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jokes, glances, touches, caresses, and kisses again and again decapitated Thomas. At the hospital where she will work, they stopped her blood, sewed up the wound and asked her to stay for a day under observation. The doctors whispered cautiously among themselves, eventually informing them that Lily's blood was not clotting well, and this situation could cause serious complications in the future.

      «Will you stay with me?» the girl asked while lying in bed, to which Shulman shook his head.

      «I have a hell of a lot to do. I'll come and take you home tomorrow, okay?»

      Thomas went back to the bar and sat down heavily, sorting through several letters. One of them was from Ahmet, and Tom reluctantly opened the envelope, pulling out a yellowed piece of paper.

      «What the hell is this papyrus?»

      His eyes ran over the lines, assessing the handwriting and literacy from old habit. He accepted two invitations to the restaurant, surprised by Ozan's formality and sent mentality. Lily will be fine by Saturday, he thought as he dialled the phone number on the back.

      The same evening

      Tom dropped his glasses wearily, almost breaking them, and rubbed his sore eyes, knowing how bad he was. Things got even worse, although the profit remained the same. There was no sign of concern or joy until Isaac knocked on the door, leading a young girl in her twenties.

      «What do you want here?» He asked, looking at the girl «I'm the only fucking person On this couch» – Tom pointed at the furniture.

      «She's looking for a job,» Isaac finished, smiling and disappearing through the door.

      Well, it was obvious that Thomas sometimes fucked young girls who then got a job with him and worked safely for several years, got married and had children. He became something of a friend or mentor to them.

      «What's your name?» The Jew asked, looking at her short blond hair, grey eyes, and full lips.

      «Claire,» she said softly, lowering her eyes.

      «How old are you?»

      «Twenty-one years old,» Claire assured him, walking over to the table.

      A well-crafted script of a few sentences, and here she was, lying on the leather couch after her shift, naked, waiting for Tomas to take a SIP of alcohol. Wiry female body, skinny thighs and protruding breasts. Thomas yanked her up by her legs, pulled her closer to him, and knelt on the edge of the couch, slowly exposing her groin.

      «Have you ever been to Germany?» He asked, defusing the situation with his favourite question, hearing only a whisper of «no» in his ear.

      «Would you like to?» he asked, drawing the woman's attention away from the sensation with a short jerk.

      After the first movement, he heard a scream, completely forgetting the patience and humility that Lily had told him about. Thomas forgot about rules and regulations, about honesty and loyalty, about love.Shulman didn't compare her to Lily, or even allow himself to think about it. It's just a release, just sex and a surge of emotions that needed to be put somewhere. Claire hadn't been his first in four months, and Lily didn't need to know. This will remain his little secret. Until then, until it becomes obvious. Yes, Tom was behaving like an animal, a hungry animal, tearing the unfortunate victim to pieces. How did he differ from the Turks now? All because after that, he was grateful for the trust.

      The fact is that the girl was waiting for a job tomorrow and, consequently, the opportunity to earn money and live a normal life. Thomas pulled on his underwear, picked it up from the floor, and handed her a clean towel.

      «You can go to work tomorrow. Isaac will give you equipment, a change of clothes, and an apron, « he said, watching the girl wipe his liquid from her thickly overgrown pubis in disgust.

      «So if you have any questions or suggestions, you can feel free to contact me, right?»

      Thomas tucked his shirt into his trousers and belted it.

      «All right, Mr. Shulman,» Claire finished dutifully, throwing on her dress and searching for her panties on the couch while Tom rummaged in the closet.

      «Under the table, baby,» he muttered, throwing his jacket over his shoulders.

      Young, naive, stupid, and most often from poor families. So he gave her work, food, and shelter. A tenth of the women who work for Shulman became women with him and continue to work to this day, as if nothing had happened. This is a true Jewish benefit.

      Part XII


      Lily lay on Thomas's chest, her slender fingers curled under his shirt.

      «If you tease me again and lock yourself in the bathroom, I swear I'll break down the door, but I'll get you!»

      Lily laughed, giving him a sly look that made the Jew melt like ice cream in the sun. The man grabbed her wrist, pressing his hand to her throbbing groin. The girl laughed again, tugging at the fabric, which only made Tom sigh loudly and return The same vulgar smile. The man reached for her lips, kissing them, his short beard tickling her soft skin.

      «It's been three months. The time has come… « the Jew assured her, lowering her onto her back and holding her close, kissing her protruding Breasts through her dress.

      Lily moaned, spontaneously, emotionally, spreading her legs, where his hand immediately descended.

      «Thomas, stop!» I can't,» she said, trying to sit up in bed.

      «But why?» His plump lips brushed the fabric, leaving a wet smudge that shone through the white fabric.

      «Because!» Lily muttered, covering her breasts with her hands and not allowing Shulman to undo the buttons.

      «That's not an answer, So we don't have a good reason? Take off your clothes!» The Jew reached for his belt.

      «I won't!» Lily snapped, kicking on the bed under the man's pressure.

      «Hmmm,» Thomas drawled, his face contorted and his brow furrowed the Jew shrugged, stretching out each vowel: «I'll undress you myself!»

      His strong hands immediately reached for the thin panties under her dress, pulling them down.

      «Thomas Shulman?!» she screamed, grabbing at the fabric that had just slipped from her thighs.

      «Lily Yung?!» Tom mimicked her.

      The girl was no longer laughing, so the man reluctantly removed his hands, noticing the displeased and offended grimace, until it was too late.

      «I'm going for a check-up tomorrow,» the girl said, putting this in front of the fact.

      «And what…?»

      «And I would like to leave the office with pride and a whole head, otherwise my father will hit me, and then you!»

      Shulman laughed.

      «Thomas! Stop clowning around! I'm serious!»

      «Really?» defiantly frowned the man, again running his fingers along the female thighs, and then connecting them with his lips « seriously, at this rate, you will RUB my penis to the holes with your hands, however!»

      «Thomas! I don't like your haste» Lily said, pushing at his chest. «You're making me! You're making me! How you broke free like a mad dog!»

      Shulman was concerned about the upcoming trip to Glasgow, which he had not yet told the girl about. The Jewish gut sensed danger. He knew that he would return to London, at least not in a cloth bag in parts. He was not afraid of death, often repeating: «however, this death does not concern me!» And that was true, because Thomas had nothing to lose except the bars and the rest of the business, but now he has Lily, who will survive his death, of course, but her life won't get any better. Shulman was not ready to die now, wanting to carry out great plans. He wanted to show the girl the whole world, especially France, which had sunk into his soul after the war. He wanted to show her every corner, every street. She would have shared his pain and suffering. Thomas knew that it was bad business to get involved with the mafia, and the Russian mafia was bad business. Yes, he knew the language,

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