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Elizabeth could object, Lia went to get the sample. The style came in the usual colors, including a black lace over nude, which was what Lia had originally been thinking of.

      But that was before she saw the flesh-toned peach over nude.

      Holy cow. Her boss’s pale skin was an almost exact match. In the warm, carefully muted lighting of the Wainright dining room, Elizabeth wouldn’t look as though she wasn’t wearing much of anything.

      Could Lia convince her to wear it? Should she convince her to wear it? In the bright interior light of the salon, it wouldn’t look as sexy as at the Wainright. That could be a good thing.

      Lia plucked the pale lace jacket from the rack and brought it to her boss. It was a size smaller than the black, but would fit if Elizabeth went without a blouse. “I found a flaw in the black lace, but I love this with your skin tone.” Lia briskly removed the hanger and held the jacket out.

      When Elizabeth took it and hesitated, Lia added, “Dinner at the Wainright is such a great opportunity to show the jacket. Put it on while I get the right earrings.”

      In the display case, Lia found the delicate sparkly hanging earrings she had in mind and returned to the dressing area, not sure whether or not she’d pushed her boss too far. But then she thought of William’s lustful gaze—William’s hot, searing, sizzling, I-know-my-way-around-a-woman’s-body gaze…If a man ever looks at me that way, so help me I will pay attention, she vowed.

      Elizabeth was tying the ribbon belt on the jacket when Lia returned with the earrings.

      Omigod. Lia flipped on more lights before Elizabeth looked up and saw the full effect in the mirror. I am so ordering that jacket.

      The thing fit her like a second skin and had the perfect V neckline, sexy but not slutty.

      Maybe Lia should order it in two colors.

      “This is a Clive Hamilton, isn’t it?” Elizabeth smoothed the jacket over her hips and checked the rear view.

      “Yes. This is the only design of his we carry.”

      Elizabeth merely nodded before they both heard William at the door.

      “Hey, Beth Ann, you ready for a hot time in the old town tonight?”

      Elizabeth grimaced and Lia wondered if William fully grasped how much her boss loathed it when he said things like that.

      “William.” Elizabeth closed her eyes.

      And because she closed her eyes, she didn’t see what Lia saw, which was the stunned expression on William’s face when he first caught sight of her.

      Lia dimmed the lights and watched his knuckles turn white where he gripped the door handle.

      Yeah. She was definitely ordering the jacket for herself.

      He visibly swallowed. Elizabeth was saying something as she hung up her blouse and suit jacket, gathered her purse and gave Lia totally unnecessary instructions for closing.

      As Elizabeth approached him, William’s eyes regarded her with possessive intent. Make that possessive, lustful intent.

      Maybe not in the old town, but there were going to be hot times tonight.

      All kidding aside, Lia did want a man to look at her with that same fierce longing—man being the operative word. Lia had seen plenty of grooms since she’d begun working here and knew she wanted a mature adult man who understood the give-and-take involved in marriage and was willing to make the commitment.

      William was so willing. She sighed a little as he placed his hand in the small of Elizabeth’s back and guided her out the front door. Just before the glass closed, he glanced back at Lia and the corner of his mouth lifted.

      She gave him a thumbs-up. Not her place, but she didn’t care.


      SMILING TO HERSELF, Lia locked the door and watched until they drove out of sight.

      She flipped off the showroom lights and headed to the office, already calculating the cost of the lace jacket once she applied her employee discount.

      After inputting the order on her unit, she verified that all the associates had downloaded their orders and then cross-checked with their appointments for the day.

      Everything looked just as it should. Lia cleared out the individual ordering units and plugged them in to recharge.

      In another hour or so, she’d be able to do a live chat with Zhin, her Chinese counterpart at the manufacturing plant. With the Brantley wedding, she wanted to make certain the entire order was put through together so the dye lots would match.

      She went to the kitchen at the back of the salon for a cup of coffee, but changed her mind when she saw the open bottle of champagne.

      “We shouldn’t serve our clients flat sparkling wine, now, should we?” Lia poured it into her coffee cup and returned to the office to wait until Zhin had arrived at work for the day.

      It was funny that Elizabeth insisted on the finest of everything except champagne. Then again, an excellent sparkling wine beat cheap champagne any day. Except, this wasn’t exactly an excellent sparkling wine. Either Elizabeth needed to upgrade or Lia shouldn’t be drinking champagne out of a coffee cup. Probably both.

      Lia idly searched Google for sparkling-wine ratings, and then Asti Spumante and Prosecco, the sweet Italian sparkling wines. Actually, she liked the idea of serving those. It seemed a hipper side of classy. And maybe they should invest in a cappuccino machine. Shopping for bridal and attendant gowns was an exhausting business emotionally and physically. Those beaded dresses could get heavy, and struggling into various girdlelike contraptions to support them gave a girl a workout. Elizabeth didn’t provide cookies and tea sandwiches just to be nice, she served them to keep customers from leaving the store and maybe deciding to go elsewhere to shop after having lunch or dinner.

      And speaking of…

      After a few more sips of champagne, Lia went in search of the shortbread cookies Elizabeth kept on hand.

      She heard rustling when she opened the cabinet in the kitchen. Rustling in a place where food was stored was never good. Lia closed the door and kicked it, hoping to scare away whatever she’d heard.

      She didn’t hear further sounds or find evidence that anything had been raiding the cookies when she looked inside. Okay, then.

      Lia grabbed a box of shortbreads shaped like wedding bells and munched as she checked out Clive Hamilton’s Web site. Any designer who knew a woman’s body the way he did might have other outfits she’d like to order.

      Hmm. The cookies were good and her cup was empty and Lia was thirsty. Virtuously, she drank a glass of water before filling her cup with more champagne. Leaning back in her chair, she propped her feet on the desk and the computer in her lap. That’s why they called it a laptop, right?

      Opening the chat interface, she typed, Zhin, are you there?

      Several moments went by. “Late? Ooh, Zhin, you lazy thing. Big night last night?” she murmured aloud.

      Elizabeth was impressed with Lia’s willingness to work overtime, but the truth was that over the months, she and Zhin had become friends and Lia enjoyed “chatting” with her. Maybe someday they’d even meet.

      “Zhiiiiiiiin. Where are you?” Lia spoke to herself as she typed. “Big order. Mucho importante. Major buckos. Lots o’ pink.”

      Lia snickered to herself. Zhin prided herself on her English and would incorporate any new word she heard, slang or not. Sometimes those incorporations made Lia laugh until she sobbed and then her typing deteriorated, which tipped Zhin off that she’d been set up. Zhin took her revenge in subtle ways. Like only being available to chat at 2:00 a.m. or something equally hideous.

      Hey you, Zhin typed. You’re losing your touch.

      Nice use of

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