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to be the best [35]:

       Because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle, electrons with parallel (unpaired) spins tend to avoid each other, thus decreasing the electrostatic repulsion between them. This will be the situation when filling the first half of the shell. When electrons are forced to doubly occupy orbitals in the second half, their spins are constrained to be paired (antiparallel). Because they are no longer obliged to avoid each other, the [inter-electron] electrostatic repulsion increases.

      In Figure 2.5, the IE1 are shown for the 2p and 3p block elements. Continuing the line of the p1 to p3 configurations, a line parallel to the actual p4 to p6 values is obtained. The difference between the two represents the coulombic repulsion between pairs of electrons within the same orbital. For the 2p series, this amounts to about 430 kJ⋅mol−1, while for the 3p series it is 250 kJ⋅mol−1. Cann attributed the difference between the two series to the more diffuse 3p orbitals compared with the 2p orbitals. Thus, any paired 3p electrons are sharing a larger volume of space and therefore have less mutual repulsive forces.

      Figure 2.5 First ionization energy for the p-block elements of the 2nd and 3rd Periods (adapted from Ref. [35]).

       Likewise, when one compares the energy to remove an electron from the half-filled p subshell with that needed for a p2 structure, nothing special is found.

      Rich and Suter then referred to the claimed stability of the “filled shell.” They continued [36]:

       Similarly, the large energy difference between electrons in 3s1 and 2p6 configurations is readily explained by the difference in principal quantum number; this again indicates no more “extra” stability of a filled p shell than it does for a p5 or any other structure in which the electron being removed is at the lower principal number.

       3d-Series Metal Ionization Energies

      Figure 2.6 3rd ionization energy (IE3) for the 3d-block elements (adapted from Ref. [35]).

       Group Trends in Ionization Energy

      Proceeding down a group, the 1st ionization energy generally decreases. This is especially systematic for the noble gases.


      Though the number of protons in the nucleus has increased, so has the number of shielding electron shells. In addition, as the sequential orbitals are filled, the electrons in the outermost shell occupy a larger volume of space and thus have lower interelectrons repulsion factors.

       Successive Ionization Energies


      Lithium has the electron configuration 1s22s1. Thus, the first electron to be removed is strongly shielded by the two 1s electrons. Then, to remove each of the 1s electrons requires very much greater energy. The lesser value for removing the second electron compared to the third can be accounted for by two factors: First, there are always electron–electron repulsions when two electrons occupy the same orbital; second, even within the same orbital, one electron does partially shield the other electron.

      Much space is usually given to ionization energy and little to electron affinity (rarely, but more correctly, called electron attachment energy). Yet as mentioned earlier, atoms usually “want” to gain electrons and certainly not lose them! The following definition is parallel to that given for ionization energy.

      The experimental 1st electron affinity is equal to the difference between the total electronic energy of the atom X and the total electronic energy of the ion X, both in their ground states. That is, X(g) + eX(g)

       Sign Convention for Electron Affinity

       With this convention, the electron affinity is positive for elements such as fluorine, for which energy is released when an electron is added to make an ion, while the widely quoted values for the alkaline earth metals and noble gases are negative.


      This format, which never gained wide acceptance, would correspond with the sign convention used here for electron affinity:


       Period Patterns in Electron Affinity

      As with ionization energy,

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