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water, checking the temperature as the bath filled. She then helped Anastasia out of her clothes and lifted her in. As her feet touched the warm water she screamed with delight and screamed again even louder as she sat down and the water lapped around her waist. ‘Shh,’ Elaine said lightly, putting her finger to her lips. ‘Daddy is on the phone.’ Anastasia slapped the water at the side of her with the palm of her hand, creating a splash.

      Elaine noticed her skin was very pale, as though she’d never been outside, and there were some red sores on her back, which she would get checked by the doctor when they took Anastasia for a medical once they were home. Anastasia loved her bath and it wasn’t long before she was splashing and kicking. Water flew up the walls, in her face and all over Elaine. They both laughed and Elaine finally started to relax. This was an example of what motherhood was all about – enjoying bathtime with your child, and at home was a selection of bath toys and bubble bath to make the experience even more fun.

      Ian finished on the phone and stuck his head round the door. ‘They’re bringing up a folding bed now,’ he said. ‘You’re having fun.’

      ‘We are!’ Elaine cried. He left them to it.

      The water turned grey, suggesting Anastasia hadn’t had a full body wash for some time. Elaine would have liked to wash her hair – it smelled of the orphanage – but decided to leave it for now. The water was cooling and they hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

      ‘Time to get out,’ she said, and motioned for Anastasia to stand. Anastasia stayed where she was. ‘Come on, love. We’re getting something to eat. Food.’ She pointed to her mouth and mimed eating.

      Anastasia continued splashing, harder now, kicking her feet and soaking Elaine. Elaine laughed indulgently but she really did need Anastasia out now. When it became obvious she wasn’t going to leave the bath, Elaine removed the plug and the water slowly drained away. Anastasia sat in the depleting water, watching it disappear until there was just a small puddle left. ‘All gone,’ Elaine said.

      ‘Gone,’ Anastasia repeated and Elaine clapped. She’d learned another new word!

      Anastasia was now willing to be helped out and Elaine wrapped her in a bath towel and patted her dry. She guided her into the bedroom where she dressed her in the new clothes. Clean from the bath and wearing the clothes and pink furry slippers Elaine had chosen, Anastasia seemed to have become more their child. Once her hair was washed and styled, that would help too.

      A knock sounded on the door and Ian answered it. Two chambermaids came in carrying a foldaway bed. They stared inquisitively at Anastasia and Elaine felt slightly uncomfortable.

      ‘Over there, please,’ Ian said, showing them where they wanted the bed. They unfolded it and put it into place, but there was just the bed and mattress, no bedding. ‘Duvet? Covers?’ Ian asked. They looked back at him blankly. ‘Bedding,’ he said, showing them on the bed.

      One of them nodded, said something to the other, and they headed out. As they passed Anastasia the same one muttered something to Anastasia in her own language. Anastasia clearly understood and, from her expression, whatever had been said wasn’t positive, and could even have been nasty, for she looked at them anxiously. Clearly Ian and Elaine had no idea what had been said and Anastasia couldn’t translate. They were aware that some of the population were opposed to international adoption, believing they’d be better off in the state-run orphanages – which clearly wasn’t true. When the women returned with the bedding Ian thanked them but took it from them at the door and said they’d make up the bed, so they had no contact with Anastasia.

      With little idea of the food Anastasia liked or was used to, Ian and Elaine ordered a selection of dishes from the room-service menu, including French fries. All children liked French fries, didn’t they? When the food arrived Ian took it at the door, and they sat on the bed to eat with the trays of food between them and told Anastasia it was like having a picnic. She was fascinated by the plates of attractively presented food but ate virtually nothing. She took a tiny bite from everything but no more, which was worrying. She wouldn’t have had anything since early that morning, apart from the two small cartons of milkshake. Elaine and Ian both tried to tempt her, offering little portions of the food to her mouth, but she refused, shaking her head and clamping her lips tightly shut.

      ‘Perhaps she’ll have something later,’ Elaine said, and gave her the glass of orange juice they’d ordered. She didn’t want that, or the cup of tea Elaine cooled with extra milk. Her gaze went to the holdall they’d taken to court but hadn’t unpacked. Scrambling from the bed, she went over and began tugging at the zip, trying to undo it.

      ‘Carton of drink,’ Ian said as Elaine left the bed to help her.

      Elaine took out the cartons of juice and the bottle of water, but these clearly weren’t what Anastasia had in mind. ‘There aren’t any more milkshakes,’ she said, shaking her head. ‘All gone.’ But Anastasia had to see for herself and emptied out the entire contents of the bag before she was satisfied, then grabbed the carton of apple juice. Elaine waited as she put in the straw and then mopped up the spillage with tissues. She finished the drink quickly and Elaine tried to tempt her to eat again, but she wasn’t interested. Ian had nearly finished his meal.

      ‘Tomorrow, we could all go to the supermarket we’ve been using,’ he suggested. ‘She could choose what she likes then.’

      ‘Yes, good idea,’ Elaine agreed.

      Anastasia joined them on the bed as Elaine ate, then she began yawning and rubbing her eyes. ‘You must be exhausted, pet,’ Elaine said gently to her. ‘Try to have a little sleep.’ She helped Anastasia to snuggle down. Anastasia rubbed her face against the soft, luxurious feel of the duvet and began sucking her thumb. It wasn’t long before her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep. Ian and Elaine gazed at her admiringly. Her little features relaxed in sleep, she was gorgeous and everything they could possibly have wished for. Her breath fell light and even and her thumb slipped from her mouth as she slept. If they’d known then what was to follow, they might have taken the opportunity to rest themselves while they had the chance. Anastasia slept for two hours and then woke with a start.

      Chapter Eleven


      It was just after 4 p.m. when Anastasia’s eyes shot open and she was immediately off the bed and at the door of their hotel room. It was such a sudden awakening that it made Ian and Elaine start and they wondered if she was fully awake, but any doubt quickly vanished as she began hammering on the door. Elaine went to her. ‘No, love. Quietly,’ she said, trying to draw her away. ‘There are other people in this hotel. Don’t bang the door.’ Which of course was meaningless to Anastasia. She broke from Elaine’s hold and ran around the room screaming – not crying or upset, just screaming.

      ‘She’s got a good set of lungs on her,’ Ian quipped. They hadn’t heard her scream before, but Elaine wasn’t amused.

      ‘Shhh, quietly,’ she said, catching her by the arm. ‘Shhh.’ She put her finger to her lips. ‘Too much noise. What’s the matter?’ Anastasia stared at her blankly. ‘Let’s get you some toys out to play with. Ian, can you help, please?’

      He left the bed and, opening the suitcase containing Anastasia’s belongings, took out some of the new toys they’d brought with them, including another activity centre. He set them beside Anastasia and then took the trays off the bed and put them outside the door for room service to collect later. Seeing the door open, Anastasia made a dash for it, but Ian quickly closed it. She banged on it with her fists, clearly wanting to be out.

      ‘Come on, play with the toys,’ Elaine encouraged, going to her. But Anastasia was more interested in the door.

      ‘It’s like that first day we were with her at the orphanage,’ Ian said. ‘Do you remember, she kept going to the window and then ran off?’


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