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loosened some rings on the pipes and the curvy piece came away. He shoved himself out of the vanity, sat up and squinted as he looked into one end of the pipe. Then he tipped it her way so she could have a look. “There it is.”

      As he scrambled to his feet, she jumped up and took a step backward. Max got to his feet, too, but he stayed in the bathtub. Brent set the bucket in the tub under the faucet and turned on a trickle of water, letting it run into the pipe.

      The dog stuck his nose under the stream.

      “Come on, Max. Out of the way.”

      The dog stepped back but kept an eye on the water running from the tap.

      Leslie watched as the grungy water flowed slowly out the end of the pipe. When the earring appeared, Brent caught it in his fingers and held it up for her to see, then he rinsed it under the tap and handed it to her. “Good thing we found it. It’d be a shame to lose all those diamonds.”

      The sudden sharpness in his voice surprised her. “They were a gift from Gerald,” she said, holding it in her palm, still a little reluctant to touch it after seeing where it had been. “I’m going to give them back.”

      “Then it’s a good thing you didn’t lose it.”

      That was true. “Nothing is going right today. I’m usually not this much trouble.”

      His eyes seemed to soften. “Leslie, you’re no trouble. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to clean out the trap once in a while.”

      “Is it called that because it traps things that fall down the drain?”

      “Afraid not. Every time you turn on the tap, most of the water runs through the system but some of it always stays behind in this bend. That water closes off the pipe so gas from the sewer doesn’t come up into the house.”

      “That is really disgusting.”

      He laughed. “Not as disgusting as a house full of sewer gas.”

      That was true. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation like this.”

      “And I’ve never had to fish diamonds out of a drainpipe. I guess that makes us even.”

      “Actually, I owe you for this. For everything.”

      “Next time I need something, I’ll know who to ask.”

      For the first time that day he sounded like the guy she’d known in high school, always quick with a comeback and a double meaning. It had bugged her in those days, but right now she didn’t mind playing along. “You can ask, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get what you want.”

      “I’m well aware of that, but sometimes persistence pays off.”

      His gaze held hers like a magnet. She couldn’t have looked away if she’d tried, and the walls of the tiny bathroom seemed to close in on them. She might have been tempted to continue the game if he hadn’t just let on that her being here had something to do with his persistence. She had assumed his driving by the church had been a coincidence, but what if it wasn’t? If that was the case, it definitely wouldn’t be right to lead him on, and she always did the right thing.

      Brent lightly touched her shoulder and urged her toward the door, then bent to pick up the tools. “Dinner’s getting cold,” he said softly. “I’ll put the plumbing back together while you serve it. Plates are in the cupboard next to the fridge.”

      It was as if he’d sensed her confusion and was giving her an easy way out. She took it.

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