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pink heels lay on their sides and she padded over to retrieve them. She clutched them against her chest like they could ward off the unknown, because she truly had no clue what was going to happen next.

      Hell, it wasn’t only the next few minutes she was concerned with. What about long-term? Did this change everything between them? She hadn’t been lying when she said she couldn’t lose him. Gray was her everything. Absolutely everything.

      The only constant in her life other than Tara and Lucy, but Gray was different. He was...well, he was special.

      Right now, though, Kate could use some space to think and here on his turf, where her tattered panties lay mocking her, was not the place to clear her head and regroup.

      Of all the times not to have her car. Damn it. This was why she always planned things, always had a plan B. But neither plan A nor B had been to leave the rehearsal dinner and have a quickie on the bar top at Gallagher’s.

      She was at the mercy of Gray whenever he came back and chose to take her home. Maybe then they’d talk and she’d get a feel for what was going on in that head of his.

      Kate was stunned at the way her body still tingled. Gray had awakened something inside her, something she hadn’t even known existed. But she’d made him promise just one night and that’s exactly what she was going to hold on to.

      She couldn’t afford to lose him as a friend simply because she’d just experienced the best sex of her life. Gray was the one constant male in her life. He had been in that role since they were in junior high, and he’d come to rescue her from some bullying jerk who was new at the school. Not that she’d needed rescuing, but she’d appreciated it at the time, and he’d been her self-appointed white knight since.

      So who was going to save her from him? Because now that she’d had him, Kate knew he’d ruined her for other men.

      Gray Gallagher had infiltrated her, body and soul, and she’d better just live with the tantalizing memories, because they were definitely one and done.

      She couldn’t emotionally afford to have it any other way.

      * * *

      Gray took a minute longer than necessary in his private bathroom attached to the back office. The second he’d come back to reality and looked down into Kate’s eyes, he’d seen her withdrawing. He’d instantly wanted her to reconsider that one-night rule. But he hadn’t even gotten her completely undressed. He’d ripped her panties off, and they’d had a quickie on his bar.

      Yeah, real smooth. Perfect way to show her she was special and he wanted to do it all over again. He’d be lucky if she didn’t haul off and smack him when he walked back in there. Hadn’t he always told her she deserved better? That she deserved to be treated like she was the most valuable woman in a man’s life?

      Gray slammed his hand against the wall and cursed himself for being such a jerk to the one woman he cared most about. Now he was going to have to go out and face her, make some excuse as to his behavior, and then drive her home in what he was sure would be uncomfortable silence.

      What a fantastic way to end an already crappy day. He’d already been in a bitch of a mood when he’d seen that best man flirting with her. He shouldn’t be jealous, but damn it, he couldn’t help how he felt.

      He’d faced death when he’d lost his mother at the tender age of five. He’d faced the enemy when he’d been overseas in the army. He faced his father, who was disappointed because Gray hadn’t settled down and started a family. But Gray was not looking forward to facing his best friend, because if he saw even the slightest hint of regret or disappointment in her eyes, he would absolutely be destroyed.

      Knowing he couldn’t stay hidden forever, he made sure his clothes were adjusted before he headed out. The second he rounded the corner from the back hallway, he stilled.

      Kate stood frozen just where he’d left her. She clutched her shoes, worried her bottom lip with her teeth, and stared at the spot where he’d taken her like some horny teen with no experience.

      But it was the pale pink bite mark on her shoulder that had him cringing and cursing himself all over again.

      Damn it. What the hell was wrong with him? His Kate was a lady. She was classy. She was so far above him and he’d treated her like a one-night stand.

      Oh, wait. That’s exactly what this was, per her last-minute request. It wasn’t like he gave her ample time to get used to the idea of the two of them together.

      Still, Kate deserved better and he damn well was going to show her. Screw the one-night rule. If anyone should be proving to her exactly how she should be treated, it was him.

      “I’ll take you home.”

      Kate jumped and turned to face him, her eyes wide. His voice came out gruffer than he’d intended.

      With a simple nod, she headed toward the back door. Gray didn’t move from his position and ultimately blocked the opening to the hallway. He waited until she stopped right before him. He shouldn’t touch her, shouldn’t push this topic, but damn if he couldn’t help himself. There had to be something he could do to redeem his actions.

      Reaching out, he traced one fingertip over the faint mark on her shoulder.

      “We good?”

      Wow. He’d had several minutes to think of something tender, kind, and apologetic to say, and that’s the best he could come up with?

      Yes, he saw confusion looking back at him, but there was more. Kate wasn’t upset, not at all. She had questions, of that he was sure, but she wasn’t angry. Thankfully he hadn’t botched this night up too much.

      Kate attempted a smile. “We’re good,” she murmured as her eyes darted away.

      She may not be angry, but she was no doubt wondering what they should do next. Kate planned everything and this whole experience had definitely not been planned.

      Enter the awkward tension he swore wouldn’t be there. He promised her they wouldn’t change. He promised they’d be friends just like before.

      Yet she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.


      Her focus darted back to him, but he didn’t see regret. Kate’s pretty blue eyes were full of desire... Damn if that didn’t just confuse the hell out of him. She might be wanting to ask him about what just happened, but she also wasn’t sorry.

      Gray didn’t know what else to say at this moment. The dynamics had changed, the intimacy too fresh. Maybe once they had some time apart and saw each other at the wedding tomorrow they’d laugh and joke and go back to the Gray and Kate they’d been hours ago.

      Or maybe they’d find the nearest closet and rip each other’s clothes off. Things could go either way at this point.

      Gray moved out of her way so she could pass. Her hair hung down her back in dark waves, her dress was slightly askew, and she still clutched her shoes. He’d turned a moment of intimacy with his best friend into forcing her to do a walk of shame from his bar.

      He was no better than the prick who’d cheated on her and broke her heart. But Gray would make this up to her. He had to.

      * * *

      Kate adjusted her one-shoulder bridesmaid’s dress for the fifth time in as many minutes. Thankfully Lucy hadn’t chosen strapless dresses. Kate needed this chiffon strap to cover Gray’s mark. She didn’t know what she would’ve done had he chosen the other shoulder.

      Part of her loved the mark. She’d be lying if she said otherwise. She’d never had a man lose such control, and the fact he hadn’t even been able to get them out of their clothes was thrilling. Sex should be thrilling, or so she’d heard before, and she’d always wondered if that was a myth. Now she knew.

      Analyzing this over and over wasn’t going to change the future. Gray wasn’t going to happen again. On that they’d

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