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      — Yes Peter, I agree with you, but tell me, what do they get? I don’t understand it.

      — Well, dear friend, something will come out, even if those of us who are not on that subject find it difficult to understand, but well, let’s go back to what it brings us, that we are going to get to the center and we still haven’t agreed on what we are going to tell them.

      — I have it clear! — I said very seriously.

      — Yes? Well, tell me, that I don’t — he said, looking at me to see if what he was saying was true.

      — Look Peter, since you are more skeptical, I let you speak, and that’s it, you’ll know what you have to tell them, and where to take the conversation.

      — But how good! What a comfortable posture, and if nothing comes out, what?

      — Come on, joker! How can nothing come out? If, as they say in my land, you don’t shut up even under water.

      — Are you calling me chatty? — he asked, and it was clear from his tone of voice that he had not liked what he had just heard.

      — Of course! With all the letters, but yes, with all my love, don’t go mad, that was not my intention, I just wanted to ask you to take the conversation wherever you want, that I only accompany you.

      — Yes, quietly, and if it the result is bad, I know who you’re going to blame.

      — No, look, it is not that, Peter. It’s that if we both talk, we will be in trouble, so you only do it and that’s it.

      — Well, but without reproaches later, and don’t tell me either, you could have asked them this or that, say it now or be silent forever! That’s what they say at weddings.

      — That would be the old ones, because now as the officiant knows that three newscasts are going to last, as they say, I think they tell them half of the things. Look, I remember now some friends, that, at their wedding, which incidentally two priests attended, because of circumstances… Well, that does not matter, what I wanted to tell you is that there is a time when you wish the spouses a long life together, with something like meeting their third generation. Well, I remember because they told me that, in their ceremony, the two priests, not just one, both, only wished them to meet their grandchildren, that is, the second generation, and they said “That is surely that one of the two of us are going to die soon” and indeed it was so, the husband knew only the grandchildren, and these being little ones.

      — You mean by that, that the priests were fortune tellers and they knew it?

      — No, but don’t tell me it’s not weird. And like that, things usually happen every day, that we find people in our lives who, without knowing it, can make a prediction, that with the passing of time they come true.


      I ran to pick up the phone. I had just read a story in the newspaper. “What a coincidence!” I said to myself, and without thinking twice, I got up and went to the device saying “I’m going to call Peter, I’m sure he hasn´t noticed it.”

      I was dialing when I heard the doorbell. Surprised that someone was doing it at this time in the morning, I left the phone in its place and went to open the door. Surely it will be a fool, or a neighbor who needed sugar for breakfast. I looked at myself “What a good look I have! — I thought —. In pajamas and house slippers and immediately I put my hand in my hair, surely I had everything messed up.

      As I reached the door, even without touching it, I heard them say something from the other side.

      — Come here, lazy. There is much to do.

      I smiled when I recognized the voice, while opening the door and saying by way of greeting:

      — You! But what are you doing here at this time? I was calling you on the phone.

      — Did you also read yesterday’s newspaper? It happens to you, as I do not have a free second per day, I leave it for the morning and take a look at it in the bathroom.

      We both laugh at the coincidence.

      — Did you hear the news? — he said, upset.

      — Sure! And I see you too, but why did you come?

      — How could you not want me to? Did you see what time it is?

      — Not really — I replied.

      I had got up and then everything had been rushing, so in those moments I had no idea, what time it was.

      — Well, come on, get ready quickly, I don’t want us to be late.

      — But where? What do you say? It is impossible!

      — Look, there is a taxi waiting for us, and I’ve already told you that if we get to our appointment on time, I’ll give him one more tip, and the man is delighted.

      — But well, look how I am, I was going to take a bath.

      — What shower or what excuses! Put on the first thing you catch and let’s go. Tomorrow you get up earlier and take a longer bath for today and tomorrow. Also, you have to shave your face because you did not have time — Peter was saying to me as he pushed me.

      It would surely be for me to react, because I do not know what was happening to me as I was stupid standing there.

      — Oops, but it’s true, I hadn’t even noticed the shave — I said as I ran my hand over my chin, noticing how it pricked.

      — Look, I get out of the car and I’m talking to the taxi driver, but don’t make us wait, because later he will have to almost fly down the road, if he wants to earn extra money.

      — I’ll be down soon! — I said, closing the door, since he had already turned around and left.

      Running down the hall a flip flop came out, and I did not take it again. I smiled, and said to myself “Walk slowly that you are in a hurry! Do not forget to put something on” and I quickly fixed myself with the first thing I caught, like Peter said.

      Jeans, which seemed the most appropriate, I always look good with that and I took a white shirt and jacket. The truth is that I do not know why I did it, and when I was going to close the wardrobe I took, as well as on the flight, a tie, saying to myself “Just in case!.” I folded it carefully and put it in my jacket pocket.

      I revised the bedroom in case I forgot something and when I was going to go out, I looked at the mirror and saw a little detail. I had no shoes, and I thought “See? The rush is never good”, and I put on my socks and shoes quickly, while reviewing what else I might be missing, the glasses, the wallet, the keys, well, I think I carry everything.

      I left the house, closed the door well making sure that I locked it, because the truth is that I don’t tend to be distracted, but the arrival of Peter, so unusual, had upset me a little.

      I ran to the taxi, which I saw parked by the sidewalk, and got in immediately. The taxi driver by way of greeting said to me:

      — Fasten your seatbelt! We’re going to start the flight.

      I was a bit curt and I said:

      — Good morning, what happens?

      I quickly reached for my belt, thinking that it must have been unbuttoned, and that is why that man told me, because in the rush I had dressed, perhaps I would have forgotten, but no, it was fine.

      Peter smiling said:

      — I have told this man where we are going, and for what, and what the things of life are, he tells me…

      — I suppose that what you want is to get there, don’t you care where I take you? — asked the taxi driver, interrupting.

      — No! — Peter replied. But yes alive, eh!

      — Yes, that, above all, don’t worry that, in twenty-three years in the profession, I was only fined once, and

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