’t do anything that could harm me!»

      «Indeed?» my mother looked snake-headed. «While you were coming to yourself, I was there too! Helping this man save you, my foolish daughter!»

      «But… I didn’t want to…»

      «Listen to me: why did you go there at all?»

      «I don’t know. Maybe I was sleeping or something…»

      «Don’t hand me any more of that jive!

      «I don’t!»

      «You do! Listen to me, Janet: do you love him? I know everything!»

      How can Mum know everything? Wow! I was really surprised! Mum’s a real superwoman! I can’t stop admiring her!

      «Yes, Ma. I love him very much. So much I’d give all my life to him. For him to be happy.»

      «But, my darling, do you know it’s me who ran there first when you were drowning?»

      «You did?»

      «Yes, me! Not him!

      «Then where was he?»

      «He ran when I shouted that you had been drowning! I don’t know how to save lives!»

      «So, then, he pulled me out?»

      «Yes! Only then, did he pull you out of the water!»

      «Err… Did he go away when I saw swimming?»

      «I don’t know. Maybe he was in the shower. I don’t know. Don’t ask me that.»

      «O-o-okay. I won’t.»

      «Janet, I want to warn you: he’s not for you. He’s not your type. I can see that clearly.»

      «But, Ma, why do you think so?»

      «I’m afraid he isn’t taking much interest in you. Maybe he doesn’t even need you.»

      «But, Mum, I love him!»

      «I know that, my dear. But, please, be careful.»

      I couldn’t understand anything.

      «What do you mean to say, Ma?»

      «Just don’t come up to him so often. You better go to the beach with me, not alone, when I’m in the shower. My darling, I’m so worried about you! I know what you feel, but it’s

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