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his wife didn’t appear for evening visiting, he knew he couldn’t go on keeping his panic at bay. He couldn’t think without resurrecting the ache in his temples, and although he was allowed to get out of bed to go to the washroom, his legs were so shaky he was practically in a state of collapse when he returned.

      Where was she? Who was she? What if she wasn’t his wife at all, but some sicko who enjoyed making other people sweat? No, they’d said her name was Wolfe—Caitlin Wolfe—and that was his name. He had his passport to prove it, if nothing else.

      He slept badly in spite of the medication they insisted he swallow. And although his sleep was shallow, it was tormented by dreams. He had some crazy notion that he was looking in a mirror, but the man looking back at him wasn’t himself.

      He tried to shave the next morning. Designer stubble might look good on some hunk with a Miami tan, but on his pale face it just looked dirty. The trouble was, his hands shook so badly he ended up with a string of cuts, and his pallor wasn’t improved by so much blood.

      Still, what the hell, he thought, crawling back into bed, it wasn’t as if anyone cared how he looked. This morning he had no expectations of a visit from his “wife.” Whoever she was, she was keeping out of his way.

      Yet, lying there, he couldn’t help wondering what it was he’d seen in her face. He was convinced now he had seen something, and the thought occurred to him that she might have been afraid. But afraid of what? Of him? Of his condition? What kind of man had he been before the crash?

      He looked at his hands, examining them, as if the answer might be found within their trembling grasp. What if he was a violent man? A wife beater? Dear God, was that the reason she’d looked so—strained?

      Once again, the old fears threatened to overwhelm him. And once again, he managed to fight them back. Yet his sanity was in danger; he felt it. Even if he believed he wasn’t a violent man.

      He caught the man in the next bed watching him warily, and he realised he must look strange, staring at his hands. Thrusting them under the bedclothes, he offered the man a wry grimace. If he wasn’t careful, he’d prove what he was trying so hard to refute.

      Even so, another thought had occurred to him. His hands might not tell him what manner of man he was, but they did hold clues to the kind of work he’d done. His hands were hard, but he didn’t remember seeing any calluses, and his nails were free of oil and grease. Which pointed to the fact that he wasn’t a manual worker. Was it possible if he thought about an occupation he might have some success?

      He made a salutary effort to swallow the stew and greens they served at lunchtime. But the meat was tough, and the greens were floating in their own juice. He seemed to remember that hospital food was always unappetizing. Could that mean he’d been in hospital before?

      An hour later, he’d achieved no conclusions, either about his occupation or about whether he’d been in hospital before. It was like butting his head against a brick wall, which, come to think of it, was what it felt like had happened. His brain felt thick and mushy, just like soup.

      He elbowed himself into a sitting position. It was almost visiting time again. The man in the next bed hadn’t had a visitor the day before. In fact, he didn’t think he’d had any visitors at all. He turned to him, preparing some friendly remark of commiseration. And then saw the woman walking toward him down the ward.

      It was her.


      His wife!

      He swallowed convulsively and immediately wanted to go to the washroom again. Christ, he was like a kid, getting excited just because she was here. It wasn’t as if she was doing him any favours. For God’s sake, she was twenty-four hours late!

      But immediately on the heels of this came the awareness of his own shortcomings. He should have made an effort to improve his appearance while he had the chance. The nightshirt he was wearing was hospital issue. But what the hell! He usually slept in the raw.

      The question of how he knew that was overwhelmed by his delight at seeing her. For almost forty-eight hours, he’d lived in anticipation of this moment, and for all his brave attempts to motivate himself, he admitted he needed her now, probably more than ever before.


      Lisa Abbott stood at the sitting-room window of her fourth-floor apartment, watching the rain dancing on the balcony outside. The plastic table and chairs that furnished the small balcony were dripping with water, and it was hard to imagine now that she’d actually sunbathed from that very spot.

      Of course, that had been months ago, she acknowledged dourly. Since then, she had had plenty of time to complain about the English weather. Why didn’t it snow, for God’s sake, instead of this interminable rain? The dampness seemed to have invaded the apartment and seeped into her bones.

      Still, the weather mirrored her mood, she thought grimly, crossing her arms over her slim body. Was it really only weeks ago she had felt so optimistic about the future? She’d been so happy; so sure nothing could go wrong.

      Tears pricked at the back of her eyes. She should have known she was tempting fate. Oh, yes, she knew she should be grateful that Nathan was still alive, but why the hell hadn’t he phoned? His secretary had said he had been admitted to a New York hospital; no one knew when he’d be back, but for God’s sake, there had to be telephones there. Why hadn’t he gotten hold of one and rung her? Didn’t he care how she was feeling?

      She sniffed, shivering a little in the sheer satin teddy that was all she was wearing. She’d bought the garment just a week ago, anticipating Nathan’s reaction when he saw her in it. Now, it seemed it would be weeks before she was likely to find out. She didn’t even know how badly he’d been hurt.

      She’d worn the teddy today in an attempt to raise her spirits. It hadn’t worked, even though she had gained some satisfaction from the knowledge that she still looked remarkably good for her age. The close-fitting satin accentuated the full swell of her breasts and hugged the narrow contours of her hips. For a woman of thirty-nine, she was remarkably well-preserved.

      She sighed. If only there was something she could do, but her job at the casino meant she was virtually tied to staying put. Besides, it wouldn’t do for Carl to think they were trying to cheat him. If she went flying off to the States, he was bound to think the worst.

      Her teeth ground together at the thought of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that had literally gone up in smoke. She couldn’t be certain, of course, but it seemed highly unlikely that Nathan’s suitcase could have survived unscathed. He wouldn’t have carried it on board as hand luggage. The last thing he’d want to do was draw attention to it. No, like everyone else’s baggage in the hold, it would have been destroyed.

      Still, at least Nathan had survived. And Carl could hardly blame him because the plane had crashed. It was an accident, pure and simple. She just wished she could convince herself that he’d understand.

      That was why she’d called Carl and invited him to come over. She knew Nathan wouldn’t like it, but dammit, he didn’t have to know. He hadn’t bothered to try and reach her, and she was restless. She ran slightly unsteady fingers over her stomach and down to the moist cleft between her legs, shivering in anticipation. She was horny. Oh, God, was she horny! She needed a man—any man—tonight.

      If only Nathan’s secretary had been more friendly when she’d gotten up the courage to call his office. She’d suggested she contact Mrs Wolfe if she wanted any further information. Close-mouthed cow! Lisa wondered if she knew Nathan had a mistress. One thing was certain—she’d never get anything out of her.

      In the meantime, she had needs; she had priorities. Not the least of which was finding some more cash. Unfortunately, she’d speculated a little on Nathan’s expectations. Maybe Carl would be generous. He used to like her not so long ago.


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