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      Impact onAcademic Life

      Edited by Cheyenne Seymour

      © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Seymour, Cheyenne, 1984- editor. | John Wiley & Sons, Inc., publisher.

      Title: Successes and setbacks of social media : impact on academic life / edited by Cheyenne Seymour, Bronx Community College, Bronx, USA.

      Description: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020046801 (print) | LCCN 2020046802 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119695189 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119695196 (pdf) | ISBN 9781119695219 (epub) | ISBN 9781119695233 (ebook)

      Subjects: LCSH: Education, Higher—Effect of technological innovations on. | Social media in education.

      Classification: LCC LB2395.7 .S88 2021 (print) | LCC LB2395.7 (ebook) | DDC 378.1/7344678—dc23

      LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020046801

      LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020046802

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      1  Cover

      2  Title page

      3  Copyright page

      4 List of Contributors

      5 Biography

      6 Introduction: Pervasiveness of Social Media in Higher Education

      7 Part I Academics1 Grades: Smiling Face EmojiIntroductionSocial Media and Civic Engagement in the College Classroom: Reflections on a Social Media Campaign Promoting Diversity and InclusionPosting for Progress#Isucceed: Impact of Social Media on Academic Success in Higher Education Programs2 Grades: Worried Face EmojiIntroductionYou Don’t Belong HereChange the Perspective: Online Distraction to Recharging OnlineTo Be Liked: Social Media’s Impact on African Americans in Academia

      8 Part II Authenticity and Facades3 #NoFilterIntroductionCommunity and Labor: The Affordances and Constraints of Social MediaAuthoring Authenticity Through Social MediaHashtags as Identity: Black Male Authenticity Online4 There’s a Filter for ThatIntroductionRewriting One’s College Experience with Social MediaSocial Networking: From Invasion of Privacy to True SelfYou Are Not Your Brand: Confronting the Spiritual Perils of Social Media

      9 Part III Relationships5 We Are ConnectedIntroductionSocial Media: From Deleted to Private, Private to Public ProfilesIt takes a Village: Facebook Group Supports #PhDMommySocial Media Network: Contribution to Success6 It’s ComplicatedIntroductionFake News and Family: Here’s How to get ResultsAvoiding Social Media in Grad School: Not Here for the CommentsFar Away and Far From: Fickle Relationship with Long-Distance Support Structures

      10 Part IV Self-Esteem7 I Would Follow MeIntroductionFacebook Friends and Law SchoolThe Courage of Vulnerability as a Pedagogical Tool for Emancipatory Education in Feminist Social WorkA Novel Perspective on Social Media8 Unfollowing MyselfIntroductionThe Balancing Act: The Accumulating Pressures of Social Media and SuccessBodies, Images: The Impact of Social Media on Body ImageDrawing Comparisons: Social Media, Impostor Syndrome, and Socialization

      11 Part V Looking AheadSocial Media Influencing Higher EducationIndexEnd User License Agreement


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