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any woman, ever.

      Shrugging, she was already heading for the steps. “Already forgotten,” she said brightly. “I’m just going to head on up to bed. Plane rides aren’t my favorite so I didn’t get a lot of rest last night from worrying about it. I know it should probably feel earlier to me, still, I’m tired. What time are we heading to the casino in the morning?”

      Brock was right behind her, after switching off the only lights they’d used on the downstairs level. He’d locked the house up while she cleaned the countertops in the kitchen. Watching her bottom as she leaned over the granite top had become more than a little uncomfortable so he’d opted for some space. Now, however, with her standing on the step above him, he was afforded yet another gracious view of her gorgeous body.

      It should be a sin, he told himself when he’d seen her for the first time at the airport. A sin and a shame that God created such a beautifully enticing woman. Keeping his hands off her was not a viable option, Brock finally decided.

      “I thought we could tour St. Michaels, then head back up the coast toward Easton and the construction site. I’ve asked Kent and Josette to meet us there around noon.”

      “That sounds good,” she said, and began walking up the stairs.

      Brock followed with his eyes glued to the alluring sway of her hips, the generous curve of her bottom. She had long legs with meaty thighs. Brock was definitely into women who had some meat on their bones. Although thin might be in for some, he preferred having something solid to hold on to in bed.

      Noelle Vincent was definitely solid. With her height she was evenly proportioned, with curves and thickness that had his mouth watering. It had been quite some time since he’d had such a strong physical reaction to a woman. According to Kent, way too long. He’d have to thank Linc for sending him this surprise package.

      The mere thought of Linc and this project brought forth questions of whether or not it was wise to cross the line with Noelle. A couple of hours ago he’d been worried about her holding up the project, but not in this way. As with everything else in his life, Brock liked to play his cards close to the vest. So he vowed that the inevitable seduction of the enticing Noelle Vincent would be slow, drawn out and extremely pleasing.

      With that out of the way the question still remained: How would making a move on Noelle play against their casino business? Generally speaking, people who were working together didn’t do well in relationships. But because Brock clearly wasn’t looking for a relationship, she was fair game.

      That’s where his thoughts were leaning when she stopped in front of the door to the guest room he’d told her was hers. He’d left her bags in there earlier but hadn’t been paying much attention to walking so when she stopped he bumped into her.

      “Slow down,” she said, turning and placing both her palms on his chest to stop him.

      As their bodies touched, something inside Brock clicked as if falling right into place. “Sorry about that,” he said immediately but couldn’t make himself take a step backward, a step away from her.

      “I’d say you were intoxicated but I know you only had an iced tea with dinner. Which was very tasty, by the way. Jade was impressed by a man that could cook. I’ll have to tell her that you did the job very well.”

      He chuckled, and Noelle felt little twinges in her stomach. He hadn’t laughed once during dinner. It was a nice sound, deep and rich. His eyes crinkled ever so slightly at the corners when he did and she figured he obviously didn’t laugh often. Pity, she thought.

      Brock Remington was a very nice-looking man, with his bronzed skin and close-cut dark brown hair. The strong bone structure of his face could be presumed as intimidating, but Noelle thought it showed strength and endurance. His eyes were a light shade of brown, not as light as hers but certainly not as dark as his hair. He had a great body—she’d already checked that out when they were downstairs—and his attire was casual yet attractive. Jeans and Timberland boots had never looked so good on a man to her before. His Ralph Lauren polo shirt was a summery shade of coral, which was a great accent to his complexion. In short, he was quite a tasty morsel to look at. If one were looking, that is.

      “You talked to your sister about me already?”

      He was more than in her space, backing her up against the door. Surely this was inappropriate…but that didn’t stop it from feeling good.

      “She called earlier and asked how things were going. I told her you were being very hospitable.”

      “Even though at that point I wasn’t?”

      Noelle waved a hand. “I told you that was already forgotten. I may have been a little out of line. Sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain. It’s a horrible habit that’s gotten me into lots of trouble.”

      He cocked his head to the side, his eyes fixated on the mouth she spoke of. “Trouble, huh? I can just imagine.”

      Right there, in that hallway where they stood, the temperature seemed to rise another fifty degrees, so that tiny beads of sweat had begun to form in the valley between her breasts. That, coupled with his proximity and the timbre his voice had lowered to when he’d just spoken gave Noelle a slight start. If she didn’t know better she’d think…

      Before she could actually finish that thought, his hand was cupping the nape of her neck, pulling her the half step closer that landed her chest flush against his.

      “It’s such a pretty mouth. When I look at it I can only imagine good things,” he said gruffly.

      This wasn’t right, some distant voice spoke in the back of her mind. This wasn’t what she was here for. And yet she’d seemed to fit against his strong body so perfectly. His mouth somehow knowing exactly how to work hers. Her thighs quivered as in her mind’s eye she could see them together, naked, rolling over a big bed, bodies entwined with one goal in mind—pleasure, mindless, earth-shattering pleasure.

      That part moved fast, going into a blur and then there was nothing…once more, for Noelle, there was nothing left.

      Her brain attempted to protest and had just sent the message to her mouth, which had opened to do its bidding, when bam!

      His lips touched hers, his tongue slipping quickly inside, stroking hers until the heat that surrounded them was transferred directly into her body. From his lips to hers the fire climbed, swarming through her body until her arms were instinctively lifting, wrapping around his neck as his moved to her waist, slipping farther to cup her bottom.

      And there she was, back pressed against the bedroom door, his strong hands lifting her until only the tips of her toes touched the floor. She felt trapped, absorbed and terribly aroused all at once. The dance of his tongue around hers made her dizzy, but she didn’t miss a step, opening her mouth wider, tilting her head to take him deeper.

      Brock groaned, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her backside. She felt so good against him this had to be a crime or an explicit-as-hell dream. She was kissing him back, this pretty woman he’d just met. Kissing him with a hunger that matched his own.

      His erection pounded against his zipper, demanding release. He ground into her, lifting her off the floor, letting his hands move down to her thighs to wrap their solid length around his waist.

      Her center was flush against his erection. His hips jerked instinctively. Full breasts pressed against his chest and the blood pounded fiercely in Brock’s ears.

      Then she made an indecipherable sound, and through the haze of desire he felt her struggling to break free of his grasp. The word no echoed in his mind, even though he knew she couldn’t possibly have said anything because his lips were still devouring hers. Still, her palms pressing urgently against his chest and her thighs trying to squirm down from him could mean only one thing. Without the conscious consent of his body, his mind roared for him to stop. And when that message finally filtered through, Brock released her completely, taking a step back.

      Noelle fell backward against the door with a thump but miraculously remained

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