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at the report card.

      An hour later, he reached a run-down, God-forsaken village and stopped at an old two-story brick-coloured log house. The flimsy door with its cracked and crumbling paint made feel terribly sad, and the iron handle was completely broken. Brown Windows with rotten frames and a small porch with a short roof. Now Tom wanted to go back to his mansion and get rid of the memory of that awful house, if it could still be called home. Shulman knocked politely when he heard a child's screeching and footsteps. The door swung open, and for a moment he thought he was being attacked by a pack of crazy bats, but it was much worse – they were her younger brothers. Three identical boys, about seven years old, circled around Tom, waiting for something delicious, which He brought, serving the boys sweets with liqueur. Shulman didn't say that he didn't like children, but when there were women around him, he preferred to end up in rags or on a sheet. It is better to listen to five minutes of dissatisfaction about a spoiled bed, than to spend a lifetime dissatisfied about how bad the offspring turned out. The children sorted out the candy, shouting a triple «thank you» and giving one each to Thomas and his driver, who returned to the car.

      «Where's the sister? Shulman asked, chewing on a piece of candy and looking around the room.

      «In the bathroom. What's it? » one of the boys asked, touching the chain on his arm with his fingers, while the others flew up curiously, fiddling with the wide gold braid.

      Tom looked slowly at the faded maroon Wallpaper, the whitewashed ceiling, and the broken linoleum. Two sofas, a coffee table and a huge library. A short flight of stairs to the second floor, a beige door, and the silhouette of a girl who came out of the house holding only a white towel. Lily looked down at the children from the railing and gaped when she saw Thomas below.

      «Is that you?»

      Tom just nodded, beckoning to her, knowing that he was going to give her a good spanking, but she was careful.

      «You want to kick my ass? Go ahead!»

      «Better fuck you in the ass, then you won't be able to sit in class, but maybe you'll get smarter.» Tom thought, feeling a pleasant shiver run down his back and groin.

      It didn't take him long to relax when the living room fell silent and he saw a young girl, wet from the shower, her hair dripping in a light blue cotton house dress. Her brown eyes, framed by wet, curled lashes, fascinated him.

      «You've been gone for a week!» The Jew swore, looking at her tired and pale face. «Where the hell have you been? I don't need this certificate!

      Thomas scolded her like a little girl who blinks guiltily with her head down.

      «Why don't you just calm down and have Breakfast with me? I'll explaineverything. »

      «What the fuck? Breakfast? She's laughing at me, mocking me!» Tom drove almost seventy kilometres to get Breakfast? He came here to give her a good spanking, and instead he's sitting in a small kitchen like a fucking family man with three kids and a new wife, eating pancakes with honey. What had he come to? This girl torments him as she wants, and it is he who should torment her on his cock. By the way, which of them is Thomas Shulman?

      «Very good, » said Tom, looking at her almost empty plate and washing it down with sweet tea and milk.

      He didn't want to talk about business anymore, so they just ate, glancing at each other from time to time.

      «When are you going back to College? When will you become an uneducated idiot from a distant village? »

      Yung poured iced tea into it and slammed the Cup down on the table. At this point, Tom realized that he had overdone it, and took it all on himself.

      «When you stop interfering in my life! »

      The Jew almost fell off the chair, barely keeping his fucking balance and wanting to beat her with the same chair, enraged by what was happening, by the arrogance of a girl who swore never to help or do well, who always came out of it sideways, shaking sweet drops from her beard. Lily was already regretting what she'd done a hundred times when she handed Shulman a towel to wipe his irritated face. If it had been anyone else, he probably wouldn't have held back, but Lily had been on his mind for the past month. The ringing in his ears was getting louder, and it was getting harder for Thomas to keep his composure.

      «If I don't see you in class on Tuesday, we will do our best to have you kicked out of College with a kick up the back side! Is this point clear?»

      Thomas tossed her a tea-soaked towel, put on his coat, and headed for the hall.

      «You're evil! Lily will never leave us! » One of the boys violently grabbed the Jew by the hip, striking him lightly with his fists. «Dad left us! And you're bad, too! »

      Lily turned to the window, looking out at the may greenery. Tom stroked the boy's fair head, wondering at the little protector, knowing that he was mistaken. But it was too late to move, and Shulman silently left the house, closing the door guiltily behind him.

      A group of Pakistani were waiting for Thomas in the pub, and they demanded that he lower the prices for the supply and sale of alcohol.

      «Suck my circumcised fucking penis! Do I look like a bitch who gives her ass to every dog?» he asked, looking back at a black-haired, dark-skinned jerk with the same black eyes and soul named Safar, the leader of the loonies in the Pakistani quarter. «Well, hell, no discounts for you and your buddies, man!»

      Tom wasn't going to bust his ass to have these fools refuse to pay his bills. You see, things are going very badly for them.

      «Thomas, you are a reasonable person. Why do you need all this trouble?» The leader put his brown flat paws on the man's polished oak Desk and looked him in the eye with disdain.

      Today was not a good day for Thomas, so he was in a bad mood and frankly angry.

      «Don't you dare, do you hear? Don't look down on me, you damned, » the Jew's voice was more like the warning growl of a wild beast.

      Tom snatched up the thin penknife with which he was cutting bread from the table and thrust it into Safar's hand as if it were a piece of bread and not a human hand. A heavy thump and a booming howl went through the pub in a frightening wave for the rest of the wise men, and thick red blood ran down his fingers, dripping to the floor.

      «Well, I suppose we agreed not to bring up the subject of price cuts again? »

      Late in the evening, Shulman decided to rest for the first time in a month, driving up to a familiar brothel. His coat was open, the collar of his white shirt was open, and his strong hands were thrust into the deep pockets of his trousers. His only desire after a bad day was to have sex with some clean girl. Despite his shattered mind and even a strong desire, Tom never jumped on the first woman he saw, believing that he would not find his penis in the trash can. Shulman avoided Jewish women, considering it unacceptable to spoil them, especially Jewish virgins. A man with the most real fanaticism demanded only untouched girls to the brothel, and if there were no such girls, he silently returned home with nothing. Thomas will never climb on that girl who was already in use or, in other words, used. Now he was standing at the bar, finishing a rare but much needed cigarette, waiting for the brothel owner to respond. Grey eyes slid over half-naked girls in the arms of young, old, and various men. Someone clung to a table in the corner, someone kissed against the wall, and someone just drank in the company of women.

      «There's a girl there. It is a beautiful and valuable thing, but I ask three hundred pounds for it. »

      «Went to push a sewn-up whore to me for the price of this bar? I was being chased by their fake virginity tricks when I had a whole group behind me.» Thomas pursed his lips. «My dick was sinking like a fucking bucket of warm water! »

      The man chuckled, trying to calm the incredulous Jew.

      «This one is definitely new, with a label tag between her legs. Will you take it? »

      Tom hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to hand in the draft or fork out once a month, after all, he deserved it. With a slight slap on the table, Tom decided to take a break, took a wad of rolled-up bills out of his pocket, threw down three hundred pounds in disgust, knowing that this girl would be with him all night, and

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