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a soft laugh. “You’re incorrigible. You know that, right?”

      A bit of tension eased from his chest at her sweet laugh. “It’s only because I care and Bryan is not the guy for you. Not even as a dance partner. Hell, he’s not even your drink provider.”

      Kate arched a brow. “So now you’re screening my guys?”

      Screening them? Hell, if that was a possibility he damn well would be first in line to sign up for that job. If he hadn’t been overseas during her ill-fated engagement, perhaps he could’ve prevented her heartache. But Gray hadn’t even met the ex because he’d come and gone while Gray had been serving. So, yeah, perhaps he was looking out for her. Isn’t that what friends did?

      “Maybe dancing with a guy like Bryan made my list.”

      Here she went with that damn list again. He’d like to see exactly what was on that thing.

      “Tell me more about this infamous list.”

      He spun her around again, slowly leading the way toward the edge of the dance floor, where there weren’t as many people. He found he didn’t want to share Kate right now. He wanted to keep her talking, keep her dancing. Though dancing wasn’t his thing, it was an excuse to get her in his arms.

      He glanced around as he led her. He recognized many people from town. The St. John brothers and their wives were all dancing. Several other couples who frequented his bar were also dancing and having a good time.

      Gray actually hadn’t seen the bride and groom for a while, though. Perhaps they’d already slipped out once the bouquet and the garter had been tossed. Most likely they’d been in a hurry to get to their honeymoon.

      “I’m keeping my list to myself for now,” she replied.

      Gray stared down into her blue eyes. She hadn’t brought up last night and he wasn’t about to, either. They hadn’t wanted things to change between them, but the tension had become palpable and he wasn’t sure how to erase it.

      Eventually they would have to discuss what happened. Might as well be now, while he had her undivided attention. Maybe having everyone around would help ease the tension. If they were alone again and trying to talk, Gray wasn’t so sure he could prevent himself from touching her again. Touching her now was safe, smart.

      “About last night—”

      Kate’s eyes widened a fraction. “I need to find Tara,” she said, breaking from his hold. “We’ll talk later.”

      And then she was gone, leaving him all alone with a slew of couples dancing around him. Gray fisted his hands at his sides. He hadn’t expected Kate to run. He hadn’t expected their night to scare her away. She’d always been comfortable with him.

      But then he’d turned into the guy who had sex with his best friend on top of a bar.

      Raking a hand through his hair, Gray left the dance floor and went back to what he could control. The alcohol and the servers. Right now, Kate was utterly out of his control. Perhaps they needed space. Maybe she needed a breather after what had happened.

      One thing was certain, though. He’d had her only one time and he knew without a doubt he wanted more.

      * * *

      Kate sank onto the chaise in the seating area of the women’s restroom. She slid out of her heels and resisted the urge to moan. Between all the food she ate and dancing and the lack of sleep, she was ready for bed.

      It was that whole lack of sleep—or the reason behind it—that had her escaping to the restroom to hide for a bit. She’d known Gray would bring up their situation, but their friend’s wedding was sure as hell not the place she wanted to hash things out.

      She couldn’t think when he was holding her, because now that they’d been intimate, any type of touch triggered her memories...not that the images of last night had ever faded to the background. Would they ever?

      Besides, Kate had no clue what she wanted to say anyway. Did she say thank you? Did she compliment him? Or did she broach the fact that she’d had her first taste of alcohol and it wasn’t that bad? What exactly did she lead in with after such an epic, mind-boggling night?

      The bathroom door opened, but Kate kept her eyes in her lap, not wanting to face any guests.

      “Who are we hiding from?”

      So much for not facing anyone.

      Kate glanced up to see Tara and Lucy holding the skirts of their gowns and coming in from the madness and noise outside. Once the door shut, her friends waited for her answer in silence.


      “Is it Bryan?” Lucy asked, rolling her eyes. “I swear, he and Noah are close, but I had no idea how annoying that man could be when presented with a single woman. Guess he thinks he has a chance with you.”

      Kate blew out a sigh. If her only problem involved a man who was a complete goober and found her attractive, she’d be golden and certainly wouldn’t be hiding in the bathroom.

      No, her issues came in the form of a six-foot-four-inch bar owner who could make her tingle just from the slightest brush of his fingertips.

      “This isn’t about Bryan. I’m just taking a breather,” she told them, which was the absolute truth.

      Lucy gathered the full skirt of her wedding dress and flopped next to Kate on the chaise. Tara crossed and sat in the floral armchair.

      “I told you something was up,” Tara stated, looking at Lucy.

      “This is her wedding day.” Kate glared at her friend. “You told her you thought something was up with me when she should be focusing on how quickly she and Noah can get out of here and head to their honeymoon?”

      Tara’s eyes widened as she shrugged. “We’re friends. She can go have sex with Noah whenever. I need to know what’s going on with you and Gray.”

      “Are you two arguing again?” Lucy asked. “I swear, you’re like an old married couple, just without the sex.”

      Kate nearly choked on the gasp that lodged in her throat. Fortunately, she recovered before giving herself away. She was nowhere near ready to spill her secret. Her friends would be completely shocked if they learned she’d had sex with Gray. Kate was still reeling from the fact herself.

      “What? No, we’re not arguing.” They couldn’t argue when she was running away and dodging the issue. “Why would you think that?”

      “Because you two were dancing, then you rushed out in the middle of the song.”

      Kate stared at Tara. “I didn’t see you on the dance floor.”

      “I wasn’t there. I was getting Marley another plate of fruit and dip when you scurried by,” Tara explained. She pinned her with those bright eyes. “I’d assumed you were running from Bryan, but I saw Gray’s face as he watched you.”

      Oh, no. Damn it. Kate didn’t want to ask what emotions Tara had seen on his face, what feelings he’d been unable to mask. She honestly had no clue what he was feeling because he’d been so good at keeping that to himself since last night.

      Of course, if she’d waited to hear what he had to say, maybe she’d be better in tune with what was happening in his mind.

      “He stepped in and saved me from Bryan. You know how Gray is,” Kate explained, smoothing down her chiffon-overlay skirt. She had to convince them there was nothing more than what was on the surface. “We just danced a few minutes until Bryan was gone. That’s all.”

      Silence filled the room, which was good because the door opened again and an elderly lady came in. Kate didn’t know her, but she’d seen her on the groom’s side during the ceremony. Considering Noah wasn’t from here, it would make sense that there were guests Kate didn’t know.

      “Would you go back out to

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