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tip them off or send us on a wild goose chase. We have no idea where her loyalty lies. Hell, she could be in on it herself.”

      Nate doubted that. Annie had too much pride in her skills. But Gabe was right about her loyalties. She’d been in the game a long time, knew everyone. If it wasn’t for the divorce papers he was dangling, he couldn’t be sure. “She wants a divorce. Her loyalty to herself will trump everything else.”

      “I know why this is important for the hotel, but why her?”

      “Why not use Annie? She owes me after all this time. If I can make her miserable and teach her a lesson this week, all the better. Once the tournament is over, I’ll let her walk away and never give her a second thought.”

      “For someone who says he doesn’t care about a woman,” Gabe commented dryly, “you’re sure putting a lot of time and effort into this.”

      “I deserve my chance to get back at her, don’t I?”

      “Sure. She deserves everything you’ll dish out and then some. I just worry this isn’t going to end well.”

      Nate appreciated Gabe’s concern but wished his friend had more faith in him. “It will all go as planned. We will bust those dirty crooks, Annie will pay for her irresponsible and thoughtless actions, and I’ll finally have some peace.”

      “I’ve seen the way you look at her, Nate. Even today. It’s still there. It may not be love, but whatever it is was strong enough for you two to lose your minds and elope after a few days together.” Gabe paused, leaning across the table toward him. “If she’s your sexual kryptonite, what do you think will happen living in such close proximity for over a week?”

      Nate could handle Annie. “Nothing is going to happen. I’ve learned my lesson, I assure you.”


      After Nate left, Annie finished unpacking and found herself at a loss for what to do. Her day had taken a radical turn since Nate interrupted her game, and she had far too much nervous energy running through her veins. The situation was nerve-racking, but Nate made it even worse. As usual, he’d managed to stir her suppressed arousal and send her libido into overdrive.

      She had an hour before dinner, so she opted for a hot shower and some fresh clothes. It had been a long flight from Miami.

      By the time she rounded the corner to the entrance of Carolina’s Restaurant, it was eight-thirty on the nose. The dark, romantic steak house was the jewel of the hotel’s restaurants. There was always an extensive waiting list for those wanting to propose or celebrate an anniversary. Nate and Annie had eaten there only once. It was here, among the candlelight and low, sultry music, that the idea of eloping had been conceived.

      Nate, ever punctual, was standing there waiting for her. He was preoccupied with his smartphone, typing something with his right thumb while his left hand anxiously jingled the keys and change in his pocket.

      Annie lingered, taking a moment to watch him while he was distracted. He typed for a few seconds and then laughed, scrolling with his thumb and shaking his head. This Nate was more like the man she remembered. His cocky, businessman veneer had been in place when he spoke to her earlier today. He’d constructed pretty high walls since she left. Annie didn’t blame him—she’d given him the bricks to build it—but she did miss the thoughtful, charming man she’d fallen for.

      She’d never tell him the truth, but she had been completely consumed by her attraction to Nate. Part of her still cared about him. It just didn’t change her decision. It had all been too much, too fast.

      Maybe it was her roaming Gypsy blood that kept her from settling down. Maybe it was her fiercely independent streak that wouldn’t stand for a man trying to control her. Annie didn’t know. But the first time Nate had scoffed at the idea of her traveling to a tournament, she could feel the constrictive hold choking her.

      Nate slipped the phone into his pocket and looked down at his watch impatiently. She couldn’t run this time if she ever wanted her freedom back. It was time to be man and wife for the crowds. Annie took a deep breath and prepared to begin her performance.

      “Hey, there, sexy.” Annie spoke loudly enough for those around them to hear as she strode quickly to him. Before he could react, she snaked a hand around his neck and tugged him down into a hello kiss.

      She had every intention of making it a quick peck for show, but once their lips touched, something stronger than she was held her there. Annie remembered the feeling... The sensation from her past that had nearly ruined her. She could feel the live current running through her body, every nerve awakened after years of dormancy.

      When the initial shock of her assault wore off, Nate did his part, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him. His mouth molded to her lips, just as her every curve did to his hard, angular body. They matched perfectly. It was such a natural feeling. It was how she imagined coming home would feel if she had one.

      It was only this thought that propelled her to pull away and push gently against the lapels of his dark gray Armani suit. This wasn’t home. This was a ruse. Nothing more.

      Nate released her lips but kept her body still and close. “Well, hello,” he whispered low, one eyebrow curiously raised at her.

      “Hello,” Annie responded, her voice weak with her own shallow, rapid breathing. She didn’t want him to know she still responded to him like this. Quickly, she searched for the words to convince them both it was only a part of the cover. “Was that convincing enough?”

      Nate’s dark eyes searched her face for a moment before he frowned slightly and released his grip on her waist. “Yes, quite. I see you’ve dedicated yourself to your new role.” His voice had returned to the polite and formal.

      Annie smiled sweetly and took his arm as he offered it. “I’m absolutely starving,” she said, effectively changing the subject.

      “I hope so. I’ve had Leo reserve a very romantic and very—” he leaned in to add the last part quietly “—public table for us.” They bypassed the crowd waiting to be seated and Nate gave a quick wave to Leo, the maître d’.

      “Good evening, Mr. Reed. Your table is ready for you and Mrs. Reed.” The tall, thin Asian man grabbed two menus and led them through the restaurant to a candlelit table for two in the center of the room. Leo pulled out Annie’s chair and seated her, placing both their napkins and providing the menu with the night’s selections. “Enjoy your meal and congratulations to you both.”

      When Leo disappeared, Annie felt the sudden weight of being alone with Nate in such a romantic setting. The first time they’d eaten there, he’d reserved a cozy table in a dark corner so they wouldn’t be disturbed. Now, although the table was still quite nice, it was out in the open where everyone would see them together. And apparently, the word was out about their marriage. Leo knew. It wouldn’t take long to spread.

      Nate reached across the table and took Annie’s hand. She had to remember not to jerk away and instead leaned into him.

      “You know, you did a very good job just now. Fooled even me for a moment,” he began, his voice soft as velvet. “Makes me feel better for falling for it last time. Sometimes I forget you’re a professional liar.”

      Annie tried to tug away from him, but his iron grasp held her tight. He glanced down at her hand, ignoring her quiet groans of protest. “You really need a manicure.” He murmured the casual insult like a lover’s words in her ear and released her.

      She forced a smile, gently untangling her fingers to take a sip of her water. “Well, it’s hard to keep up with the little things when you’re like me, always on the run.”

      “Indeed.” His dark eyes pierced her as sharply as his words, although the rest of his face and body language oozed nothing but adoration. She wasn’t the only one that excelled in deception. “I’ll send Julia up to the suite tonight. She works in the hotel salon.”


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