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stood before him. “I need a hug. You’re right. I stayed up too late.”

      She slid into his embrace, as she had done throughout the years, but her arms slipped tighter around his neck and she lingered long enough to imprint her body on his. A bolt of lust pierced him. Then she breezed away as though nothing unusual had passed between them.

      He exhaled as she moved to the refrigerator. Maybe he was imagining it all. Without taking his gaze from her, he settled at the table. He’d follow her lead. What he’d do if she took him down the same path as his wayward mind he wasn’t sure, but the temptation of her forbidden fruit might prove more than he could resist.

      “How about eggs Benedict?” She glanced back at him as she bent low over the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The T-shirt rode up the back of her legs. Satiny, cream-colored panties teased him, hinting at the treasure guarded by her thighs.

      A small groan escaped him.

      Her eyebrows furrowed. She rubbed one hand over her hip, further exposing the sight of her covered mons for his view. “No? Maybe French toast, then?”

      Somehow, he managed to move his gaze to her face. “Whatever you want, Lauren.”

      The glow in her eyes intensified. “Eggs Benedict, then. I have a taste for something familiar but new.”

      His throat constricted, so he nodded his agreement, then closed his eyes as she finished rummaging through the fridge. He drew deep breaths and tried to relax the tightening in his groin. This was Lauren, familiar, yes, but definitely new and exciting this morning.

      Once he had his libido under control, he stirred himself to make coffee. Perhaps the task would busy his mind. She stood at the counter, whisking sauce in a bowl, and he leaned around her to reach the filters she kept in an overhead cabinet. He took advantage of the moment, fumbling with the filters, while he inhaled her warm scent. She smelled clean and earthy, without the trace of perfumes or soap.

      “Excuse me,” he said as he pulled a filter from the stack and bumped against her.

      “No problem.” Her gaze traveled over him again, and that same intriguing smile played at her lips.

      Once he got the coffee brewing he took his seat, trying to relax as she prepared their meal, her gaze drifting to him on occasion. She hummed softly to herself, and he savored the sight of her hips’ gentle sway. Mouthwatering scents filled the air as the coffee gurgled and Canadian bacon sizzled on the stove.

      “Taste.” She scooped sauce from a ladle with her finger, then held it to his lips.

      He met her gaze, his throat tightening. By the glint in her eyes, they were definitely charting new territory here. His rational side reeled from surprise, but his adventurous side refused to quell its curiosity.

      He drew her finger into his mouth, laving the sauce from her skin. She withdrew her finger, then dipped it again into the ladle.

      This time, she took it into her own mouth, closing her eyes as she slowly withdrew it. “Mmm, it’s hollandaise, with a twist. I put a secret something in it, something I got from my new recipe book.”

      “It’s decadent.”

      Her eyes sparkled. “According to the recipe, the real secret is in how you eat the meal.”

      With deft movements, she spooned the sauce over one plate, covering the layers of English muffin, Canadian bacon and eggs. Her teeth worried her bottom lip as she returned with the dish to his side, but her eyes remained bright. “You see, in this particular cookbook, they recommend sharing.”

      “I like to share.”

      Blood rushed through his ears. Was this really happening? She stood so close that he couldn’t resist the urge to slide his hand along the back of her thigh.

      Her eyes widened slightly, and her breath stirred her lovely bosom, but she made no attempt to pull away. “Well, then, it says we should start like this.”

      Lauren drew a deep breath. Excitement flowed through her. Balancing the plate, she straddled his lap. She’d dreamed of this last night. The dream still clung to her as she faced this flesh-and-blood Adam, his eyes brimming with interest.

      She hadn’t been mistaken. He wanted her. Adam was her secret admirer.

      “This is all rather sudden, but so far I heartily approve of this new cookbook.”

      “Of course you do.” She gave him a pointed look.

      “Silverware seems to be an option,” she murmured, pinching off a bite of the eggs. After setting the plate aside, she faced him again. Cupping her other hand to catch the dripping sauce, she held the morsel to his lips.

      His gaze never left hers as he took the bite, then chewed slowly. “Eggs Benedict has never tasted this good.”

      Lifting her hand to her own mouth, he urged, “Taste.”

      She drew her fingers into her mouth, savoring the creamy taste and the shiver of awareness passing between them. Spatters of the sauce dotted her other hand, as well. “I forgot napkins.”

      Before she could move away he took her hand, bringing it to his lips. “Allow me.” With deft strokes, he licked the drips of hollandaise from her palm.

      Her heart quickened with each stroke of his tongue, filling her with confidence. “And you have a bit of sauce…”

      Every nerve in her body stood alert as she leaned forward to skim her lips along the corner of his mouth. She flicked her tongue over the dab of hollandaise.

      He angled his head. For one heart-rending moment, their breaths mingled, expectation hovering over them. Then he pressed his mouth to hers. Time stood still as he opened to her. The tang of the sauce melted from his tongue to hers.

      Her breasts pressed against his chest. She shifted on his lap, stirring that part of him that had filled her dream with pleasure. Heat spiraled through her. He skimmed his hands up her sides as his tongue stroked hers with an intensity that sparked a hunger she had never known.

      She broke the kiss, pulling back to gaze at him as she drew deep breaths. His pupils had dilated and his eyes glowed with sexual hunger. His lips beckoned, lush and inviting.

      With a small groan, she leaned back into him, mating her mouth once more to his. She shifted again, giving him better access as his hands slid up over her rib cage. Desire burned in her as his thumbs traced the lower swells of her breasts, then found their taut buds. He teased them until she squirmed against him, pressing her cleft to his hardness.

      She drew back, her breasts heaving. Then her gaze fell on the clock mounted on the wall behind him. Alarm raced up her spine. “Oh my God.”

      He cupped her bottom and pressed her closer. “I know. Why haven’t we done this before? It’s incredible.”

      All that work on those flyers, and she was already behind schedule. “Yes, no, I mean…it’s eleven-thirty. I have to go.”


      Her gaze swerved back to him. “The post office closes in half an hour. I should have mailed those flyers yesterday.”


      “I’ve got to get dressed. I’m so sorry.”

      She pressed a quick peck to his cheek, scrambled off of him, then dashed toward the stairs. If she skipped her shower, she might make it in time.

      “Wait!” His chair scraped the floor as he bolted after her.

      A wave of guilt stopped her on the bottom stair. She pivoted to face him. “Adam—”

      “Do I have an overactive imagination, or did we just get hot and heavy in there?” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

      Her traitorous body melted against him. “Um, yes, we got hot and heavy in there.”

      His eyes rounded in disbelief.

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