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like you’re going to need my services, after all,” he drawled.

      Lacey’s pulse reacted immediately. If he only knew.

      Sensing those tropical water eyes on her, Lacey glanced at him. His expression held a heat that made her breath catch, and she knew in that instant that he was interested in her. Then he looked away, his features shuttered.

      “Do—do you know what’s wrong with the engine?” she asked, clearing her throat against the sudden restriction she felt there.

      “Why don’t I show you?”

      Climbing out of the car, he indicated she should precede him, and her nerves jumped when he placed a hand at the small of her back to guide her. Just that light touch of his fingers seemed to burn through the thin fabric of her cotton dress. A tiny shiver rippled through her. She felt strange, all fluttery and anxious, and her heartbeat pulsed loudly in her ears. She felt shivery, yet flushed with heat. And all because this man had touched her.

      He leaned over her engine compartment and flicked his flashlight into its dark interior. He spoke, and she listened to the warm, rich tones of his voice even as she admired the fit of his jeans across his backside. She envisioned those leanly muscled orbs cupped in the palms of her hands.

      The next moment she was appalled. What was wrong with her? She was acting like a moonstruck teenager. It wasn’t as if she’d never been this close to a gorgeous guy before. She’d had relationships. Okay, so she hadn’t been intimate with anyone on any level in several years, and she was probably more than a little sexually frustrated. But between her job and her mother’s nearly constant vigilance, she hadn’t had an opportunity to develop any relationships, meaningful or otherwise. But here she was, with nobody to tell her what she could or couldn’t do. While she didn’t think she’d reached the point where she would jump the first attractive stranger she encountered, it was a wonderful feeling to know that she could, provided the stranger was also willing.

      With a start, she realized the stranger had stopped talking and was watching her, resting one hip against the frame of the car, arms crossed casually over his chest as he waited for her to return to earth.

      “Sorry,” she mumbled. “You were saying?”

      He grinned then, slowly, as if he knew exactly what she had been thinking. “I was saying that it looks like you have an abrasion in the insulation of the wiring harness.”

      “Oh.” Lacey looked at him blankly. “What does that mean?”

      The indents in those lean cheeks deepened. “Well, when the wiring isn’t seated right, there’s too much friction and an abrasion can occur, resulting in a hot spot.” He eased himself away from the car and took a step toward Lacey. “When that happens,” he said slowly, his voice languid and dark, “the wiring can overheat, melting everything right back to the driveshaft.”

      Lacey blinked. Her cheeks grew warm. “Really.” She slid her gaze away from the sudden heat in those translucent eyes. “A hot spot, huh?”

      “Mm-hmm. You’re definitely going to need my services.”

      Turning away, Lacey pressed a palm against her chest and forced herself to breathe normally. “Okay, then. It’s a rental car, so whatever’s wrong with it, they can fix it. I’ll call the rental agency and let them know where they can collect it.” She drew in a steadying breath before turning back to face him. “Should I pay you now, or let the rental agency pay you when they come to get the car?”

      He shrugged. “Let them pay for it. Here, I’ll give you a business card.”

      She watched as he strode over to the tow truck and began rummaging around inside the cab. He swore softly. “I know they’re in here somewhere. Aha!” He came back and handed her a small card. “Give this number to the rental agency.”

      Lacey glanced at the card. There was the business name, Sully’s Towing Service, but not his first name. Pushing down her disappointment, she looked back up at him. “Thanks. If you’ll wait just a moment, I’ll get my things out of the car.”

      She popped the trunk release and was hauling her presentation materials and the case that contained STAR out, when he leaned in through the driver’s door and across the seat. She paused for a moment, peeking around the trunk to admire his ass. When he finally straightened, she realized he was holding her lingerie and carry-on bag in one hand, and her little pocketbook in the other.

      “You don’t want to forget these.”

      The delicate satin panties looked ridiculously fragile in his large hand, and she had a sudden image of him sliding them slowly down over her hips. Her eyes flew to his. Those mesmerizing dimples were back again as he handed her belongings to her.

      Taking the items wordlessly from him, she struggled to lift the heavy case out of the trunk when he reached in and took it easily from her hands. Then, lifting her presentation case in his other hand, he strode over to the tow truck and tossed them both into the cargo area behind the seats.

      “What are you doing?”

      He gave her a smile that sent her heart lurching. “I’m taking you home.”

      Her voice, when she finally found it, came out as no more than a squeak. “You’re what?”

      “Well, I wouldn’t feel right leaving you in a deserted parking lot,” he said, running a hand over his crop of short hair and managing to look endearingly concerned. “So unless somebody’s already on their way to pick you up, I’ll run you wherever you need to go.” He gave her a questioning look.

      Logically, Lacey knew that what he said made sense. He couldn’t leave her here, without a way to get back to the motel. But his words still caused her imagination to surge.

      “No,” she finally managed. “There’s nobody coming to get me. I’m only here for a few days.”

      “Ah,” he said meaningfully. “Well then, why don’t you hop into the cab and I’ll hook the car up.”

      Hesitating only briefly, Lacey did as he suggested, sliding past him as he held the door open and taking his proffered hand to hitch herself up onto the bench seat. His skin was warm, his fingers strong and sure as they closed over her own.

      She watched him as he came around to the driver’s side and pulled himself up behind the wheel. Mere inches away from her, in the confined space of the cab his presence was overwhelming, the sheer maleness of him assailing her senses.

      Suddenly, he turned toward her on the bench seat, one arm sliding along the seat back behind her shoulders as he craned to peer through the rear window and align the truck up with her car. Lacey’s nostrils flared. She could smell him. A clean scent of male sweat and soap. She realized she had only to turn her face and her lips would brush along the smooth bulge of his biceps where they rested on the back of the seat.

      Rigid, Lacey clutched her overnight bag with both hands and forced herself to look straight ahead, but found herself staring at his thighs. They were lean and well-muscled beneath the close-fitting blue jeans. She swallowed. His hand on the steering wheel was strong, with long, tapered fingers and neat, clean nails. She noted he wore no rings and felt an unreasonable sense of relief. Sliding a sideways glance at him as he maneuvered the tow truck into position, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about her.

      COLE MACKINNON COULD scarcely believe his good fortune as he jumped down from the cab and began the process of hitching the car to the tow truck. He’d been back in Black Stone Gap for less than two days and had stopped by Sully’s garage that night on a whim. They’d been kicking back with a cold beer when the call had come in. Sully, his longtime buddy, had been on another line so Cole had automatically picked up the second phone when it began to ring off the hook. He’d helped Sully out before so it was no big deal when he’d offered to tow this one in. He actually enjoyed playing the Good Samaritan. But when the headlights of the truck had first swung over the car, he’d been nearly speechless at the sight of

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