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awaken so much expectation.

      I kept walking, but I saw more and more people around me getting closer, and they talked to each other, whispered as they say, and laughed. Suddenly, I don’t know where they came from, but two policemen stood in front of me, and prevented me from continuing to walk. I wanted to ask them why they were doing that, what was going on, that I just wanted to get to the hotel where I was staying and have a rest.

      I was surprised, I didn’t hear anything, just silence, that is, I didn’t hear my own words. I heard the other people well, but not my voice. What was happening to me?

      One of the policemen took me by the arm, and I, with a sudden movement, tried not to do it, but I must have miscalculated my forces because the policeman fell to the ground.

      I was amazed, it could not be possible, I had not pushed him, I had only tried to get him not to catch me, it would surely be that he stumbled.

      He got up very angry as usual, and asked me, with the club in his hand, to go to the right. I, who did not want any problem, did what he wanted immediately, of course that made me end up with my bones in prison, locked up there, and unable to say anything because I couldn’t speak, I didn’t know what had happened to me, but I was mute, and so it was impossible to explain myself.

      Lying there on a bunk, which was in a corner of that small cell, I don’t know how long it had been, when I saw the hotel owner approaching the gate.

      I was glad to see him and I got up quickly. I went to speak to him but I could not even hear myself, and of course neither did the others, although I do believe that he moved his lips, because I saw how the man looked at them attentively as trying to understand what he was saying, but nothing, it could not be possible.

      — Yes, I think it’s him, but it’s impossible, it’s been two weeks — I heard him answer the policeman behind him.

      When I heard that, I was stunned. What did that man say? It couldn’t be possible! He was wrong, or was it that I misunderstood him?

      — But are you sure this guy is your client? — I heard that policeman ask him again.

      — Yes, I have no doubt — said the owner of the hotel at that time —. I know that vest very well, because on some occasion I had told him that I had never seen them like that, but of course he is very changed, but yes, I think so, it is him.

      Suddenly I remembered that detail, the owner of the hotel liked my vest. From the first moment he saw it, the amount of pockets it has, said that this way he could carry everything on top and everything placed in its place so as not to leave them forgotten. I took my vest and when the man saw me he said:

      — Is it true that we have talked about those pockets?

      I shook my head affirmatively and when the man saw me, he said to the police

      — See how he is? Yes, I have no doubt.

      That police officer, still looking doubtful at me, approached the gate and, inserting the key into the lock, opened the door and let me out.

      Immediately I rushed to hug the owner of the hotel, thanks to him I was free, but he made a gesture that I did not understand, and saw how he separated from me.

      That surprised me, but at that moment I did not give it much importance. I just wanted to get out of there, leave, get to my room and rest in that bed that I remembered so comfortably.

      I was walking down the street, next to the man, the one who had taken me out of my confinement. I saw how people looked at me and talked to each other, it is as if something was happening that I did not understand.

      I decided to stop looking at them, I was only interested in arriving soon and I kept going on. When I arrived at the hotel, as soon as I entered the door, the man told me that he had no other place, that everything was full, and led me down a long corridor.

      We walk through the kitchen and after standing up he opened a small door. I had gone quite confused behind the man asking myself where he would take me. I saw that little dark room, there next to some buckets and more piled up objects that I couldn’t see well. There was also a small bunk. I just wanted to rest and I indicated with my head that it was fine and he left closing the door behind him.

      When I was finally alone I did one thing, what I was most looking forward to, to rest, this must have been a bad dream, and I was sure that when I got up again it would have happened, and everything would still be fine, but before falling asleep I glanced around as if wanting to make sure that what I was seeing could not be real.

      Four dirty walls, a little window near the ceiling, I also saw there hanging on one of the walls a small piece of mirror, and followed by an unstoppable impulse I got up and went to look at it and…


      Why am I remembering all this in these moments? They were difficult times, but finally I have been able to overcome them. I could never have imagined that this would happen to me, but what are you going to do? There is a saying that says “Curiosity killed the cat”, because that was what must have happened to me for having been curious.

      Of course that I say that if I had been calm, at home, none of that would have happened to me, but I would not have also seen as many and as many things as I could have seen, because it is true, that sometimes, my eagerness to know this or the other has taken me to unusual places, but it is that, if not, I would never have known it.

      No one wants to speak clearly about these issues. So many bullshit has been said and written about it, that it seems that nobody wants to be involved, but I say, who is interested in not being discovered?

      There are many people like me, who want to know something, not much that is the truth, we are just hobbyists, but it is not surprising that they leave it for being tired because as soon as they start to move a little, they only find tripping and bad faces, and that tires anyone.

      But I think, “If there is a volcano fuming, and that smoke is seen from a distance, then why does someone insist on denying the existence of such volcano?.” The same with this, if there are multiple evidences of its existence, why are there so many interests in which the truth is not known? And they not only deny it, but also the one who is trying to look for the evidence has so many impediments.


      When I put my foot on that ladder of the plane I was already decided, it had been difficult for me to make that decision, it is the truth, I did not feel like going through hardships, and I knew that if I continued with the same issue it would happen, but once started, nothing or no one was going to make me give up on the idea.

      I had to get to the end of the matter. I did not want to be another of the many who had stayed halfway and when obstacles began to be found decided to give up because of fear, comfort, or who knows for what other reason. I did not want to give up; therefore, my resolution was strong and I think that this aptitude was going to help me a lot from now on.

      I kept going up, calmer now, it was my first flight in such a device, it didn’t look very safe, but I had no other way to get there. I would have to put my fears aside, and trust that everything would turn out well, because If I did not encourage myself, surely no one would.

      I had paid the pilot in advance what we had agreed, but when I saw myself sitting there, I thought, “If I got to know what this is like on the inside, I would not have been in trouble.”

      When I was thinking about it, the pilot approached me. We still hadn’t started and I thought when I saw him that he was coming to ask me for more money. I really don’t know why that was my thought, but it was, and what would not be my surprise, which was, on the contrary, he gave me the bundle of bills that I had given him the day before.

      — The only thing missing is what I have spent on these drinks. I couldn’t miss this, so thanks for cheering me up — the man was saying to me.

      I stared at him, I suppose, with a silly face, because he laughed out loud.


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